The High Vibe Guide

27. Romanticise Your Life: Infusing Joy into Your Day

Jenna Miller Season 1 Episode 27

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Imagine transforming mundane moments into magical experiences.  What if I told you your dreaded work commute could be the best part of your day?  Tune in to this episode of the High Vibe Guide, where I share my journey from negativity to joy by romanticising everyday life.  I'll walk you through how small mindset shifts can turn your routine into a series of delightful adventures, from savouring your morning coffee to finding excitement in the smallest tasks.

Discover practical tips and real-life examples that will inspire you to see the beauty in the ordinary.  Learn how to wake up each day with a smile and a sense of wonder, even in the face of life's challenges. I'm here to show you that with a bit of effort and a change in perspective, you too can start living your most vibrant and joyful life.  Join me on this transformative journey and let’s find the magic in the mundane together.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think. Welcome back to the High Vibe Guide. If you've landed landed here today, you can be sure in knowing that it is for a reason. Here together, I want to inspire you to live your best life, your most vibrant life. As a recovering negative thinker myself at a proper negative n I am coming at you from a place of pure compassion. I'm like the friend who sincerely cares about your happiness and hates to see you not making the most out of your time here on this planet. And everything I talk about here comes from pure, honest, personal experience. I was a completely different person a year ago and I want to share with you how I have made this change, how I now wake up each day with a smile, excited for the day ahead, and how it all comes down to our mindset. And the very simple thing about mindset is that we are in control of it 100%. I do not care what anyone says about this. It's true. We have a choice. We can choose to carry on with negative thought patterns, missing out on the amazing stuff that is all around us, or we can choose to flip that switch, to want to start feeling more joy and contentment in life. Just that decision alone can make a huge difference. So to all my listeners, welcome back. It's so good to be with you here again today. It's like I can feel you all here with me in my living room. And to anyone new who's landed here today, welcome. If this is your very first time tuning in, I would recommend you go back and listen to my first few episodes, at least just the very first one. You'll get a real feel for me and this podcast and what you can expect every week on the High Vibe Guide, but I am really glad to have you here. Welcome week on the High Vibe Guide, but I am really glad to have you here.

Speaker 1:

Welcome Today. I am coming at you short and sweet or hard and fast, however you want to look at it, but I'm diving into a topic that's all about transforming your everyday experiences into something truly magical, so let's get into it. Have you ever heard the phrase to start romanticising your life. Well, that is exactly what we're going to talk about here today, because, you see, when you start believing that your morning commute is fun and wholesome, even, that every cup of coffee is the best you've ever had, and that even the smallest, most mundane things are exciting and new, that is when you truly start living. That is when you look forward to every single day. So let me break this down Before we go any further.

Speaker 1:

Romanticising your life is not about ignoring the challenges or pretending that everything is perfect. It goes beyond that and it's something far more important and far more simple. It's about shifting your perspective and finding joy in the little things. It's about seeing the beauty in the ordinary and finding magic in the mundane. Imagine this instead of dreading your morning commute. Imagine this Instead of dreading your morning commute. What if you saw it as a little adventure?

Speaker 1:

Now, I've been there on the commute train, quite literally. I used to live in Maidenhead, in Berkshire, and I used to get the train every morning into London, paddington, and then the tube to Barbican where I used to work. Then, when I lived in London, I used to get the DLR from my place in East India. It was right opposite, the O2, and then I'd walk from Bank to Barbican. And anyone that lives in London or has ever lived in London sometimes living there doesn't mean your commute gets any easier or any shorter. But I have been there in the humdrum of that everyday commute to work.

Speaker 1:

Whether it's peeing with rain or you can't breathe on the tube when it's the height of summer, the commute is never the highlight of anyone's day. But what if it could be? Maybe it's the time you get to listen to your favourite podcast, wink wink, or it's your chance to read a really good book. Maybe it's your chance to notice something much more simple than that and often something taken for granted To notice the changing seasons, the way the light hits the buildings or the interesting people that you see along the way. And what about that cup of coffee? Rather than rushing through it, take a moment to savour it, appreciate the rich aroma, the warmth of the cup in your hands, the taste that awakens your senses in the morning, and Treat it like a special little ritual, a little act of self-care. Because when you start seeing your coffee break as a highlight of your day, it becomes so much more than just a caffeine fix. By changing the narrative in your mind, you turn a very simple, routine thing into a delightful part of your day.

Speaker 1:

Take your mind to all those movies traditionally the rom-coms I'm talking about here and you tend to see someone's commute to work almost in like a little montage format. You know they're grabbing their cup of coffee from their regular cafe they go to every day, they say good morning to the janitor or the ticket holder at the station and it's all very joyous, it's all very quaint. See if you can hear the kind of music that's playing behind this scene of the movie. It's upbeat or it's just happy, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

I think so often we can romanticise someone else's life, especially ones we see in movies, and not just their life but their routines, the normal, the mundane, everyday parts of their life. If you see someone else smiling through these parts of their day, you get this glimpse into that person's life and most likely you'll envision them having this lovely, incredibly happy and fulfilled, contented life. Why? Because you see them being happy in these small moments, most probably the most mundane part of their day. I think we can very easily put those rose-tinted glasses on and see that the grass is always greener, but what we aren't always good at is bringing joy into those parts of our lives for ourselves, and those of you that are here with me every week will not be surprised to hear what I think this mainly comes down to.

Speaker 1:

For me, it's quite simple it comes down to gratitude. Gratitude can be something quite difficult to get the hang of, especially when you've been inside negative thought patterns for a while. But when you do start to get the hang of it and you're able to feel it more and more, you just feel it all the time everywhere. It's this magical combination of attracting more amazing things and experiences towards you, as well as opening up your awareness to the wonderful things that are always around you, that are already there, and especially in relation to what we're talking about today. With gratitude on your side, you are able to romanticise every single part of your day, even the most mundane of tasks, even the things that you hate doing.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about those everyday tasks, whether it's washing the dishes, folding the laundry which is my hate, by the way or taking the bins out that's also my hate. These can be opportunities to practice mindfulness. I've talked about this before, but practice mindfulness as well as gratitude. It's called a mindfulness practice and a gratitude practice for a reason because it does take practice. It can take some work, but if you're using these things as a mindfulness exercise, things as a mindfulness exercise, notice the textures, the sounds, the rhythm of your movements. Hey, maybe even put on your favourite music, dance a little, make it fun. When you inject a sense of playfulness and presence into these moments, they become so much less of a chore and so much more of a joy, and you can then inject gratitude into these tasks so much more easily.

Speaker 1:

Folding the laundry I can now make myself aware of how lucky I am that my family have clothes, that I have a washing machine, that I have hot running water to wash them with. It even spirals from here and just keeps going. I can then feel gratitude for the fact that I have these children of mine, a husband, all of whom I love more than life itself. And yes, there are some days I'm not going to to lie, where I can sit there silently seething at having to wash everyone else's clothes, thinking they're all inconsiderate and lazy monsters incapable of doing anything for themselves. But but there has to be a but. The honest truth is that I know these years will fly by when they actually need me to do things like this for them. And even though I have those days where I dream about my freedom, about a quiet and tidy, clean house, I know that all too soon it will feel too quiet and that I will be the one seeking their company, rather than the other way around. And look, if you're having a really bad day right now or you're in the thick of sleepless nights and you've got pooey nappies coming out of your ears, then I know me saying something like oh, you'll miss it one day, you know makes you want to punch me in the face. I know this and can empathise with this because I have been there.

Speaker 1:

When I got pregnant with Darcy, my youngest, I was barely holding it together as it was. Teddy was seven months old, josh was six, and it was a total shock and people left, right and center just kept saying to me well, think of all the people who struggle to get pregnant, count yourself lucky. And it honestly just made me livid. I felt rage and just like I wasn't allowed to be heard. I wasn't allowed to say I don't want this, I don't want it right now, I am not ready, and I just wanted to tell those people to go and do one. Quite simply put and it was only when I told one person in the supermarket I was very newly pregnant, still kind of in shock, and this person reacted in just the way I needed them to. She said, oh, jenna, fuck. And it was all the validation I needed, because sometimes you do just need to be heard. You need people to know that it's not okay.

Speaker 1:

So, before I digress too far, I do completely understand if what I'm saying is not resonating with you today for that reason, but honestly, some days I do feel like that. I am overwhelmed with life and all I dream about is when my days will be quieter. But what I'm getting at today is those mundane areas of your life that you cannot change, that you have to do. You have to commute to work, you have to do the laundry, you have to change the bedsheets, you have to empty the dishwasher or wash dishes, you've got to read countless bloody bedtime stories. So if you have to do these things, whatever these things are for you and you can't get out of them, why not make them more enjoyable? Because the simple fact is and the science behind this is, the more of your day that you spend feeling happier, more joyful, more fulfilled and contented. The healthier you will be, the more positive you will feel, the more resilience you will have, the less stressed you will be, the better you will sleep, your relationships will be enhanced. I could go on all day.

Speaker 1:

The more we are able to shift our perspective and see good in the world, good in our own world, the better our lives will be. And the truth is, life is made up of all of these small moments. So when you start romanticizing your life, you begin to appreciate the beauty in the ordinary. You create this sense of excitement and anticipation for each day. And this shift in perspective doesn't just make you happier, it also makes you more present and more grateful and more alive.

Speaker 1:

So I challenge you to start romanticising your life today. Find the magic in your morning routine, savour your meals, celebrate the little victories and treat each moment as a precious gift. What are the actual odds of you being here on this earth at this moment in time? It really is incalculable how small those odds are. It's a miracle, really, because when you do start to romanticise your life, you'll find that life isn't just something that you get through, it's something that you get to truly experience and enjoy. You get to do that. So I told you it was short and sweet today, guys. I told you it was short and sweet today, guys. All hard and fast, but thank you. That's it for me today. Send me a message if that makes sense for you today, if something's clicked, let me know what part of your day that you're going to try and romanticize. Remember, you can now subscribe to the high vibe guide for very specially crafted guided meditations, all created by me, by moi, to help you get a jump start on your meditation journey. You know by now that I am a huge advocate for meditation. It has completely changed my life and I'm only sad I didn't start it sooner.

Speaker 1:

Link is at the very beginning of this episode description. You will also find my contact details there if you would like to get in touch. I love hearing from every single one of you, so please do not hesitate. Thank you for joining me today. Leave me a review, share it with your friends. Let's spread these high vibes far and wide. Until next time, keep living your most vibrant life. Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on instagram at the high vibe dot guide. Get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the high vibe guide.