The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Calm and Serenity

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

Welcome to your journey towards inner peace and tranquility.  In today's guided meditation, you will be gently led through a series of calming visualisations designed to release tension and foster a deep sense of serenity.

As you follow my voice, you'll learn to quiet your mind, relax your body, and immerse yourself in a state of profound calm. Perfect for reducing stress and finding balance, this meditation is your sanctuary for reconnecting with your inner calm and nurturing a serene spirit.

Join me, breathe deeply, and let go of all worries as you embrace the peaceful essence within.

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, welcome to your very own guided meditation for creating calm and serenity. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and let's begin this journey to tranquility together and take this moment to settle into your chosen position. Whether you're seated or lying down, make sure your spine is straight and your body can relax. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely, holding for a moment and exhaling slowly, feeling your body begin to relax with each breath. Now simply allow your breath to return to its natural rhythm. Notice the sensation of the air entering and leaving your body. Feel the rise and fall in your belly as thoughts come into your mind. Acknowledge them and gently let them go, bringing your focus back to the breath.

Speaker 1:

Imagine each inhale bringing in a deeper sense of calm and each exhale releasing any tension. Now take your attention to your toes, feel them soften and relax. Then move your attention to your feet, then your ankles, releasing any tension you might be holding onto there through your calves, the knees, the thighs, the hips, the abdomen, chest, back, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and finally, the head, allowing all tightness to melt away, leaving you feeling more relaxed and calm, silently in your head. Take yourself to a calm and peaceful place, a sanctuary where you feel completely safe and at ease. What does this place look like for you? Could it be a forest, a beach, a meadow, maybe a particular place in your home? Wherever or whatever place this may be, picture it vividly using all of your Hear, the gentle sounds around you, smell the air and see the beauty all around you. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the serenity of this environment.

Speaker 1:

In this place, I'm going to ask you to locate a specific anchor that represents peace and calm to you. It could be a tree, a stone, a stream or any object that feels grounding. Focus on this anchor and let its calm energy flow into you. Imagine it filling your entire body with a warm, soothing light, bringing with it a deep sense of relaxation. Now take this next moment to reflect on anything that has been causing you stress or worry lately. Acknowledge the feelings that show up when you reflect on this thing. Observe the feelings and the emotions that arise without judgment and as you breathe in now, imagine gathering all this tension in your arms and, with your next exhale, release it. Let it dissolve into the air around you and, with each following exhale, visualize these concerns floating away, leaving you to feel lighter and more at ease. Now silently repeat the following affirmations with me, allowing them to resonate with you I am calm and at peace. I release all tension and embrace serenity. I am surrounded by tranquility and grace.

Speaker 1:

Really feel the truth of these words settling into your mind and your heart and now just allow yourself to simply be in this moment, embrace the stillness and the peace within you. There is nothing you need to do, nowhere you need to do, nowhere you need to go. Just be here now, in this space of calm and serenity, and, when you feel ready, slowly start to bring your awareness back to your surroundings, feel the surface beneath you and notice the sounds around you. Gently wiggle your fingers and your toes, take a deep breath in and slowly release, becoming fully aware and present in the room now and open your eyes. Becoming fully aware and present in the room now and open your eyes, take a moment to appreciate this new calm state of being that you've created for yourself and carry this sense of peace with you as you go about your day and remember you can return to this calm place within you whenever you need to Thank you for joining me.