The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION: Awaken Your Heart with Gratitude

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

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In this week's guided meditation, I promise to uncover the profound power of gratitude - an incredible tool that can fill your day with joy and peace. As you settle into the session, you'll be guided through a series of affirmations designed to tap into your subconscious, fostering a deep sense of appreciation for both the big and small blessings in your life.

Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this episode will offer you a refreshing perspective on how gratitude can enhance your well-being. A great meditation to bookmark and revisit anytime you need to reconnect with these powerful affirmations. 

Join me and let this practice enrich your life with peace, thankfulness, and an abundance of positivity.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this week's guided meditation. Join me and let's get started by taking a comfortable seat or lying down, allowing your body to fully relax. Close your eyes gently and bring your awareness to your breath. Feel the natural rhythm of your inhale and exhale and let yourself settle in to the present moment. Now take a deep, full breath in, fill up your lungs completely and hold for five, four, three, two, one and breathe out softly. Hold for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and breathe out. Feel the tension leaving your body, allowing you to enjoy a moment of stillness.

Speaker 1:

Today we are focusing on gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools to build more happiness and joy into our lives. In today's session, you'll hear some powerful affirmations to install a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude within your subconscious mind. When we allow the mind to become familiar with feelings of gratitude, not only do we feel more appreciation for the things that are most important to us, but we create more space and more awareness for the amazing things that are around us all the time. So continue to breathe deeply and slowly. Breathe deeply and slowly With each inhale, breathe in peace and calm and with each exhale, let go of stress and worry. Breathing in peace and calm. Breathing out peace and calm. Breathing out stress and worry. Allow these affirmations into your awareness and give permission for the words to resonate with you. Take another deep breath in and out, and allow yourself to receive the following affirmations I am grateful for this moment of peace and stillness.

Speaker 1:

I am thankful for the breath that sustains me and brings me life. I appreciate the people in my life who love and support me. I am grateful for my body and all it does for me. Every day, I choose to see the lessons and growth in my life, even in challenging times. I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life each day. Each day, I appreciate the beauty of the present moment and embrace it fully. I am thankful for the simple pleasures that bring me joy and peace. I give thanks for my body, which allows me to experience the world. I am thankful for the challenges that help me grow and learn. I appreciate the lessons that come from difficult situations. I see the good in every situation, calm that always resides within me.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate the small moments that fill my life with happiness. I am so grateful for my health and well-being. I fully acknowledge the blessings in my life and welcome more to come. I'm thankful for the experiences that have shaped who I am today. I express gratitude daily and attract abundance into my life. I wholeheartedly appreciate the journey and I'm grateful for every step along the way. I'm grateful for the strength that nourish my soul. I'm grateful for the gift of another day to live fully and with purpose. Gratitude flows effortlessly through me, creating a more positive energy around me. Now feel the energy of these affirmations as you breathe them into your body. Let them fill your mind, let them fill your heart, reminding you of the abundance already present in your life. Take a few more deep breaths, feeling this sense of gratitude expanding within you.

Speaker 1:

As you slowly return to the present moment, know that you can carry this feeling of appreciation with you throughout your day. Let gratitude be a guiding light in everything you do. When you're ready, gently wiggle your fingers and your toes, slowly bring some awareness back to your body and when you feel ready, open your eyes. Take a moment to acknowledge this feeling Feeling grounded, feeling grateful. Take a moment to acknowledge this feeling Feeling grounded, feeling grateful and feeling at peace. Remember, gratitude is always available to you and you can return to this meditation and these affirmations anytime you wish to reconnect with them.

Speaker 2:

Thank you you.