The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Confidence and Self-Assurance

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

Step into your inner sanctuary with this guided meditation on building confidence and self-assurance. In this serene journey, you'll be gently guided to embrace your inherent worth and unique strengths. 

Through calming breathwork and soothing visualisations, you'll release self-doubt and cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and empowerment. Let go of limiting beliefs as you connect with your inner wisdom and affirm your ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence. 

Rediscover the radiant, confident essence within you and step forward into the world with renewed assurance and self-belief.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome to your guided meditation for building self-confidence and self-assurance. Practice this meditation whenever you feel doubt within yourself, whenever you need reminding of your strength and the incredible feats that only you are capable of achieving. You really do possess more strength than you know, and I believe wholeheartedly that you have the power to take the world by storm. There is truly no one else like you. Before we begin, find a comfortable, quiet place where you can sit or lie down without disturbance. You might also want to use headphones to block out any external noise. Allow your body to relax into your chosen position and gently close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold for a moment and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Breathe in fully, hold and release slowly. Again. Breathe, in, hold and release. As you do this, feel the tension drain from your body. Feel the relaxation spreading right from the top of your head down to the very tips of your toes toes as you continue to breathe deeply and slowly. Imagine a warm, glowing light surrounding you, not yet in contact with your body, but surrounding you closely. Surrounding you closely, this light represents positivity, confidence and self-assurance. It's warm, powerful and golden white in color. With each breath in, you can see this light getting brighter and warmer. On your next breath in, you now feel its gentle warmth starting to enter your body through your skin, spreading through you, filling you with calm and comfort. Now, as you keep breathing in this light, focus on your breath and the sensation of your body relaxing With each inhale, absorb the light's confidence, strength and positivity and, with each exhale, release self-doubt, stress and negativity. Stress and negativity. Really feel how your mind and body are becoming more centered and at ease with each breath you take. I'd now like you to imagine a place where you feel completely at peace and secure. This could be a real location or something from your imagination, anywhere you like. As you visualize this place, notice the details. What does it look like? What sounds do you hear? How does it make you feel? Allow yourself to become fully immersed in this place, settling in to this feeling of calm and serenity, knowing that you feel safe. Envision yourself standing in this place and start to open your awareness to a pathway ahead of you leading to a door, opportunities and the realization of your full potential.

Speaker 2:

With your next breath in, you start to slowly walk towards the door and, as you do, you notice a key in your hand. This key represents your inner strength, your belief in yourself and your confidence. Look at this key now in your hand and notice all of its little details. What color is it? What shape? Are there any intricate designs or details? Are there any intricate designs or details?

Speaker 2:

Take a moment to recognize that this key symbolizes your unique talents, strong and worthy. As you hold this key in your hand, with your next breath in, you feel a surge of confidence flowing through you. Every challenge you face, every opportunity that comes your way, you have the power to unlock it and succeed. With this new sense of empowerment, now see yourself using the key to open the door. As the door opens, you see another path ahead. This path represents your journey through life, filled with opportunities, growth and success.

Speaker 2:

Step through the door and onto this path, feeling strong and empowered, and empowered, fully aware of the strength and confidence you now possess. With each step you continue to take on this path, know that you are capable of achieving great things. As you continue to walk, notice the positive energy surrounding you and know that this energy comes from within. It is your inner confidence guiding you, supporting you and encouraging you to be the best version of yourself, that part of you that is unwavering, all-knowing and always at peace. With each step, feel this energy growing stronger, filling you with self-assurance and determination.

Speaker 2:

Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, allow any lingering doubts or fears to dissolve. You are ready to embrace the challenges ahead with confidence and courage. Slowly bring your awareness back to your breath. Notice how calm and centered you feel. Take another deep breath in and then gently exhale, and, when you feel ready, open your eyes, feeling refreshed, confident and ready to take on the world. Remember this feeling of confidence is always within you and you can return to this meditation whenever you need to remind yourself of your inner strength. You are strong, you are capable, you are capable and you are confident. Now step into this world and make your mark. You have a light unique only to you, that no one else has the ability to shine. Thank you, you.