The High Vibe Guide

34. Dealing with Jealousy: A Powerful Insight into Unlocking Personal Growth

Jenna Miller Season 1 Episode 34

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Jealousy – it’s an emotion we all feel but rarely talk about. What if you could transform that uncomfortable feeling into something positive and empowering? This week, we’re tackling jealousy head-on. 

We need to reframe our understanding of jealousy, exploring how it arises and what it reveals about our deepest desires and unmet needs. Join me today and discover how to turn this negative emotion into a catalyst for personal growth and fulfilment.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think. Hello, hello, welcome back to another episode of the High Vibe Guide, your own guidebook for living a more mindful, balanced and fulfilled life. Today, I'm going into a topic that's as old as time itself jealousy. But before we get started, let me tell you that your episode next week might not be first thing in the morning like usual, but I will do my very best to get it to you as soon as I possibly can. We are taking the kids to stay with my in-laws in Scotland this week, and I will have to do the editing on the day that I get back, so it might be a little late, but I'm very excited. This is our holiday for the year. It's always so much fun. My mother-in-law and my husband are like the best cooks ever, so we eat like kings the entire time we're there. They live in this big, gorgeous house on the borders with this huge garden. My father-in-law is the loveliest, silliest man and the kids are absolutely obsessed with him and they book so much stuff in for the kid I think they're booked in horse riding for them. They've booked us in for a couple of nights to this kind of luxury camping site with llama walking. I believe we'll be seeing some old family friends while we're there with their kids their little girl the same age as our youngest which is really lovely. So switching off from work while I'm there, but when I'm back I will have about a week or so until SoulCircle goes live. Guys, it's finally happening. My online yoga studio, soulcircle, is so so nearly ready. I'm uploading the last few things, but when I'm back from Scotland it's just going to be making sure everything is ready, tweaking all the last minute bits and September 1st it goes live. Guys, it's been like my mission over this last year or so to create the most inclusive virtual yoga studio ever.

Speaker 1:

You know, I believe that yoga is for everyone and regardless of spirituality. I don't think you have to believe in anything spiritually if you don't want to to benefit from yoga. It's all about getting to know yourself better, your mind and your body, and then creating this harmony and letting this then flow over into your life. Yoga's magic like that. Whether you want it to or not, it makes you live a better life, a more contented life. But to anyone, anyone who has ever wanted to try yoga but felt too inflexible, too nervous or unsure, then this is the space for you, and likewise to anybody who already practices yoga but wants to delve deeper into their practice, gain more understanding in a really cool and safe and supportive environment. This is your space too.

Speaker 1:

But I teach so many amazing, brave people in my face-to-face classes who have made themselves come along despite all the fear they might have been feeling, and I've seen them absolutely fall in love with it and grow and transform in so many ways. It's just the greatest gift to me and I feel so grateful to be able to help people in this way, which is why I created SoulCircle. I just became obsessed with the idea of reaching more people in the same way, and the time I started creating SoulCircle with this mission in mind was the. The time I started creating Soul Circle with this mission in mind was the same time I started the High Vibe Guide too. I just felt called to reaching more and more people, making them feel more contented and positive in their lives through the High Vibe Guide and then supporting these feelings even more through yoga and meditation. So if you subscribe to Soul Circle within that very first week of September when it goes live, you will receive a gigantic 30% discount for your entire first year of membership. So it works out to just around £10 a month, which is amazing for all of the content I've put on there for you guys. It is truly a platform to cover all of your yoga needs. Feel free to check out my instagram page, soulcircleuk, or my website, yogawithjennacom, for more information to be kept in the loop. I will put that in the show notes or description here as well for you, but the discount code for this first week will be announced soon. I'm so very excited to be finally sharing this with you all. So thanks for that.

Speaker 1:

Back to today's topic Jealousy. Jealousy, that sneaky little emotion that creeps up on us often when we least expect it, and I say it's as old as time itself, because we've all felt it at some point. Every single human being on the face of the earth has felt jealousy at one point in their lives, and this will have happened since human beings have existed. But in this day and age maybe it's when a friend got a promotion at work or when we see someone else living the kind of life that we dream of we can still feel happy for that person and feel jealousy. At the same time, it's this feeling in the pit of our stomach, a mix of longing, frustration and sometimes even a little bit of resentment, which can make us feel like bad people. But what is jealousy really telling us, and how can we turn this uncomfortable feeling into something more positive and more empowering? So let's start by acknowledging a fundamental truth Jealousy is a natural emotion. We all feel it. It's part of the human experience.

Speaker 1:

But why does it present itself so negatively? It never presents itself in a nice kind of wholesome way, does it? Well, jealousy often arises when we see someone else possessing something that we deeply desire but we don't currently have. It could be a quality, a lifestyle, a relationship or even an accomplishment, and the reason it feels so unpleasant is because, on some level, it's a reminder of what we want but for some reason, believe we can't have, or perhaps, deep down, we don't believe we even deserve. Think about it Jealousy doesn't just emerge from a relationship. It's a reminder of what we want, and so, out of thin air, it's usually tied to something personal, something that we care about deeply, and it highlights our unfulfilled desires and, more importantly, our limiting beliefs, those deep seated thoughts that whisper to us you're not good enough, or you don't deserve this, this, or you'll never have that. And these beliefs can be so subtle, often buried beneath layers of consciousness, that we may not even realize they're there. That's what's scary about limiting beliefs. But when jealousy strikes, it's like a spotlight shining on those limiting beliefs, making them impossible to ignore. So how do we deal with this? How do we turn jealousy from this destructive force into a powerful motivator?

Speaker 1:

For me, this starts with reframing. First, recognise jealousy for what it is. I like to view it as a signal or a messenger. So, instead of letting it consume, you take a moment to sit with it. Become that observer. What's it telling you? What desire is it highlighting? And once you've identified that desire, the next step is to examine the beliefs that are holding you back. Are you telling yourself that you're not capable of achieving what you want? Or maybe you think you're not worthy of it? These are your limiting beliefs and they are the true culprits behind the jealousy. You can check out my episode all about identifying limiting beliefs and how to deal with them in episode seven.

Speaker 1:

But one powerful method to reframe jealousy is through self-inquiry. To reframe jealousy is through self-inquiry. So when you feel jealousy rising, ask yourself these questions what exactly am I jealous of? Why do I believe that I can't have this, can't have this? And is this belief really true, or is it something I've been conditioned to think? And often you'll find that these beliefs are not based in reality, but in fear, past experiences or maybe even like societal conditioning. But another method that I like to use is to transform jealousy into inspiration. This is a main one that I have been using personally.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of seeing someone else's success as a reminder of your lack, try to see it as evidence that what you want is possible If they can achieve it. So can you Maybe use their success as a roadmap, not as a roadblock? What steps did they take to get there? What can you learn from their journey? Maybe you can do it slightly differently. There's no one way to achieve something. Let their success inspire your own journey, which will always look different to somebody else's. And, most importantly, how can you start believing that you too are deserving of that same success. That's key for me. What can you do to start believing that you too are deserving of that same success? And I've got to say it, guys practice some gratitude.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude's come up again, but jealousy often stems from what we call a scarcity mindset, and that's the idea that there's not enough success, happiness or love to go around. These good resources, the things that we strive for, they're limited. That's the belief in a scarcity mindset. But the truth is, guys, there's abundance for everyone. Whether that is money, love, happiness, freedom, success or relationships. There is enough for everyone.

Speaker 1:

So when you feel that jealousy creeping in, you're operating from this scarcity mindset. So shift your focus to what you already have. What are you grateful for in your life right now? I know this can be difficult when we are so used to focusing on our lack. It can be really hard to get into a gratitude mindset when we are focused on what we lack, what we don't have, what we want. But tough love here, guys. Get used to it, practice and keep practicing, because gratitude is the most powerful antidote to jealousy and, I think, almost every single negative emotion, because gratitude reminds us of the richness in our own lives and all of us have it. If you are breathing, if you have the luxury to be breathing air right now, you're rich. And this mindset helps us shift from this mindset of lack to one of abundance.

Speaker 1:

Do whatever it takes to get out of this scarcity mindset where you believe resources are limited, to get out of this scarcity mindset where you believe resources are limited, that there isn't enough to go around. It's a very dangerous place to be in mentally and it will hold you back in so many ways. And it just couldn't be further from the truth. You know you saw it in lockdown when everyone's scrabbling for the last few toilet rolls on the shelf, pre-ordering hand sanitizer by the half ton. But there is enough abundance for everyone to experience and the capacity for abundance is limitless. Get into this frame of mind, this way of thinking. It will open up so many doors for you. This way of thinking it will open up so many doors for you. And remember this jealousy is not your enemy. See it as a teacher. It's here to show you what you truly desire and where you might be holding yourself back. So by acknowledging it, reframing it and then working through the limiting beliefs that it brings to light. You can transform jealousy into this force for growth and self-discovery. So there you have it, guys.

Speaker 1:

I've kind of said what I wanted to say short and sweet, or short and punchy, for today. It's because I've been experiencing a bit of jealousy lately and I know with me I'm always at a certain point in my cycle where I start experiencing these lower vibrational emotions. So I just felt that I had to come on and talk to you guys about it, because it's something that we all experience, even if we are into a fairly established point of our self-growth journey. You know, there's no, there's no end point here. We all feel, feel it, but it's how we deal with these emotions when they come up. It's it's about not letting them consume us.

Speaker 1:

Like I said before, allow the feeling of jealousy to act as a signal, a highlighter, and if you've listened to episodes of mine before and you struggle to identify limiting beliefs and you know something's holding you back but you just can't figure out what it is because, like I said, sometimes these limiting beliefs are so deeply buried within our subconscious that we can't highlight them, we can't address them. But this is why I thought jealousy was quite powerful and quite useful, because it acts as that highlighter. It's pointing towards something that you believe about yourself which I can guarantee you isn't going to be true. It's a fear. Fear very rarely comes from a place of truth. That's very important to remember.

Speaker 1:

So that's why I wanted to come and talk to you guys about this today. I knew that I needed to explain that it doesn't just have to be this negative emotion that we let affect us. It is that signal for something else going on, something that we have the power to address, the power to do something about. I feel that all this is just about building ourselves up again, whether that's establishing new boundaries, new beliefs, new self-esteem, whatever it is, we can change whatever the hell we want. It's all possible.

Speaker 1:

So thank you, as always, for tuning in. If you found value, share it with someone who might benefit too, and remember your journey is your own. Do not let comparison rear its ugly head. Comparison is the thief of joy. Your journey is your own and you are deserving of every beautiful thing life has to offer. Until next time, guys, thank you. Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on instagram at the high vibe dot guide. Get in touch, I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the high five guide.