The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION - A Gentle Introduction to Mindfulness

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

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Ever wondered how being fully present can transform your daily life? 

Welcome to this gentle introduction to mindfulness.  In this session, we will embark on a soothing journey designed to help you cultivate a sense of presence and awareness.  Through a series of calming exercises, you'll learn to focus on your breath, observe your thoughts without judgment, and embrace the present moment with a compassionate heart. 

This meditation is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to reconnect with a peaceful state of mind. Join us as we explore the simplicity and serenity of being fully present, one breath at a time.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation to introduce yourselves to mindfulness calmly, gently, without expectations. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the present moment with an open and non-judgmental attitude. It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment, instead of getting caught up in the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness encourages us to experience each moment as it comes, with a sense of curiosity and acceptance. As we move into our meditation practice today, I invite you to embrace the present moment with openness and kindness. Allow yourself to fully engage with each breath and sensation in the body and to let go of any expectations or judgments. And to let go of any expectations or judgments. This is your time to connect with yourself and cultivate a sense of peace and clarity. Find a comfortable seated position, either on a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or sitting cross-legged on a cushion. Sit up tall with your spine straight but not rigid, and gently close your eyes. Start by taking a few deep breaths, inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill completely, and then exhale slowly through the mouth. Repeat this a few times, letting each breath bring you more into the present moment, inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth. Now let your breath return to its natural rhythm. Simply observe your breathing without trying to change it. Notice the sensation of the air entering and leaving your nostrils. Feel your chest and belly rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. Allow your breath to be an anchor keeping you grounded in the present moment. And now bring your attention to the body, starting at the very top of your head. We'll slowly scan down through the body, just noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. Notice your forehead and eyes and see if you can soften any of the muscles there. Move down to your jaw, allowing it to relax. Continue down to your neck and shoulders, allowing them to release any tension. Moving your awareness down your arms to your hands, noticing any sensations there softening as you go. Bring your attention to your chest and your belly. Feel that gentle rise and fall with each breath Softening. Continue down to your hips, legs Softening and finally your feet, softening and releasing. Notice all the sensations and allow yourself to relax more deeply with each exhale.

Speaker 1:

Now let's expand our awareness. Notice any sounds around you. It could just be the sound of your breath, maybe the hum of a distant conversation, cars on the roads or chirping of the birds outside. Instead of labelling these sounds as good or bad, just simply notice them as they are, allow them to come and go without any judgment. And next, bring your attention to your thoughts. Observe your thoughts as they arise. No need to engage with them or to push them away. Just notice them as they drift by, like clouds passing through the sky or like items on a factory conveyor belt in your mind. Just notice them and let them drift by. And finally, bring your attention to your emotions. How are you feeling right now? Anxious, happy or sad? Acknowledge your emotions. Acknowledge your emotions with a sense of curiosity and acceptance.

Speaker 1:

As this meditation begins to draw towards its close, take a moment to bring your focus back to the breath. Feel the gentle rhythm of your breathing and the sense of calm that comes with being present, not lingering in the past or dwelling on the future, and take this moment now to express gratitude. It could be gratitude for taking this time for yourself, for the ability to breathe, to have full access to all of your senses, to be able to experience all the beauty around you, all for anything that feels right. Feel this gratitude in your heart and let it fill you up.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving. Gratitude is the emotional signature that something wonderful has already happened and that you have received something amazing. Gratitude is a powerful healer, so allow yourselves to be fully consumed by it. Now, gently, bring your awareness back to your surroundings, wiggle your fingers and toes, becoming accustomed again to the sensations in the body, the awareness of the room that you're in, and slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to notice how you feel now and compare this to how you felt when you started, and compare this to how you felt when you started. Let's savour this feeling and carry this sense of presence and awareness throughout your day. Thank you you.