The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION: Morning Energiser for a Vibrant Day

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

This guided meditation is the perfect way to start your morning!

Instilling refreshing positivity for the day ahead, you'll awaken your body, sharpen your mind, and fill yourself with vibrant, life-giving energy. Set a powerful intention for your day and carry a sense of clarity, confidence, and joy as you move through your morning.

This meditation will leave you feeling refreshed, focused, and ready to embrace the beautiful day ahead.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning and welcome to your day. This meditation is designed to awaken your mind, energize your body and set a positive intention for the day ahead. So let's find a comfortable seated position now. Find a comfortable seated position now, either on a chair with your feet flat on the ground, or maybe on the floor with your legs crossed. Just be sure to sit up tall, lengthening the spine, and allow your hands to rest gently on your knees or in your lap together. And, when you're ready, close your eyes and take a deep breath in filling your lungs completely. Hold it just for a moment. Then exhale slowly, releasing any tension or heaviness from the night before. Let's do that again. Inhale deeply, filling yourself with fresh, new energy, holding for a moment. Exhale, letting go of anything that no longer serves you. Now bring your attention back to the breath, noticing its natural rhythm. Feel the cool air as you breathe in and the warm air as you breathe out.

Speaker 1:

Each breath is an opportunity to draw in new energy, to wake up your body and mind and to prepare yourself for a day full of possibilities. As you continue to breathe, imagine a bright golden light hovering just above your head. This light represents the energy of the morning sun Pure, vibrant and full of life. With your next inhale, visualize this light slowly entering your body through the top of your head. Slowly entering your body through the top of your head, filling your entire being with warmth and vitality. As this light flows down into your head, feel it, waking up your mind, sharpening your focus and clearing away any lingeringness or stiffness, and filling you with a sense of ease and strength. With each inhale, this golden light continues to move down through your chest, filling your heart with positivity and optimism. It flows into your arms, down into your hands, filling you with the energy to take on whatever the day brings. Feel this light energising every cell, every muscle, preparing you to move through your day with confidence and purpose. As the light travels down into your stomach, feel it waking up your inner power and your sense of determination. Let it flow down into your hips and legs, grounding you and giving you the stability and strength you need to the energy of the world around you.

Speaker 1:

A moment to appreciate the vibrant, life-giving energy that now flows through your entire body, from head to toe. Now bring your awareness to your heart center, the space in the middle of your chest, take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, set an intention for your day. This could be a word, a phrase or a feeling you want to carry with you. Maybe it's gratitude, focus, joy, peace, balance, whatever resonates with you. Visualize this intention glowing brightly in your heart that's going to guide you throughout your day.

Speaker 1:

Take a few more deep breaths. Take a few more deep breaths, feeling this sense of energy, clarity and purpose, and know that this light, this energy is always within you, ready to be called upon whenever you need it. And as you prepare to finish this meditation, slowly bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Back to your surroundings, small movements in the fingers and the toes, gently reawakening your body. Roll your shoulders, stretch out your arms and, when you're ready, open your eyes. Welcome to your day. Carry this energy, this light and this intention with you as you move through your morning, knowing that you have everything you need within you to make today a beautiful, fulfilling day. Thank you.