The High Vibe Guide

32. From Executive Assistant to Shamanic Witch: Removing the Corporate Blinkers with Kim Summers

Jenna Miller Season 1 Episode 32

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What if you could shift from a life of scarcity to one of abundance? 

Join us on this magical episode of The High Vibe Guide, where we welcome Kim, a talented holistic photographer and shamanic witch. Kim’s intuitive approach to capturing the essence of her subjects in the holistic industry is nothing short of transformative, and her insights promise to resonate deeply with anyone seeking authenticity and growth.

Kim unravels the intricate world of shamanism, sharing how its ancient belief system is profoundly connected to nature and the cyclical energies of life. This episode delves into the importance of understanding these energies, the practice of shadow work, and the spiritual guidance that shamanism offers, all of which are powerful tools for personal transformation.

Kim’s personal stories and profound wisdom promise to inspire you to uncover the true magic within yourself and the world around you.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives and how it's so much easier than you think, guys. Today we are talking about magic, true magic. Today we are talking about magic, true magic. Not the magic you see in the movies, not the woo-woo, not the crazy and the witchy spells which may surprise you. As you can see from today's episode title that I am talking to my friend, kim the shamanic witch. Now, I had very little knowledge on what shamanism actually was or what a shaman is or what a shamanic witch. Honestly, for me, it all kind of rests in the land of the woo-woo, the overtly spiritual. And you know me now. I am so incredibly open to all of it, all of the woo-woo. I love it, but I need some oomph, I need some gravitas, I need a little something more tangible to back it all up. Now, this is how I know Kim.

Speaker 1:

So last year, before the High Vibe Guide, when I knew I wanted to properly push my business, I knew it was yoga that I wanted to pursue. I was still actually yet to approach the realization that the high vibe guide would be a part of that, and you know, being this advocate for people's happiness. But I really wanted to get some promotional professional photographs done and at the time I had no way of paying for this. So I had this thought. You know, I was definitely into my meditation journey, so I was tuning into my intuition a little bit more, gaining much more clarity in my life, and I was just opening my awareness to all the opportunities around me. So I had this thought, which was, I know I'll post on Facebook, I'll put it out there that if anyone is a professional photographer or knows one who would be up for a skill swap, then to please get in touch. So in exchange for a photo shoot, I offered some private yoga sessions and guys, I was so surprised by how many people got in touch with me. So many amazing and skilled photographers messaged me and were so interested in working together.

Speaker 1:

But I was just drawn to Kim. I'm not sure why. I knew nothing about her, but there was just something about her and when we got speaking it was really lovely because she said it just felt like this came at the perfect time. She'd been a wedding photographer and she was feeling called to becoming the holistic photographer, which is what she is now, where she carries out not only these amazing photo shoots for people who work in the holistic industry, but she's incredibly talented when it comes to branding and she's able to make people feel so comfortable and sure in themselves, their own potential, their own message, so that when she photographs them in their work environment or their workspace, their true self just shines through. It's all about authenticity.

Speaker 1:

And she said that she wanted to be doing some yoga. She just had this feeling lately that she knew she wanted to get into some yoga, do some mindful movement, so that's how our friendship started. So she came and did this shoot for me teaching yoga, and we've had a bunch of private yoga sessions together at my house, which are just the best. I love teaching private sessions, but I love it more when you're doing it with like-minded souls that you're just so connected with, and she's recently done another shoot for me in my garden, which was absolutely incredible. She's just such a talented photographer. The pictures she took were just magic, and whenever I work with Kim, it all just feels like it was meant to be divine timing. Things just click into place because this latest photo shoot was when I was feeling really firmly rooted in what I'm meant to be doing with work and life in general, and I feel she just captured this entirely in her photos. And it was only after some time that I found out that she was a shamanic witch.

Speaker 1:

And then, more recently, having spent a little bit of time considering what kind of conversations I want on the High Vibe Guide, the kind of conversations I want to be having with people, that I thought how incredible would it be to have Kim come on. That I thought how incredible would it be to have Kim come on. So, guys, without any further ado, here is the conversation that we had last week. Kim is warm, she's just this shining light and she just has this ability to make you feel seen, heard and so totally comfortable in being your own true self. So get comfy and get ready to hear about all my learnings in shamanism in this modern day world and what we believe true magic is really all about. Enjoy, kim. Welcome to the High Vibe Guide. Hello.

Speaker 2:

How are you? I'm good, thank you, I'm good, thank you, I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

I know me too. I know you're feeling a little bit poorly. Yeah, you think you've got. I don't know, we don't know what you've got. Know you're feeling a little bit poorly. Yeah, it's just. Yeah, you think you've got, I don't know, we don't know what you've got.

Speaker 2:

You're feeling a bit sickness, yeah, probably from the children, the children, yeah, always the children, I know.

Speaker 1:

Despite that, I'm really happy you've come on today to talk to me. I am so excited for what we're going to talk about today because, like I said to you before, I feel like a bit of an excited six-year-old. I don't know really much about it, so I'm really like excited, just to pick your brain, me too.

Speaker 2:

I just hope I do it justice really. I think all I can do is kind of tell you from, yeah, from my experience, and we'll go from there.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I just hope we do it justice. Yeah so, kim, I imagine a lot of listeners be very similar to me, so I want to ask this first question what is shamanism?

Speaker 2:

okay, so it is a. It's one of the oldest belief systems um recorded and it's a way of living. I'm going to just tell you it from my point of view, actually. So it's, it's a way of living, and the belief system is the shamanic practice is that you can move between different worlds to gain insight and guidance and help um within the world that you live in, and you can use that power to bring healing to others as well. And it's, for me, the one thing that really struck a chord with me, what as I was learning about it, and it was like oh yeah, this just makes this makes total sense.

Speaker 2:

Um is the, the cyclical way of living as well. So it is understanding that everything is a cycle. Um, obviously, we all know that our world is full of cycles, especially as women. Um, but it's understanding how those cycles overlap and intertwine um, and how I mean years and years and years ago we would have lived naturally by these cycles. We don't now because there's too much guff around in the world. Um, and it's a very um. I never know how to say this word animist, it's like animistic animism, it's ballistic and no animism, I can't say the word. Basically, it's um, believing that everything has a life, everything has a presence, everything has an energy, um. So, whether that's a plant or a rock or um any object, so it's it's it's believing that everything has a presence that you can work with as well. So it's like we're not human, we're not separate as humans, we're just part of everything else, because that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Universal energy, no but is it like we're?

Speaker 2:

we're all part of this universal consciousness, kind of thing yeah, and yeah, definitely, and and like, if you think about nature, it's about you know we are. No, we are no more important than nature, um, and we should be working with nature and talking to nature and learning to communicate with nature, um, instead of just seeing it as us and nature. So it's that connection between everything. It's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I felt like I knew you for a while before I found out you were a shamanic witch. Is that what you?

Speaker 2:

are. Yeah, so I refer to myself as a shamanic witch because there's loads of hoo-ha about this. Obviously, it's a very indigenous practice. It's a very indigenous practice, it's very sacred practice, and there are a lot of people out there that will go forth into the world and say I am a shaman, um, and I personally, I don't think that that's right.

Speaker 2:

A shaman is somebody who would have been, um, kind of not even selected. They would have been the person within a village or a community where this magic and these traditions and and this power would have been passed passed down to them, sorry, passed up to them. So the village would then have seen them as like this elder, this shaman, that the the wise one, um, and it's. They have to go on vision quests, they have to go on these huge life quests to get to that place. So an indigenous shaman is a shaman. I like to call myself a shamanic witch because, yeah, I'm just. I'm nothing like that, but what I do do is I practice shamanism and I'm a witch. So, yeah, I just went with that. It felt right. It felt right. Sharing that with people.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned the word elder because I imagine it only comes.

Speaker 2:

It would only be passed to somebody within these villages at a certain point of someone's maturity and experience Like it wouldn't just be, you know someone in their early 20s.

Speaker 2:

I imagine they have to have some life experience behind them massively, yeah, and I mean there's lots of books out there where people from um kind of our western society have gone over to to live with these villages, to learn all about it and and you read any book and it always stays in there. You know, I didn't even touch the surface. They've had these huge experiences where they've seen visions and they've seen people be healed, um, and they don't even scratch the surface like this is years and years and years of of magic. So, yeah, it's very, very special very special.

Speaker 2:

It just, it just amazes me, and I think for me it was the fact that it, you know, it is one of the oldest belief systems that's ever been recorded. Um, and when you think about how our ancestors would have lived, um, it just makes sense, like they would have lived by the cycle of the moon and the seasons, and and they would have used nature to help them live. It just makes so much sense to me yeah, yeah, no, I completely agree.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, we before we we pressed record on. Can you go into that?

Speaker 2:

yeah, um, yeah. So I was, um. So you know that I come from corporate background anyway, but I was one of those ladies you see with um, always wearing a pencil skirt, high heels, clipboard in hand, bit bossy, always wanted to be like I just always wanted to be that, always wanted to be at the top, um, and what did you do? Very good, you have so I've had a number of jobs over the year, but my the most recent one I was um an executive assistant to the CEO of a large company.

Speaker 2:

So that was quite full-on um. But, like I've done, I've worked in HR and um health and safety and customer complaints, like you name it. I've done it over the past like 18 years, but I was very materialistic, um, and these aren't these aren't negative things because, you know, anybody can choose to live how they want to live, but for me, I came to realize very quickly, as soon as I started to practice um shamanism, that it wasn't actually me. So I was just very different, very different. I wasn't spiritual in any way. Really. I've always had a bit of belief in in the afterlife, but nothing past that really. And then I organized, I actually brought the lady who who's really changed my life. I actually brought her into my world by chance because I thought I'm going to organize some wellness Wednesdays for the office, and I pulled in a lady called Ruth into the office um to do some breathing exercise, exercise classes um over lunchtime.

Speaker 2:

so I brought Ruth in and got to know her and then I started to attend her private sessions and circles that she did and yeah, it just kind of snowballed from there as soon as I kind of got into Ruth's world. That was it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Ruth's world. So, ruth, I refer to Ruth as a shamanic healer, but I don't think I'm not sure how she refers to herself, but she's a magical, powerful lady think I'm not sure how she refers to herself, but she's a magical, powerful lady, um, and she lives over in Ludlow and she is so connected to her practice and what she does is she guides people into the practice in their own way. So there's lots of people out there that will be looking for um circles or courses how, how, to how to be um a shamanic practitioner. They want to kind of do a course and then get a certificate and then be able to do shamanic healing on people.

Speaker 2:

So roof, that's not how roof works, ruth. Somehow I don't know how she does it. Ruth somehow helps you just land into yourself, like your real self. So everything that you've learned over the years, that isn't yours, that you want to strip, she provides you with the platform that you need to strip that away and, oh my god, does she provide you with a platform to do that a bit like shadow work.

Speaker 2:

It's, yeah, it's a lot of shadow work. Yeah, definitely, um, and what she does is she teaches you how to connect with your guides, which is a huge part of of the shamanic practice. Um, she teaches you how to connect with your guides, how to connect with your intuition. She teaches you about boundaries. Um, she helps you with shadow work. There's just the list is just too huge to tell, to tell you but it's, it's incredible. And then I I fell into Ruth's world and it kind of all unfolded from there. She was offering a 12 month, um, she calls it this shamanic initiation. Um, but it's not an. Again, it's not an initiation to to be a shamanic practitioner. It's a, an initiation to meet yourself, to remember who you are. So remember, it's amazing wow that's what I did.

Speaker 1:

It was incredible so the person you are now. I know you as the incredibly lovely smiley. Thank you. Kim you're just this. You're just this shining light, and that's why I wanted to get you on here, because I feel that through your work, you are so about helping people uplift themselves. You want to empower people, bring them out of their shell in a kind of really safe and supportive environment and we mentioned this word or this term before but you just operate on this abundance, you know this, that kind of mindset yeah because I think we've spoken about it before in you know we're I think we're at quite similar stages of our career kind of world, because we're both hustling, working hard right now to get our businesses off the ground.

Speaker 1:

And I found I don't know about you, but I found a lot that in this kind of small business world there's a lot of scarcity mindsets, and because I find that when it's not all the time, but a lot of the time, people are so conscious of trying to do well themselves that they operate on this mindset. Well, it's quite greedy and it's grabby and just I think it comes from a belief and possibly an insecurity that you know I've got to do well here, so I've got to get that and no one else can get it, and like resources are limited. That's what a scarcity mindset is, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, so that's not the there's not the confidence that comes with the abundance mindset where there's enough for everybody yeah you don't need to. You know, keep secrets in your success or, you know, put other other competitors down. And I just see it so much the more I talk to small business owners and it's just a really sad feeling. But that's why I think I connect with you so much, because there's just not in a single ounce or shred of that when I talk to you who are so about. Resources are limitless for everybody.

Speaker 2:

Let's just share it yeah, definitely, definitely, and I think it is. It is how we've been brought up, isn't? It is society, and many small business owners will probably have come from a corporate background, um, or you know, a background of where they've been working for somebody else for for many years, and that that way of working is very, um, it can be very selfish, it can be you know, not everyone but it sometimes it's not very nice and you do feel like you have to protect yourself yeah um, because if you were to work for a company, a large company, for example, nine times out of ten you are just a number on on the payroll.

Speaker 2:

Um, you know bosses might walk past you and not know who you are. Everybody's climbing up to get to, uh, to get to the ladder. It reminds me of the uh, the tarot card. Um, is it the five of swords? Yeah, the five of swords, where you've got, um, you've got these swords, like in a structure, and then you've got people clambering up to get to the top and the fires underneath and everyone's in panic mode and with this sense of urgency is constantly put on us.

Speaker 2:

We have to do it soon. We have to get a promotion in the next year.

Speaker 2:

We have to do it before we're 35, we have to, we have to um, and you're put with people that you don't align with, that you probably wouldn't have in your world in a normal instance. So you're then having to manage that energy as well. So naturally there's going to be people that you don't get on with, negative experiences are going to happen. So then when you do step away from that and go into a place of, okay, I want to run my own business, you've still got that mindset, you're still in protection mode you're in survival mode, your nervous system's probably shot.

Speaker 2:

Um, you don't know if you can trust people, um, and there is that whole, that whole thing about um, not sharing, and especially in my world, in photographers it's. I don't come across many photographers that are very open to discussing. You know, if I was to contact a photographer and say, wow, where's that location? It looks amazing. Many people like wouldn't tell me. And because there is that mindset of there's not enough people, and there is like because we've all got our own people, haven't we? We've all got our own tribe. And that's what it's all about. There could be, there could be so many photographers out there, or energy healers, or you know, whatever you choose to do, there's always going to be enough people that you can bring into your world. Um, and when you are self-employed as well and you do work on your own, it's very isolating and you can't manage everything by yourself. You know we're not. We don't know everything about everything. So it's important to to find people that you can lean on and trust and, um, that's just not going to succeed.

Speaker 1:

It can be very, very lonely yeah, definitely, I think you've just hit the nail on the head with that, but I think it's so important to try and embrace the abundance mindset versus the scarcity one. You know, I know you as this lovely, warm, abundant person that you said you were so different before you found what was. What was the old Kim like compared to the current Kim?

Speaker 2:

I thought I've always been. I've always been a nice person. If I say so myself, it's not like I was this evil, evil witch. Um, I've always been a nice person. If I say so myself, it's not like I was this evil, evil witch. Um, I've always been a nice person.

Speaker 2:

But I think I was very much in that survival mode, um, and that meant that I kind of swung between having too many boundaries where I wouldn't let people into my life, and then I would swing to the other side and not have enough boundaries and let the wrong people into my life. So, um, I didn't really know who I was. I was a bit of a lost sheep, um, because I kind of gathered all of this information over the years that people around me had given me family and my, you know, in a community that didn't align with who I was. I knew that didn't align with me, but then I had nowhere else to go. I felt really lost, um, so I was just mimicking everybody else. I think I was just copying what other people were doing because I didn't know what else to do. I had no mind of my own until I understood the shamanic practice and I started to trust my intuition more. I started to receive guidance, um messages, signs, all of the amazing stuff.

Speaker 2:

Um, and also the process of doing the 12-month shamanic initiation, was I rebuilt my trust in, in women, which was a huge thing for me because I I've grown up not really having strong connections with women, not really trusting women. Um, I was never a woman's woman and during the process of me doing my 12-month initiation, I was pregnant with um Eloise, my youngest, and as I was going through this process of me kind of shedding all of these bits, I was also bringing a new life into the world, which was very powerful and then I had Eloise, um during the this 12 month um, we'd meet every other month, so I had Eloise and I missed one of the sessions, um, but then she came with me to my initiation.

Speaker 2:

So at the end of the 12 months we all had to, we didn't have to, we were all invited to do an initiation. So this was kind of like okay, how are you going to commit yourself to the practice and to your to yourself now? Um, and she came with me. She was four months old.

Speaker 2:

We went to spirit horse in wales, so off-grid community for three days, um, and it was just, yeah, it was just incredible being able to to trust women again and having people around me that would, um, help me and and say, yeah, I'll, I'll hold the baby for you or I'll get this for you, and it was just, it really gave me a sense of there are communities out there for me, there is a tribe for me, I just need to find them.

Speaker 2:

Um, and that really gave me a lot of confidence again because, as I say, if you, if you go back kind of five between five to ten years ago, my confidence was shot. I didn't know who I was and then, slowly, during this process of understanding this practice and being in community with the same women for a whole year who were also learning about themselves, but being in that community and receiving support from them really rebuilt my trust and faith in in women and the community as a whole really, um, which was massive, because I'd lost that many, many years ago, I think yeah, I think the corporate world.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, because I've been in the corporate world. I think the corporate whole, that the whole vibe there does tend to pit women against each other massively yeah, I always do think like these indigenous tribes. You know the way that people lived thousands of years ago.

Speaker 1:

It was, it was a community yeah you know, and I'm sure you know, I'm sure there was dramas that you know we have now, but I just imagine it to be such a more supportive and inclusive environment and I always do think when did this start? When did this happen, this pitting women against each other?

Speaker 2:

yeah and it's because when, when we're together and we are really together, we are very, very powerful. Yeah, imagine a tribe of women all kind of in all in sync with each other, in sync with their cycles, like it's just would be so powerful. Yeah, um, and that's what society deemed as a risk and and that's why we've we've kind of been put against each other. So it was really hard, hard to unlearn all of that and unpick that and shed things from that, because I was being asked to put my trust in new people and with it being a group of women. That was difficult. But yeah, I've never looked back and I can proudly say now I'm definitely a woman's woman.

Speaker 1:

Now you are definitely a woman's woman. When you said you weren't a woman's woman, I can't imagine that, kim, I know my friends were always males.

Speaker 2:

I didn't. I just I just didn't. I didn't really. I just found I didn't relate to women or I couldn't. Maybe it's just the fact that I couldn't trust them, or I was too scared to be around them? I'm not sure. But it that soon? That changed? After my 12 months, which is a short time really, when you think about years and years of conditioning and then you have 12 months of of. It was heavy work, it was work, but 12 months of like shadow work and healing and it just shows, if you put the commitment there that it can be done. I've never looked back.

Speaker 1:

Never looked back since then did you find, when, when you were in a time where you couldn't quite connect to women, that it was I'm just going on a bit of personal experience here as well did you find that you were always comparing yourself to other women?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, I think so they're just. Yeah, I think I was just more worried about being accepted into a tribe. I was very scared to be accepted into a tribe and then kicked out just as quick, and I feel like like we were talking about women going against each other. My experience has always been women can change very quickly in terms of who they want in their tribe, um, and I was too scared of becoming attached to people of friend, you know with friends, and then being set an outcast, that's that whole rejection thing, um, so that's probably why I just steer clear. You know, I'd stayed away from that. I didn't even put myself in the situation where I had enough female friends. Um, for that reason probably, which is quite sad yeah, what was your?

Speaker 1:

your friendship group or circles like at school?

Speaker 2:

I had a small friendship group I had. I did have some, some friends that were were girls, but again, I didn't have the best experiences with them. They did turn on me at times, um, when I was younger and I just I didn't have any boundaries, so I just kind of let that happen and let that go, um. And then actually, as I got older, that circle was still always there, um, but I started to see people for who they were and I realized, you know, they're not my people, um, so I definitely let let those relationships go.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I just I just, when I look back at any friendships I had, I had one very, very close best friend, um, and we did everything together, everything when I was about between 16 and 18. But then when I look back at what we used to do, it was because she couldn't drive. I could drive. I used to go and pick her up from work, take her back home to Wolverhampton, like there was lots of me doing things for her. There was lots of service involved in that friendship, um, and when I look back at it I think was that really a friendship or was that just me servicing her needs? I don't know. So there's all there's all that. Really, yeah, I don't, I can't, can't really say I've had one. Growing up, I didn't have one friend that I felt was was genuinely wanting to be my friend, if that makes sense. Um, different now that I'm older, but yeah, and that's probably why I didn't want to get attached to women, to be honest. Um, yeah, it's quite sad, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

it's incredible how the mind works, try and protect itself literally yeah, so what does your life look like as a shamanic witch? What do you do that makes you a shamanic witch?

Speaker 2:

So for me, everybody's practice is different, and this is what I love about the shamanic practice, because there's no right or wrong way to do this. Nobody is telling you you have to get up at 6am every morning and sit outside on the grass, and you know it. There's. There's no right or wrong way to do it. It's just about how it works for you and for me. The biggest part of my practice is connecting to my guides and honoring my guides. Um, they help me, like daily, when I'm kind of just mulling around doing day-to-day things, or whether I'm working with a client, like, my guides always help me, which is incredible. So the biggest thing for me is to when you um, you can journey, um, and you can journey through different worlds. You have the upper world, the middle world and the lower world, and I do a lot of journeying, so I do that with the drum yeah, yeah, explain journeying.

Speaker 1:

That's one thing I did come across when I looked at this amazing.

Speaker 2:

It's so amazing. So you so this if you think about the tree of life, there's three realms, so, um, the middle realm is like the tree trunk, so that's kind of where we are now. So if somebody was to carry out shamanic healing, um, they would do that in the middle realm, but it would be like kind of the only thing I can describe like stranger things. You're kind of in a realm, but it's like an upside down realm so that's the middle world.

Speaker 2:

So that's the trunk and then the roots of the tree, that's the lower world, and that's where you connect with your ancestors and your stories and you have, um, we all have power animals and and spirit animals to guide us and they reside in that lower world. So if you wanted to go and meet your power animal, for example, you would travel down into the lower world to meet them okay so if you need some guidance, if you've got questions about life, you need some, some answers.

Speaker 2:

You would go down and then the upper world is like the leaves of the tree, the top of the tree, and that's where I see that as like higher, my higher self kind of energy. So, like the higher beings, you would travel up again. That's all about guidance. But I usually travel down a lot Because I don't know, I feel right traveling down, I feel when I, when I travel down. So you would use the drum and the drum, the beat of the drum, helps your brain waves to enter a certain state where it's almost like your lucid dream and it's really cool. So when you travel down, you would actively imagine that you are traveling downward to start off with. So you do this yourself. So it might be that you, you go down it's always down a plate, a hole in a place of nature, so you might go down a hole in the ground or a tree trunk or a pond, a lake, but you would travel down, down, down. So you actively imagine traveling down. But as the drum beat goes on and on and you move more into this, this kind of trance state, you will just be like pulled down. It's I always compare. It's like Alice in Wonderland, you know, when she falls down and she goes really fast, it's like that. You'll be pulled down and you get taken down to your lower world and and anything can be down there, absolutely anything. It's different for everybody.

Speaker 2:

I've been down before and I've been taken into. Like's different for everybody. I've been down before and I've been taken into like an Amazonian jungle. I've been taken down before and there has been like a roaring fire and my ancestors have been around this fire. Um, it's been a cave, like it's sometimes it's different all the time. Um, so yeah, I'll travel down and then seek guidance. You always have a guide down there who will walk with you.

Speaker 2:

So you're at, you start actively imagining, but then you go into this trance and it just happens. And for some people it happens like a film. It plays out like a movie, so you can see things happening. Some people they can't visualize anything but they can sense it, and for others they can't sense it, but they they can sense it, and for others they can't sense it but they can hear things. So it's different for everybody. Not everybody can go down and see things, but for me I feel very lucky because it does play out like a film. I come back and I've got a very clear vision of what's happened. Yeah, very strong visuals, which is cool.

Speaker 1:

I can see that in you, because whenever we have our yoga sessions together, and I do a meditation with you. And then she asks what did you see today, kim? And it's always so, like vivid, what you see, yeah yeah, I feel really lucky.

Speaker 2:

My partner, for example, when when he does anything like this, he can't, he can't see anything and he gets really frustrated. So I feel really lucky that I can. Yeah, um, but yeah, that's a huge part of my practice connecting with my guides and my ancestors, because there are stories down there that I need to bring up and share with the world and that's part of my job. Um, I have done some shamanic healing, but I stepped away from it because, for a while, because it didn't feel right actually, and I would never do a practice that doesn't fully feel right yeah um, so I did that for for a short while, but my guides were telling me no, that's going to come later, there's stuff you need to do first.

Speaker 2:

So I kind of parked that up. Um, but connecting with nature is also a huge part of the practice, and honoring my cycles as well. For me, that's a huge part of the practice. Um, so, yeah, there's no one way that I kind of get up and do it. I just, I just do it, I just live it. It's.

Speaker 1:

It's really strange talk to me more about cycles, because I'm trying to think what else you've mentioned to me, because cycles really just stuck in my brain. But you, when you talk on social media as well, you say I'm very much in this stage right now, or what have you spoken to me about before where you can class yourself in, like you kind of um, you relate it to a woman's cycle or a yearly cycle yeah so yourself into a season almost don't you, so the cycles can overlap.

Speaker 2:

Um, so when you do cycle work, it's not just about um kind of where you are on your menstrual cycle or if you cycle with the moon. Where you are there, it all overlaps. So, for example, if you think about a circle and you've got a woman's natural cycle, who bleeds, so you've got the bleed would be at the top and that would also be at the dark moon. Um, that would be at the top of the cycle and then you'd move around halfway and at the bottom you've got um the full moon and ovulation.

Speaker 2:

Obviously not everybody bleeds with the dark moon yeah um, but back in these indigenous cultures where women would have been in community, they would have bled together because they would have bled with the moon cycle.

Speaker 2:

They didn't have artificial light in them yeah so that that would have had a huge impact. So, um, if you say you can, you if you map out your menstrual cycle and then you kind of put the moon cycle on top of that, the energy of the moon cycle can have an impact on your menstrual cycle. The energy of the moon cycle can have an impact on your menstrual cycle. Um, and then if you put the seasons on top of that, if you imagine four quarters in the circle, so you've got spring, summer, autumn and winter that also correlates with the moon cycles and natural cycles. So if you think about summer being at the bottom quarter, that would correlate with the moon cycles and natural cycles. So if you think about summer being at the bottom quarter, that would correlate with the full moon energy and ovulation, ovulation energy.

Speaker 2:

It's very similar. So it's a very kind of outward time where you're potentially very willing to go to a lot of social events, you're feeling very confident in yourself, um, but then you can add another layer to that which is the stage of a woman's life. So a lot of people just go by mother maiden crone. Um, but the way that I've learned it is mother maiden marga crone.

Speaker 1:

So you've got me through those. What do they mean?

Speaker 2:

so we've got mother, so we've got maiden energy. Yeah, which would also be maiden energy, would also be the kind of first, the first site, the first quarter cycle after the dark moon. So it's, it's new energy. So maiden energy is all about exploring and learning who you are, making silly mistakes your 20s basically pushing boundaries to figure out.

Speaker 2:

You know what you want to do, who you are, yeah, and then you move into the, the mother energy, which doesn't always have to be, as we know, about mothering an actual child. It can be mothering your partner, or a house, or a project, a job, a creation. So, again, this is very outward energy you're putting. This is a time where we don't always look at ourselves first.

Speaker 2:

We've got a lot of energy to give to other people. Then we move into marga energy, which is not always something that people are aware of. So marga is portuguese for magician, and this is a phase of a woman's life where it's like um, like the empress, like it's very powerful because if you think about how we live a lot longer now as women, so it kind of we would have jumped from maiden mother probably straight into crone energy because we wouldn't have lived that long. But our lifespan is extended and there's a section of a woman's life where they think they need to start being the crone and they could be like, you know, 55, full of life. You know they're going through menopause or they've just come to an end of menopause. They don't want to be a crone, they don't want to be sat in a chair with long, you know grey hair knitting. They've still got power and energy and a buzz about them. So that's what the Marga energy is all about. It's this bit in the middle where you can't. It's opposite, the maiden energy in the circle. So you kind of go back to the maiden where you start investigating and feeling into what you do and don't like again. However, the difference is, with the Marga energy, you've got more boundaries and that's why a lot of people who go through menopause they end up getting a divorce from their spouses, because they're feeling into this new energy. They're feeling into this new power that they've got. And maybe their partners can't support that or maybe they just don't align anymore, but it's because they move into their power.

Speaker 2:

This Marga phase of a woman's life is extremely powerful, forced to be reckoned with. And then we move up to the Crone energy, which is at the top. So the dark moon, the bleed, so that's about again going inward and all this wisdom. You've been on this life cycle, you've got all this wisdom from all these stages, and then you share that with other people, um, so all of these layers, they literally these cycles, layer on top of each other and you can also put the clock on top of that as well. So 12 o'clock would be, um, dark moon.

Speaker 2:

Six o'clock would be full moon, um, and if there's a part of of that cycle that you struggle with maybe you're not good with afternoons maybe you start to struggle at like, like, no, let's go for evening to keep it simple. Maybe you start to struggle at like, like, no, let's go for evening. To keep it simple, maybe you start to struggle at 6 pm in the evening energetically. You've you've been so busy, lots of outward energy and you've just got no energy to even get through the next couple of hours. There will be something around that six o'clock time that you will probably need to heal. Something's probably happened to you, um.

Speaker 2:

So it's all about noticing all the time, noticing what's going on around you. How do you feel and what part of the cycle are you at, which cycle are you feeling into, and that this is when intuition comes into it, because there's so much to go into. But it's about learning about yourself and your own body and and your own cycle and and how that works. Um, and that's when I kind of say on social media I've got this outward energy or I've got this. I'm going a bit inward, um. So for me, when I'm ovulating which I'm just kind of coming out of now I should, should.

Speaker 2:

Should is not the right word, but if you were to look at a standard cycle, ovulation is in the summer. Yeah, you should be quiet. Oh, I'm here. For me, it's the other way around. I find that I'm more powerful during my bleed, so when I'm ovulating, I get cranky, I get very introverted, I don't want to speak to people, and that will have something to do with a hormonal imbalance as well. So in that time I make my cycle work for me. I know that I'm going to have this inward energy where I don't want to speak to people. So I make sure that when I do have this in my energy I don't book any discovery calls.

Speaker 2:

I do a lot of back admin work so I might do some social media planning, um, I might do some editing, anything that I can do so I can still effectively run my business but make it work for me. So I know that when I do move into this energy where I do feel more confident and more powerful, that I'm booking calls, I'm speaking to clients, I'm doing lives on Facebook. If you look at my social media you will see about a week and a half there is nothing of me at all and it's because I'm like a hedgehog, I go into hibernation.

Speaker 2:

But this is the beauty of the shamanic practice because you can, if you choose to live this way, you can make life so much easier for yourself instead of just grinding, grinding, grinding and going against the grain I call it so trying to push your body in your mental state when actually you should be retreating. Then, if you can live this way, it just makes life so much easier yeah and this is what it's all about cycles, natural cycles, how they intertwine.

Speaker 2:

Um, you can go back to certain points of your cycle. For example, if you needed to go back to your maiden um self, you can go back and heal your maiden self. You can do soul retrieval. If something for me, something happened to me in my maiden years, um and I went back, I I lost a piece of my soul, because when something traumatic happens, as we know, parts of our energetic field, it, it shoots off like a shard of glass um, it shoots away and we lose part of our soul. We're incomplete, and then we've got in our energetic aura, we've then got holes and we're always going to feel incomplete unless we we go back and we retrieve parts of ourselves and that's what shadow work is.

Speaker 2:

It's going back into the dark and retrieving those parts of ourselves so you know through. You can do it by yourself or with a shamanic healer. If you were doing it with a shamanic healer, the shamanic healer would travel to your maiden self for you and retrieve that piece for you and literally blow that piece back into your body wherever it needs to go, so they can help you purge any energy you don't need and they can help you retrieve it as well. It's very, very powerful, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love talking about the cycles like this because, I feel I'm only kind of dipping my toes into kind of understanding it and bringing it into my life. But I, it came to me really strongly when it was January and it was new year and all you see in January is like fitness challenges, gym memberships, go, go, go. This, yeah, literally go, go, go. And I, I think I totally get it, because you've had a big like slump over Christmas. You've been, you know, eating too much, drinking too much, not working, lots of time around family.

Speaker 1:

So people do have this urge to do something different or start something new, but and I'll always say this it never lasts because it comes from at the wrong place. I think and I remember talking about this a this isn't a time for action, and I started learning a little bit more about how we should tune into the seasons and live seasonally. And January it's like, yeah, it's, start thinking about what you want to be doing for the year, planning and envisioning and visualizing, you know, and then wait for spring, like if you don't feel like actually running out and doing something yet, that's fine, it's good, exactly. Wait a little bit, get everything planned, don't get ahead of yourself. And then you naturally start to feel in spring like, oh, okay, I'll start putting things together.

Speaker 1:

And it's funny because it it just, funnily enough, worked out exactly with how I was feeling this year with starting everything I'm doing and even when it got to spring and I was like oh god, I mean I'm doing stuff, but I don't feel like I'm doing enough, like I'm not, I'm not suddenly, you know, hitting the ground running, but I remember I think I even did a post about it. I was looking at, I think, for it must have been Mother's Day, so around spring. Um, my kids got me, like you know, a little pot, a little pot of like daffodils.

Speaker 2:

Oh cute.

Speaker 1:

And the little, how it starts to shoot, like slowly, and I was looking at those and I was like that's spring, like don't suddenly become these huge blooming flowers, we start to grow. And I was like it was like this mind-blowing moment and I was like was like this mind-blowing moment and I was like yes, it is starting yeah, and then it just grows gradually. Nothing happens overnight and it was just revolutionary and I just it's amazing.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing. And if we think about those winter months, we can't, we do. We have been taught that it ends in Decembercember. And then there is that go, go, go. And it's because if people did retreat until spring, then society is not making any money. People wouldn't be going out, they wouldn't be spending that much money in shops, especially after you know the, like you say, the christmas flurry. Um, society is not going to be making money all year round then. So that's why you see all of these adverts.

Speaker 2:

You know, make a start now, get ahead of yourself in the year book your holiday now, before it's too late, it's. It's just if you take yourself away from that and, like you say, really tune into how you feel during that time.

Speaker 2:

Um, I don't celebrate new year now at all, so it just means nothing to me yeah yeah, it just the the normal calendar new year just means nothing to me and I it just the the normal calendar new year just means nothing to me, and I don't think it ever really has. I've never really understood resolutions, um, or why people celebrate it, um, and I do that. I wait until, kind of spring. The only thing I've struggled with this year is that everything's the seasons have been a bit delayed, haven't they?

Speaker 2:

so spring came in a bit later. Summer's obviously coming later and I've struggled with that, so I've had to sit back a bit more sorry, a bit more than usual um but it is when you start looking into it and you start understanding it and you, like, you say it's mind-blowing, it just makes so much sense and you think, why have we not been taught this like this? Just feels so normal and so natural.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's just crazy yeah, you change your life literally. Yeah, you've talked about intuition a lot. Yeah, and again, this is something I feel like I'm just journeying.

Speaker 1:

It didn't mean to use the word journeying, not the same way, obviously you guys do, but it's, I feel like it all starts with self-awareness, and you've been talking about self-awareness a lot as well, because and that's why I started the high vibe guy because I realized that myself, as so many of us, just go on autopilot and we're not aware of that. Like you, you say going against the grain. Just, you know, going along with everything as we think we should, living life, but we don't stop to think about how it's actually making us feel, we don't realize the negative thought patterns we have in our heads. And I think everything, no matter what journey you're on, no matter what methods you're using or belief system you have, you can't go anywhere without building your self-awareness no, definitely because so many of us, just like I said, just trot along on autopilot, not realizing what we're doing is actually affecting us massively.

Speaker 2:

And if we're not self-aware, then how can we fully understand what our boundaries are as well? Yeah, so you know what? What makes us feel uncomfortable? There was an amazing practice I did as part of my 12 month um initiation with Ruth, and it was. It was a boundary practice and you would stand along. You would stand each side of the room opposite another woman, um and you one of you would take it in turns to be in control.

Speaker 2:

So you would signify to that woman without words, just using your hand come a bit closer, come a bit closer. But you would take it at your own pace and you would feel into your body where do I want this woman to stand? How close do I want her to me? And you tell her to stop by signifying with your hand. Then you'd bring her a bit closer. But all the time that you're doing this, you're feeling into how your body feels. What's your nervous system doing as you are bringing somebody closer into your space? Do you want that person right up close to your nose nose is touching nose or do you want to keep them at a distance?

Speaker 2:

And it was also interesting for the person who was being told to move forward or backward. How does that feel for you? Yeah, do you feel rejected because she doesn't want you really close to you? Do you want to get closer to you? Are you finding it difficult that you can't just go and hug her? So it's about feeling into yourself physically like how, what do I want? Who do I want around me? How close do I want them around me? How much of somebody do I want in my life? How much of something do I want in my life?

Speaker 2:

It's not about what we think we need. It's about what we want and and for me at the minute I'm just exploring material items. So I'm having this huge purge at the minute that I almost want to kind of get rid of pretty much anything that I can because it's creating a real ickiness in my home. I just want to strip everything out and almost start again. And one of the messages I had from my guides earlier on in the year was to use, use the stuff. I'm terrible for buying incense and candles and not lighting them because I don't want to ruin them, especially pretty candles. I'm like I don't want to light that. But my guides were like use the stuff, use it. Why are you buying all this stuff and you're not using it, because if you're not using it, then you're not making space for more things to come into your life.

Speaker 1:

Um, and I think that's it.

Speaker 2:

When you get that urge to declutter, yeah, it's a sign that there's something you're making space for something else yeah, at the minute it's guinea pigs, because we're getting some guinea pigs decluttering for guinea pigs, but no, it is. I don't know. I know that there's another shift coming massively, and again it's this. It's this self-awareness. When you're in your home, how do you feel? Do you feel like you can take a breath and relax, or do you feel like you're on edge all the time and you need? You're looking around and you know it. You are your biggest alarm system, aren't you? It's just taking note of all of that, because if you do, then you'll just be so guided through, through everything.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know where I read it once, but, um, I remember I read in a book about connecting with your guides and once you connect with them at a level, it will just be your inner voice. You won't you? Yeah, there's been times where I thought is that my, is that my guide, or is that just me thinking it? And it's my inner voice just because I'm so, I feel so connected. Now, yes, to that guidance, which is gorgeous, yeah, but self-awareness is is huge in in any practice yeah, I think there's so many practices you can do to clear the pathway to your inner voice and for me that's meditation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, I've just and it's just enabled me. I always kind of think about it and I describe it like your path inwards to that you know that deepest core of you, the unwavering, the all-knowing, the always calm, unaffected part, is always there. You're born with it and we then put on these layers yes, and it's just, and it's these layers kind of cloud the path.

Speaker 1:

I imagine it like in a forest where there's just fallen branches and you can't see the way through, but meditating and other practices, it's a way of just decluttering the path and you can start. You can start to kind of peek through and you see, and you keep going and it just gets clearer and clearer and clearer and clearer. And that's what I've.

Speaker 1:

I keep having these little moments where I just feel so much more in tune with your inner voice you know, that intuition, because sometimes I think, when you're starting to want to tune into your intuition on your gut, you don't know really what's the right message to listen to. Yeah, it's that lack of self-awareness. I think you don't know if it's fear and the ego or if it is your intuition and it's coming from an expansion kind of place, you know yeah, I think it does, it doesn't happen overnight no, it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

It's so hard. It's, it's so hard and your human design will come into this as well. I don't know if you've ever looked into human design, but it's, it's so hard and your human design will come into this as well. I don't know if you've ever looked into human design, but it's, it's a rabbit hole but, it's incredible and that will have a huge impact as well on on how you connect your intuition. So, for example, in my human design, my spleen is defined, which means that I'm very connected to um my intuition.

Speaker 2:

So you know, like fight or flight and being aware I'm a bit like a fox um if I hear something I'm like, oh, um, some people haven't got defined spleens so they find it more difficult to connect to that in a knowing so then they don't know if they're acting from a place of, like you say, the ego, if it's just your body, protecting you, um, or if it's something that's actually making you feel good, I've learned over the years for me, it's just a feeling in my belly, that's all it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, and I was always taught if it's not, if it's not a strong yes, then it's a no for everything, and that's that's how I, what I use now. If it's not, even if it's a bit of a, I'd like to do that. I only do things now that get me excited. So if you you message me, will you be on my podcast? I was like, yes, I knew straight away I wanted to do it. But if someone was to message me and say, do you want to come in and do a? You know, have a speaker slot and my belly goes not sure.

Speaker 2:

No, it's a no, as much as I will get FOMO yeah doing it and I'll feel bad for probably 24 hours. Um, if it's a no, it's a no, because even if I rock up to that speaker slot, if I'm not fully in it, I'm not going to give it my all and it's going to be pointless anyway. So yeah, for me it's that feeling in my belly and it's that real.

Speaker 1:

It's either a yes or a no, which sounds interesting, but it's difficult to yeah, because for me, I feel I can definitely relate and resonate with that, but it's I was. I was thinking while you were talking oh, I work differently to that, but I don't think I do actually. On reflection, I think what I've had to do when I get, say, um, asked to do something or there's an opportunity somewhere, I don't always. It's slowly getting stronger, but I don't get that instant yes or no in my belly. Like you said, it's not. If it's strong, yes, yes. If it's a, then it's a. No, I have to. I might always get that, not sure, but I have to sit and break down why I'm getting that.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure, because it's mainly ego.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's that I have struggled with since a child fear of failure yeah and that, but it's again, it's just learning which kind of little fear or message to listen to. It's kind of sitting and going, and I've always related it to when you have a thought or a scary thought, question it like, sit and go. Why, why am I scared of that? Challenge it, any kind of belief, or I've spoken about this with limiting beliefs and kind of realizing them, breaking them down. You've got to sit with the unpleasantness for a minute and kind of challenge it and go, and that's that's the work. That's what?

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's it when, when people say, how, how do I do this? How do I move into this? I hate the word enlightenment because you never enter a state of that but you know how do I move into the?

Speaker 2:

I hate the word enlightenment because you never enter a state of that, but you know how do I move into the light? You've got to sit with the dark first. You've got to sit with the darkness, and that was part of my initiation that I did for um, it was probably for about for. For the full day I went off on my own kind of little vision quest into nature, um, but then, come the night time, I was on my own in the dark in this big ceremonial tent for hours and hours and hours and that was like my death. I had to have a death before I had my rebirth and it felt like death. It was horrific. I was, it was cold, I had no fire, it was. It was awful, I had no food.

Speaker 2:

But it had to be like that, because you have to sit in that darkness to to let things go, and you have to sit in there to find out why is it darkness, how can I shed the light into that and that? That is as simple as it gets. There are so many, so many things out there and people feel so overwhelmed when it comes to spiritual practices. They think they need to have these crystals and these tools, and no, you don't. You just need to do exactly what you just said sit with that uncomfortable feeling and just ask questions why do I feel like that? Unpick it, shed it and move on, and the more that you do that, the easier it will get, and then the lighter and brighter you will feel as a person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine that you get smacked with the word like woo, woo, quite a lot, especially when you you say you're a witch, yeah, but I think is it so much that, because I've, I've, you know, when I looked into witches and shamanic witches, you see spells and magic and stuff. But what I'm kind of getting more of the feeling for is that it's, it's not like hocus pocus, it's magic, as in, it's the stuff that's within us.

Speaker 2:

We're definitely, yeah, we are. We are the magic. Yeah, definitely, and um, I don't have a cauldron, um, unfortunately. That would be pretty cool though, wouldn't it? The reason why I say shamanic witch is because, for me, there are lots of different witches out there. You've got herbal witches, you've got kitchen witches. For me, I just kind of encompass all of. I like to cherry pick things. I like to cherry pick a bit of everything and make it my own and make it work for me, and when I started to kind of move into this, what people would class as woo-woo world or spiritual world? Um, people were like so you had to have an identity. It was like what are?

Speaker 1:

you so what?

Speaker 2:

do you practice? Um. So it was kind of just like well, do you know what? Yeah, I am a witch, this is what I do. I do use magic, whether I use magic through crystals or candles or through myself. Um then, yeah, that's, that's what.

Speaker 2:

I do so. Yeah, that's that's why I kind of went with that label. And there was also a book. There was a book called the shamanic witch, um, and it was a time where I was holding space for women, I was holding circles and I was doing some shamanic healing and I didn't want to call myself a shaman or a shamanic healer. It just didn't feel right. And I saw that book and I was like no, that's what I am. I'm a shamanic witch. I'm just a. I'm just a woman who practices different parts of magic around the shamanic practice itself'm just a. I'm just a woman who practices different parts of magic around the shamanic practice itself, and that's who I am and that's what.

Speaker 1:

I do. I love these conversations because all of these different spiritual practices, I feel that it just keeps coming back to this universal mesh message, that which has been around since the dawn of time. It's still here today. Some people call it magic, some people call it science, and like physics yeah, like you know, quantum physics and all that. Some people call it religion and some people call it spirituality, but it all comes back to the same thing it's all teaching us that the power is within us. Definitely it's just energy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just taught in so many different ways and it just keeps coming back to.

Speaker 2:

You are the power yeah, we, we have no idea how powerful we are because we're so disconnected from it. You know, if, if, do you know what amazes me and I have to really think about it. We're self-healing. So if we cut ourselves, you know if, do you know what amazes me and I have to really think about it, we're self-healing. So if we cut ourselves, you know, when you watch a film and it's like, maybe this alien, it's a sci-fi film and this alien being cuts themselves and then it quickly congeals and heals itself, I'm like, well, we do that, just at a slower pace, but our skin physically heals itself. We can't, we do not recognize how powerful we are and it's the power to create as well, and and the power to I don't even know the words. We are just so powerful and we don't even know, we can create our own world we.

Speaker 2:

We don't have to be stuck in a world that is put in front of us. You know, we can do whatever we want and it's just having it's getting rid of all the the muck and the sludge and just having the confidence to do that yeah but you're right, it all comes back to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does, and I think you're like, manifesting is like huge at the minute. It's a big trend, isn't it? And again, I think it's soul to make it sound sexy and magic, that you know, oh, we can. You know, it's magic, the law of attraction. We can just attract what we want to us. But even if you go into kind of the quantum physics description of it, it's more about that reality that you want already exists. It's just bringing it towards you, yeah, but it's just. I think, again, it just comes back to you.

Speaker 1:

All these, all these practices are doing, I think, is opening up your awareness to how powerful your mind is definitely because when you start to open up your awareness to the, the abundance everywhere around, you realize that the path to whatever you want is there. You've just got to take the first steps. Definitely, and I think that's what manifestation is.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what it is but it's doing it from, from, not a place of ego, which again it's quite it's. There's blurred lines, because when people think about manifestation, they do think, oh, I'm going to attract all this money, this big holiday that I want. But take me, for example, yesterday, when I messaged you about those spoons. It's about also noticing what the smaller things that come into your life and I'll just share now, so people aren't wondering what that's about. Um, I've been.

Speaker 2:

We've run out of little spoons in the house. I feel like it's it's a major problem here. James takes them to work. He doesn't bring them back. We've got no little spoons. Um, and I was thinking I need to get some spoons and I was going to Tesco but I kept putting it off. I thought I'm not going to buy the spoons, I don't need to yet, and I just had a feeling somebody was going to give me some spoons, which is ridiculous. And then I go to my nan's house and she's like oh, we've had a sort out in the attic and there's a big box of little spoons here. Do you want them?

Speaker 2:

and I was like yes, this is amazing, but it's about recognizing that that receiving a box of small spoons is just as incredible as receiving money or a holiday or something else that I've been trying to manifest, because if I'm not thankful of what I'm bringing into my life on that level, then how am I truly going to be thankful of what's coming in on a larger level? Because it's just your ego then deciding what you do and what you don't want gratitude starts with what we have right now massively.

Speaker 1:

So you know, these little springs, they made me so happy, I was so happy and we've got loads now for now but I think people think that manifestation is this magic and it's it's not like the magic you see in the movies the magic of our own intuition, how powerful that is that we switch off. It's like we kind of dampen and depress everything, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

definitely not, we're not meant to know.

Speaker 2:

It feels like how magic we really are, and and also sometimes we we most of the time, let's be honest, people are taught especially with vision boards. Vision boards are great, but what do we do on vision boards? We look for material items. We cut out pictures of the holidays and the camper vans and the dogs and all the material things. But really, actually, maybe what you need is not a material item. Like me before I did my um, you know that deep year of healing I wasn't really wanting anything material to to bring me out of this. Who am I actually? It was all, like you say, within me. I just needed to wake that up. So it's also about yeah, it's not all material items. Sometimes it's already within you and it's about waking that up and again that comes back to self-awareness or links.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like spiritual detectives, like with a string on the board yeah, I've never found that vision boarding and, you know, manifesting specific things work. For me it's all about the feeling yeah it's, it's. I always visualize how I want to feel when I've achieved something and it's funny because literally when doing this consistently, even for only for a few days, I then start to naturally feel like that with everything, I look at something that's been in my house for forever and I suddenly have this amazing feeling and it's gorgeous and then it just yeah, I just think it's like it's contagious, this feeling.

Speaker 2:

Once you get used to feeling gratitude, you just feel it everywhere, it spreads and it's magic definitely, and when you buy um, there's so many journals out there, but when you buy a manifestation journal, you'll always have a page of gratitude as well, because it is about? Do you even need that thing? Is that really going to make you happy, like you say, yeah, um, yeah, it's, it's, it's cool, it's powerful I love it. I feel like we've covered so much that usually happens with me go up on a tangent oh, but I've loved it.

Speaker 1:

Kim, thank you so much. I always finish off um my episodes with just one question. Okay, for anybody that's listening today who wants to bring some more happiness into their lives, what is one simple piece of advice that you would give them?

Speaker 2:

I think, um, we just spoke about gratitude, but I think, be grateful for the small things, because it may feel small in your world, but that will probably be a big thing in somebody else's world. So you know, you might. I always use my kids and as an example summer holidays, right, and you're looking, I'm thinking, oh, how long until bedtime. And there's somebody out there that's been trying to have a child for years and years and years and they've not succeeded and they're never gonna have that feeling yeah um, and there I am, with that feeling, you know.

Speaker 2:

So it's about being grateful even for the bits that seem hard work and and cause us, you know, anxiety or stress. I do love my children, by the way, but, yeah, just just just be. Be grateful for the small things, be grateful for the small spoons.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna have to use that now be grateful for the small spoons love it for me, a trick I kind of use, like when you say you have those days where the norm is anxiety driving, yeah, um, I think back to where I was like five years ago and what I said that I wanted yeah, I'm like I've got it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I've got it. I've got it. I've got everything that I wanted, without really realizing. You know I'm married, he's all right. You know he's not a bad one, he's all right. I've got three happy, healthy kids and I've got a house. And you know it's not. Nothing's perfect, but what is, but I've got everything. Yeah, you forget. You forget that. You forget, of course we do, yeah the normal everyday stuff is like, what you said is what so many people would die for yeah, your perspective it always comes back to gratitude with me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, self-awareness, gratitude. Those are the big ones, aren't they? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

definitely. Oh, kim, it's been amazing.

Speaker 2:

It's been so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, I hope to have you back here soon. Yeah, definitely, thank you. Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on Instagram at thehighvibeguide. Get in touch, I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the High Vibe Guide.