The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Healing and Transformation

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

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Discover the power of healing and transformation through emotional release in this guided meditation. This session gently guides you to acknowledge and release trapped emotional pain and hurt, allowing you to open up to profound healing and personal growth. Let go of what no longer serves you and step into a space of renewal and inner peace.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation for emotional release, healing and transformation. Let's find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and gently close your eyes, take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, allow yourself to relax. This is your time. Your time to let go to heal and transform. Take another deep breath in and exhale. Breathe deeply in again, feeling your lungs expand and then release. Allow your awareness to stay with your breath. Notice the natural rhythm now of your inhales and yourself becoming more relaxed and centered, a warm, golden light surrounding your body. You can feel that this light is soothing and protective, helping you to feel safe and grounded. Helping you to feel safe and grounded. Visualize this light surrounding your entire body, from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes, creating this cocoon of warmth and security around you. Now let's take the next few moments to scan the body for any areas of obvious tension or discomfort. So, starting at the top of your head, gently move your awareness down through your forehead, eyes and jaw, eyes and jaw. If you notice any tension, take a full, deep breath in and, as you exhale, allow that tension to melt away. Soften the grip and allow the tension to release from the. Continue this process down through your neck, shoulders and arms. Drop and relax as you let go of any stress or tightness. Move your awareness down through your chest, stomach and lower back, releasing any tension with each exhale. Finally, bring your attention to your hips, thighs, knees and feet, allowing any remaining tension to flow out of your body and into the earth below, leaving you feeling completely relaxed and at ease.

Speaker 1:

Let's turn our focus inward, towards the emotions. Very gently, bring to mind any emotional pain, hurt or unresolved feelings that you've been carrying, doing so gently, being kind and compassionate towards yourself, like you would to a small child. This pain or hurt may be recent or from long ago. Give yourselves a moment and allow yourself to acknowledge these emotions without judgment. Now imagine these emotions as dark, heavy clouds within the body. Visualise them gathering in your chest. Or, if you feel the most emotional tension elsewhere in the body, then visualise these clouds there. Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, see these dark clouds beginning to dissipate, dissipate. See the golden light surrounding you growing stronger and brighter. This light represents healing and transformation. So, with each breath, feel this light expanding within you, filling the spaces where the dark clouds once were.

Speaker 1:

Now I'd like you to take yourself to a beautiful, serene place where you feel completely at peace. This could be anywhere From previous meditations. Together, you may have come to imagine a place that you like to return to now. It can be a beach, a forest, a meadow, any place that feels safe and comforting to you. See yourself now in this place, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and the gentle breeze around you gentle breeze around you.

Speaker 1:

In this safe space, call upon a spirit guide, a loved one who's no longer with you, or the inner wisdom that resonates within you. Ask for assistance. Ask for help in releasing these heavy emotions and invite healing energy into your being. As you stand in this peaceful place, see and feel the golden light growing even brighter, shining from within you and all around you With each breath, feel this light healing every part of you, transforming pain into peace, fear into courage and sadness into joy.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment now to repeat the following affirmations with me. You can do this silently or out loud to yourself, allowing their positive energy to flow through you. I release all that no longer serves me. I am healing, and peace and happiness. As we come closer to the end of this meditation, take a few more deep breaths, deep breaths feeling this energy of healing and transformation flowing through you and, when you're ready, gently bring your awareness back, wiggle your toes and slowly open your eyes. Remember that you can return to this place of healing and transformation whenever you need to Carry this sense of peace and release with you throughout the rest of your day. Thank you for meditating with me today.