The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Gratitude and Joy

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

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Spoiler alert: the simple act of practicing gratitude can transform your life. 

Immersing myself in gratitude has altered my life in so many ways. Join me in this guided meditation where you'll discover how to amplify feelings of joy and appreciation for the often-overlooked aspects of your daily life. 

Feel the power of gratitude rewire your brain as you acknowledge the essential and beautiful parts of your existence. By the end of this episode, you'll leave feeling rejuvenated, with a newfound appreciation for both the present and the untapped potential of the future. Let the transformative power of gratitude open up endless possibilities in your life.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation designed to enhance your feelings of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools to build more happiness and joy into our lives. In today's session, we'll reflect on those things that we are most grateful and appreciative for. When we allow the mind to become familiar with feelings of gratitude, not only do we feel more appreciation for the things that are most important to us for the things that are most important to us but we create more space and more awareness for the amazing things around us all the time. So, when you feel ready, find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, close your eyes and take a deep breath, in feeling your lungs expand and then slowly exhale, releasing any unwanted tension. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing yourself to relax more with each breath, breathing in, breathing in, breathing out. Breathe in, breathe out. Keeping the focus on the breath, notice its gentle rhythm. With each inhale, feel a sense of calm entering your body and, with each exhale, releasing any lingering stress or tension, allowing your breath to become your anchor, keeping you grounded here in this moment. We're now going to travelly the birds singing and take a step into this garden. Feel comfortable enough to explore a little the realization that this is in fact your space, your garden, your safe and supportive.

Speaker 1:

As you continue to explore, you turn a corner and you notice a bench. Slowly walk up to it and take a seat. Allow yourself to feel the comfort and the tranquility of this peaceful place. Beside you, you notice a small table with a notebook and a pen. Feel yourself being drawn to picking up the pen and opening the notebook. Flicking through, you notice the pages are filled with your writing and you begin to feel a sense of familiarity, like you may have sat here before with this notebook.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment now to reflect on the past day, or maybe even the past week, and think of three things that you are grateful for. These can be big or small, from a meaningful conversation with a friend to the simple pleasure of a good meal. Take your time, turn to a fresh page in your notebook and, as each thought comes to mind, imagine writing it down on. Feel the sense of appreciation growing with each gratitude. Make you feel, allow yourself to fully experience and savour these feelings, embodying the sense of joy by having these things in your life who have supported you, shown you kindness, kindness or brought joy to your days. Visualize each person as if they were taking a seat next to you now and silently thank them. And silently thank them, Feel the warmth of gratitude extending from your heart to theirs Now, bringing to mind the things that we often take for granted the roof over your head, the food on your table.

Speaker 1:

The bed you sleep in Fully. Acknowledge and appreciate these fundamental aspects of your life people can only dream of. Take a moment now to think about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead, only considering the potential for growth, for learning and for new experiences. Feel grateful for the possibilities and the unknown adventures that await you and the unknown adventures that await you. I can guarantee that the universe holds so many amazing things for you, things that you are yet to experience. Open up all of your doors to them. Take a few more moments to bask in the feeling of gratitude that you have cultivated, because it's been proven that when you are experiencing feelings of gratitude, it's physically impossible to experience any single other emotion motion.

Speaker 1:

So, let it rewire your brain and open up your mind to all the wonderful possibilities, the amazing experiences that are just waiting for you, and know that you can return to this feeling whenever you need to and when you feel ready. Gently bring your awareness back to the breath, noticing the soft rise and fall, wiggle your fingers and your toes, bringing gentle movement back into the body. Take one last deep breath in and, as you continue throughout your day, thank you for joining me. You.