The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Self-Love and Acceptance

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

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How might it feel to finally embrace your imperfections and accept yourself completely? Join me today and I promise to guide you to a place of deep self-love and acceptance through this soothing meditation practice, where you can rest in a state of unconditional self-love. 

This meditation is a gift to yourself, a reminder that you are deserving of all the love and kindness the world has to offer.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation session for acceptance and self-love. Find a quiet place, away from distraction. Take a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, whatever feels right for you today. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, allow your body to relax, shifting any unwanted tension. This is your time. You have nowhere else to be right now. This is your time for self-discovery and nurturing. Take another deep breath in and, as you exhale, feel your body sinking deeper into the surface beneath you, sinking deeper into relaxation, allowing yourself to become fully present in this moment, letting go of any worries or distractions we can deal with them later and bring your awareness now to your breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breath in and your breath out. With each breath, feel a sense of calm washing over you. Now imagine a warm, gentle light surrounding your entire body, entire body. Start to feel its warmth on your body as it hovers just around you. This light, compassion. Feel its glow. Now allow this light to begin enveloping you as it moves into your body. Feel its warmth and its comfort.

Speaker 1:

As you bask in this warm and loving light, silently repeat the following affirmations to yourself. Silently repeat the following affirmations to yourself I am worthy of love and acceptance. I embrace my imperfect as I am. Take a moment to let these affirmations sink in, feeling their truth resonate within you. I am worthy of love and acceptance. I embrace my imperfections with compassion, just as I am. Even if these things don't feel true to you, allow yourself to feel their truth now. Imagine them as your reality.

Speaker 1:

Now bring to mind a part of yourself that you might find difficult to accept. This might be a certain personality characteristic, a physical trait, or maybe a past action. As you focus on this aspect, notice any emotions or thoughts that arise. If you start to feel uncomfortable, know that it's okay, you are safe and supported and that this is this part of yourself. Visualize the light embracing this aspect with kindness and understanding and silently say to yourself I accept myself just as I am. I forgive myself and let go of judgment. I choose to love and honour every part of me.

Speaker 1:

Allow the light to continue its work, softening any resistance or self-criticism. Feel the energy of acceptance growing within you, spreading throughout your entire being. Now shift your focus to your heart center, like the tiny bud of a new flower. This light represents your innate self, love and inner wisdom. With your next breath, feel this light expanding, filling your chest with warmth and compassion, like you're calling on it to come forth. You keep feeling it expanding and growing in warmth and power.

Speaker 1:

And as your heart light continues to grow, let it extend outwards, filling your entire body. Feel the love and acceptance flowing through you, embracing every cell, every thought and every emotion. Know that you are whole and complete, just as you are. Take a few moments now to rest in this state of unconditional self-love. Feel the peace and contentment that comes from accepting yourself fully and completely. So so, when you're ready, bring your awareness back to your breath, take a deep inhale and feel that your light of self-love has done what it came to do and, with your next breath, allow the light to return deep into your heart centre, with the comfort and knowledge that you can call on it whenever you need to Take a deep inhale and, on your exhale, gently wiggle your fingers and toes, bringing some movement back into the body back into the body, slowly open your eyes, carrying this sense of acceptance and self-love with you as you return to your day.

Speaker 1:

Always remember you are deserving of love and kindness and by accepting yourself you open the door to a deeper, more fulfilling connection with yourself and with those around you. Take a final deep breath in and, as you exhale, give yourself a moment of gratitude for taking this time for self-care. You are worthy of love and acceptance Always.

Speaker 2:

Thank you you.