The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION: Affirmations for Abundance

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

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Transform your life by unlocking an abundance mindset. Imagine a world where endless opportunities flow effortlessly to you, enriching every aspect of your existence. Today, I'm leading you through a powerful meditation that will help you embrace limitless possibilities and attract abundant blessings. With a series of affirmations designed to open your heart and mind, you'll learn to manifest love, joy, and prosperity effortlessly.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation for creating more abundance in your life. Abundance is limitless, flowing freely and endlessly, and by cultivating an abundance mindset, we open ourselves to infinite possibilities and blessings in every area of our lives. Let's begin by finding a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Give your body permission to relax and softly draw your attention inwards. Guide your focus towards your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your lungs expand. Hold for a moment and now exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension you might be holding onto. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing your body to relax with each breath. As you continue to breathe deeply, I will guide you now through a series of affirmations. Repeat each affirmation silently to yourself, feeling the truth and power of each statement.

Speaker 1:

I am surrounded by endless opportunities. Abundance flows freely to me in all areas of my life. I am grateful for the abundance of love and joy in my life. I attract positive and abundant experiences towards me constantly. My life is filled with unlimited abundance and possibilities. I am open to receiving the abundance that comes my way. Every day, I experience more and more abundance in my life. I am a magnet for abundant blessings. My mind and my heart are open to new and exciting possibilities. I radiate abundance and attract it naturally. I am in harmony with the abundant nature of the universe. I deserve a life of abundance and fulfilment.

Speaker 1:

My life is a reflection of the abundance I attract. I am grateful for the abundance of health and vitality, my abundant life. My heart is open to giving and receiving love. I see positive opportunities everywhere I look. My life is overflowing with contentment and joy. I am constantly discovering new sources of abundance. I am aligned with the energy of abundance. Abundance is my natural state of being universe. Every day I embrace the abundant blessings that come into my life. Take a moment now to visualize your life filled with abundance. See yourself living in contentment, happiness and fulfilment that you desire. Slowly bring your awareness back to your breath, inhale deeply, feeling your lungs fill with air, and exhale slowly. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and bring your attention back to the present moment. Carry this sense of abundance and positivity with you. Remember, the more you affirm and believe in your abundance, the more it will manifest in your life. Thank you.