The High Vibe Guide

36. Unlock Your Potential: Manifestation Secrets with Bre Brown

Jenna Miller Season 1 Episode 36

After years of grappling with skepticism and doubt, I found myself deeply transformed by the concept of manifestation, and I'm thrilled to share this journey with you in my latest episode. I have the incredible Bre Brown, creator and host of the Modern Manifestation podcast, joining us to unpack the powerful intersection of belief, the human mind, and the mystical elements of the universe. Together, we unearth the common misconceptions surrounding manifestation and emphasise the empowering effects of personal responsibility in creating a better reality.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think. Hi guys, welcome back to the High Vibe Guide. I hope you're all well and, leaning in to the beginning of autumn, I feel like summer just vanished so quickly. I wasn't quite ready for it, but I am looking forward to going to the range tomorrow with my mum to see all the new autumnal homework. Mum, to see all the new autumnal homework so cool, I know. But firstly, thank you the biggest thank you ever to all of my new soul circle members. It's been a whole week of soul circle and it's just such an amazing feeling to see you all becoming part of this. And it's just such an amazing feeling to see you all becoming part of this yoga community and practicing with me from your own home. So so thank you. It's been amazing to see you guys getting so much from it, and there is lots more to come. So if you want to subscribe, head over to wwwsoulcircleuk and you can start your seven day free trial. The link is in the notes, but Soul Circle is my new online yoga studio and I've created it to be your yogic sanctuary, where you can flow with me. You can learn more about yogic breathing techniques, receive my guided meditations, go deeper into specific posture breakdowns and just just so much more. I'm not going to sit and list all of the features on there, but I've created it for all the yogis out there beginner seasoned people that haven't yet tried yoga but want to. The slow flow lovers, to the power flow vibers. It's just 14.99 a month for exclusive access to this huge and growing on-demand library, so go and check it out. It is a safe and incredibly supportive space, breaking down the narrative of yoga being this incredibly bendy and lycra tight community of pretzel shaped people.

Speaker 1:

Come and experience with me what yoga should truly feel like, and for today's episode, I've had the absolute pleasure of speaking to Brie Brown, the creator and host of the Modern Manifestation podcast. Hers was the first podcast I ever really seriously got into when I first started wanting to learn more about manifestation, and it's been a dream of mine to actually speak to her in person about her amazing experiences, let alone actually have her on the high vibe guide. Bree's manifested such huge success in her life, right down from little gift cards and competition prizes all the way up to her incredibly successful six-figure career in commercial real estate over in the US where she lives. But she's also coached other women to develop and unleash their own power and create this same success for themselves. We didn't really get into that too much today, but she's an incredibly inspiring and successful lady and today we speak about things, and today we speak about all things manifestation.

Speaker 1:

But what I really wanted to do was to pick her brain about all of the most common hang-ups and doubts that we have about manifestation. Hang-ups and doubts that we have about manifestation, whether it is down to the mystery and the magic of the universe that we can't see or touch or understand, or if it is just down to the power of the mind, the human being themselves. So here you are. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do. You had no idea how much I had to tone down the fangirl in me. You tell me if that comes across. Enjoy Brie. Welcome to the high vibe guide. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Speaker 2:

How are you thanks for having me. I'm doing well.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and yourself oh, very well, thank you all the more better for having you with me. Like I said, I started to say to you before, it's a little bit surreal for me because your podcast really was a big part of my life for quite a while. Without going creepy and fangirl on you, it is a little bit surreal sitting talking to you here right now and it's a real honor and a pleasure for me. So, thank you, I feel like it was just perfect timing. I I've spoken about on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

My listeners know all about my kind of light bulb moment that I had nearly a year ago. It was a point that I had. A lot of things were going wrong and it was almost like the last straw was my husband lost his job and we I still had my youngest child, was still very young, so I wasn't really working yet and feeling very sorry for myself. I went straight into the victim mindset. You know that really dangerous place mentally, yeah, and it took me going dark to suddenly sit there and realize I can't rely on anybody else to fix this situation.

Speaker 1:

And it was such an empowering moment that, yeah, I like just switched on. I like switched on, and we were just talking about yin and yang masculine, feminine and it felt like, right, I've got to act, I've got to do something. No one else is going to come do it for me. And that's when I started to look into manifestation. I'd I vaguely heard of it before, like I'd seen like the secret. You know, I'd read the book and I was vaguely familiar with the law of attraction and all that, the power of the mind, basically and I was. I can still remember vividly.

Speaker 1:

I was sat in the car. I was. I can still remember vividly. I was sat in the car, I was on like another long distance car journey and I pulled over and I was just searching through up a podcast like manifestation podcast. Right, I'm in the zone, need to listen to it.

Speaker 1:

Listen to a few. Nothing was resonating with me. And then I came across Modern Manifestation, your wonderful podcast, and I must've listened to about four or five in that car right from the beginning, and this is where I can get you talk about being a perfectionist. I'm a little bit like that as well, but and I had to listen to them all in order I was like no, I can't skip one, I have to listen to all of you on the journey.

Speaker 2:

I'm the same way yeah, so I did.

Speaker 1:

I just really feel like everything you said was just resonating with me. It was just right place at the right time and I was just blown away by your stories and your personal experience with manifestation for you, and I mean the Fitbit story. I still tell people that's just is that.

Speaker 2:

It is that your Fitbit. Well, this is technically 2.0, because I did have to.

Speaker 1:

It did die after a few years and I had to get a new one, but you know, but I'm a lifer but I'd like to start by asking you if, for the people that, like I, was vaguely familiar with manifestation but not 100% sure on what it actually is, could you explain in your words what you feel manifestation means and how you first came into it, and then a little bit about your personal experience with it.

Speaker 2:

So when I first start talking about manifestation with people that are unfamiliar with the topic as a whole, I try not to go too far down the woo-woo train, the spiritual train, because I realized that that is something that did not interest me when.

Speaker 1:

I first got into manifestation.

Speaker 2:

I was more about what are, what is the implications of this? How can I actively utilize this idea in order to create change in my life? And I was just not interested at all in the spiritual side, so I like to talk about it from the more of the perspective of like. What does that look like for someone that's maybe not as open to the spiritual side? Because if you do follow the spiritual side, like the secret it says it's the law of attraction.

Speaker 2:

The things you think about are the things that you bring into your life, and that's all well and good, but for me, I always call myself a skeptical spiritualist, and so when I first got into this work, that just didn't resonate with me as much.

Speaker 2:

I was kind of like, okay, I get it, but like I don't really get it. And over the years, what I have sort of defined manifestation as is that, if you think about it, you're manifesting your current identity. Who you are being is what you are manifesting more of, and so your identity is created by your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. And I think we could all agree that whatever thoughts you have throughout the day, whether they're good, bad, if they're self-deprecating those tend to inform the emotions that we have, and the emotional state that we allow ourselves to get in will then determine what we do with ourselves, what we allow ourselves to do, what we have the capacity to do throughout the day. So if you're having deprecating thoughts throughout the you know the morning, or something you're like, oh, I just can't do this, I can't do that, I'm so unworthy of this. That's going to put you in an emotional state that just feels like ugh, like kind of sluggish and just you're not going to feel your best.

Speaker 2:

And who's going to think, oh, I'm going to go start a business today, today that could potentially win me that client when you don't feel your best, you're not going to. And so the way I like to think about manifestation is that you're really just trying to change who you are currently being, so that you're changing the thoughts, emotions and behavior pattern, and so I look at it more as like a mindset perspective. First, because I think that's a more approachable way to get into the idea of manifestation, and there's a really good book that talks all about like your mind and how it operates.

Speaker 1:

very similarly to a machine. It's called Psycho-Cybernetics.

Speaker 2:

Psycho-Cybernetics. Psycho-cybernetics.

Speaker 2:

And for anyone that's interested in mindset work specifically, and you're looking for more of like the logical, the yang energy, the how does my mind work and how do I start to get it to function differently.

Speaker 2:

That's a really great book to get into. It's long, so brace yourselves, but that's a really great one that talks about this mindset work and how it can then start to have this ripple effect elsewhere in our lives. So that's kind of how I started getting into to manifestation, and it has since sort of changed my, my definition of it. Now, I used to say that, you know, this identity component led to those three other things thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and that whole wheel was what you're manifesting. And more recently I've added another layer to that, which is you also have to contemplate your passions, or the things that you're pursuing in life, and so really your passion is. It's almost like your passion and your identity are two sides of a similar coin. Who you are being can be directly influenced by what you're passionate about, and for some of us we don't know what that is yet, and so it's figuring that out and that's why people talk about getting clarity.

Speaker 2:

It's really just trying to figure out, like what is your value set, what is your purpose, what are you passionate about in this life that can dramatically impact who you're being, the person you're acting as, and then that's going to change the rest of the wheel the thoughts, emotions and behaviors. So that's sort of a long-winded explanation of how I view manifestation. Is that those things are going to be what dramatically changes your life, and it's not going to be that you start changing your thoughts and emotions and then all of a sudden, you know you're starting a company. It's not going to be that sort of huge of a transition for most people. It's going to be more of gives myself ultimate compassion, even though I'm not feeling great today, even though I'm feeling a little depressed like what can I? I'm just going to feel very compassionate for myself and I'm going to be someone that shows up for me even when I'm not. You know where I ultimately want to be. Can you show up that way? And then that's going to change your thought patterns. So then, instead of self-deprecating, you're like nope, you know what I chose today to show up as someone that's compassionate for myself. Okay, well then, emotionally, that's going to make you feel a little bit more loved. It's going to make you feel just a little bit better than you were if you'd given yourself the self-deprecating thoughts.

Speaker 2:

And then you know the behavior then might be instead of numbing or escaping with something like social media scrolling or Netflix, maybe you pull up your web browser and you just look into. Well, if I were to start a business, what would be the first thing you do? Maybe you find a video where someone just talks about their experience, or maybe you just sit down at a journal and you write like business plan at the very top 1%. That's all we're asking for. We're not asking for you to take, you know, a thousand steps forward. We're just saying could you do one small thing today that might just get you closer to what you're passionate about. So that's how I think about manifestation is just like taking these incremental steps and it's all about changing. You know how you're showing up every day is going to be what determines the life that you receive.

Speaker 2:

I think we all know that person in our life who's super positive all the time and it just seems like they're very lucky Things just always seem to come to them and you know you could say it's a spiritual like attracts like, or you could just say that how they're showing up changes how everyone responds to them. Both are right, both are right, and so that's how I view. Manifestation is just changing. Who you're being is going to change what you're receiving as a result of that.

Speaker 1:

That was a long-winded answer not at all, I loved it. Thank you but I totally agree with you because I feel like I'm I'm at that kind of crux point, if you like, where you know I'm a hundred percent. I'm a yoga teacher, I'm so open to all the spiritual, all the metaphysical, but I need something behind it. I need a bit of oomph. You know, I can't just fully flow into that 100% faith in the spiritual, even though I'm so open to it.

Speaker 1:

I need a bit of science and something behind it to support it not, it doesn't have to be a hundred percent, it just has to kind of, you know, support it a little bit. I'd like to talk to you about some things that I feel I've possibly manifested but at the same time, can then also be justified, you know like, oh well, you did that, so of course that was going to happen, but you do what I mean. There's that, there's that kind of well, is it? Or is that just how life works? But would you mind sharing, because I know, I think, being one of your listeners, I know how much I enjoyed hearing about what you've managed to manifest for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Could you give us a little bit of an insight, maybe even the Fitbit story, as well, I'm happy to share the Fitbit story because even now it's like, even though I've manifested like career aspirations, it's been like my favorite story is still the Fitbit story because it's just so like mind blowing. And it's one of those stories where, like, if it had not happened to me talking about like skeptic, you know spirituality, I probably wouldn't believe it myself. Yeah, and thankfully, evan, you know I need to go back and see if I still have those texts threads. It'd be from 2017 or 2016. So it might be a bit of a stretch, but literally it was like thankfully having him as a part of the story, to be like I wasn't crazy, Right, like that was not a dream that actually happened.

Speaker 2:

He was like yeah, no, and that honestly kind of made him a believer at that point.

Speaker 2:

And so the story is for people that aren't familiar with myself and the Fitbit story is I was in San Diego visiting my brother, coronado, and anytime I go to visit, I always stay at the Hotel Del is like a little treat for myself for a night or two, and while I'm there, in Coronado, I'm also. This is when, like, fitbits were getting really popular and so my office had a challenge going on where all of us were competing with one another for our steps throughout the day and throughout the week, and you know there were challenges and prizes and whatever else, and I'm a highly competitive person and, of course, I'm in like this very masculine industry as well.

Speaker 2:

So, a lot of my coworkers are male, they're getting up, they're running like marathons in the morning, so I was just like I was doing everything I could to try to keep up with everyone and short story is my Fitbit breaks while I'm on the trip. It just stops working, it's not charging, it's not turning on and it had been a couple of years old at this point and if you're familiar with Fitbits, they usually have like a good two, three life and to them before they start to crap out.

Speaker 2:

And it was toward the end of this one's lifespan. So I was really bummed because I'm trying to get it turning on, I'm trying to get it working, and it's just not happening. And I'm like, well, I'm going to lose this competition. That is just very, very sad. And so I'm kind of like having a little pity party throughout the day. I'm like, well, this sucks, and I go to the beach and I was just like you know what I'm getting. And this was still like earlier on in my manifestation journey, just like of learning about the concept, and I was like you know, there's this thing, the manifestation like you could attract things that you're thinking about or you know that you're thinking positively about.

Speaker 2:

And so I was like, well, let's just, let's just try it, like there's no, no harm in it, right. And so I was like, okay, well, at some point today I'm going to get a new Fitbit. And I just put it out there in the world and in my logical brain I was like, well, what that means is that I might be in Coronado is kind of like the small little downtown area there's not like a Best Buy or Target or anything like that, right. And so what I was thinking logically that meant was like, oh well, I'll just happen to walk by a store later, that'll have it in the storefront and I can like get myself. Like, I didn't put any parameters on it, I just said I'll get one by the end of today. And I was so confident in that because I was like, well, surely I can just buy one, right? Um, but again, I didn't put any parameters on it. I was just very confident in that. Oh yeah, today that's gonna happen, I'm gonna go get a new Fitbit, I'm gonna get back into the competition, I'm gonna you know if I need to go run a few miles at the end of this to get caught up like it's going to be fine.

Speaker 2:

Um, and then I kind of set that intention, let Evan know via text. I was like you know what? Because I'm an over communicator, I'm an overshare in my life with people that are close to me, which is probably why I have a podcast, and so I just like tell him everything. I'm like yes, this is what I'm thinking. This happened to my Fitbit. I'm super bummed about it. But I heard about this thing on manifestation. I'm going to manifest it. He's like okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, why?

Speaker 2:

not, he's just entertaining me at this point, yeah, and then I go out into the beach and I start swimming and within a few minutes I just step on something and I'm like that feels oddly. You know, it didn't feel like an organic matter from the ocean right bleed or anything. It was very hard and had lines and was rigid and I was like what is that? And so I pull it out. I, like you know you use your toes, you kind of pick it up it's probably too much for people.

Speaker 1:

I've got those toes as well and so I pull it out.

Speaker 2:

You know, whatever it is with my hand, and it's a Fitbit. And at that point I was like surely it's not a Fitbit. And if it is because I'm looking at it. I'm like this is actually the kind of Fitbit that I was wanting to get whenever my other one crapped out, because the one that I had previously was I don't even remember what it was called, but it was just thicker, and the one that I wanted was like the HR, it was a little slender it was cute and you know.

Speaker 2:

So it's like the one I had my my eye on. That's the one I'm pulling out of the ocean and I'm like, well, surely this, this thing's not going to work right, like there's no way. You just find exactly what you were looking for in the exact style that you wanted it in, and then it just works?

Speaker 2:

Um, but it did. It was working, like the little light showed up and then it did turn off. So I was like, okay, well, you, well, you know. Well, my skeptic was always like, well, it's too good to be true, surely you don't find a working one? Um, but was able to get a charger ordered to me overnight.

Speaker 2:

Um, thanks, amazon and plugged it in, got it working and it was fully functioning. Um, I did it was. The beach was pretty scarce that day because it was a. It was like during the off season, I think it was like October, november, somewhere in there. But I did look around because I'm like I'm not about to steal someone's Fitbit if they like just lost this thing, but no one had lost it it's just insane weird circumstance. I'm like how, what are, what are the odds of that happening?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I text Evan, I'm like guess what happened? And he was like what? And I was like remember what I was just asking for? He was like yeah, what? And I was like remember what I was just asking for? He was like yeah. And then I kind of go quiet and he's like don't tell me, you already have one. That was like so crazy story. And then I tell him about it and he's like I just I don't believe you. And so anyway.

Speaker 2:

It's when I got home and had it on my wrist and he's looking through all the credit cards he's cards he's like, yeah, no, you didn't buy this thing like it's. You know the story's real. Um, because of course, my husband's also. He was a mathematics and physics major in college before he got into music so of course his brain was just like does not too cute.

Speaker 1:

That was my practical answer here. It's just, it's.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, you even are thinking this must just be a coincidence oh, 100, even now, like it's one of those things where I think it's it's always healthy to have skepticism. No one wants to blindly accept everything that's told to them, even in the manifestation world. So even my podcast, I'm like, don't just blindly take the things that I say, because you know you kind of need to filter it through your own reality and your own experiences. And so even now, I think healthy skepticism is always. There's always, you know, permission to do that and so, yeah, there's always times where I'm like, well, was that confirmation bias?

Speaker 1:

Was that you know, I?

Speaker 2:

kind of go through the different psychological things that could have happened. But then every time I think about it, though, I'm like that was just that. I have no words to describe it. And that's why that's my favorite manifestation story, because, like, money is one of those things that, to your point, I could always subscribe to, something that I did, which, of course, is a part of manifestation. Anyway, those things are true. Confirmation bias is a part of manifestation. I mean, the reality is, is those two things are, you know, working together? And so that's why I love that story, because I there's just no, I have no realistic explanation as to how that could have happened.

Speaker 1:

No See, for me, that's just that's just proves that, like manifestation's magic. Yeah, that's kind of the magical side of it where you think surely not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, but it was unbelievable, yeah, and, like I said, if it had happened to anyone else I would have been like I think they're kind of exaggerating what exactly happened.

Speaker 2:

You know like, oh, maybe they found it on the way from the beach, or you know what I mean Like they didn't find it in the water, but no, because I was the person in real time physically pulling this thing out of the water and thinking like surely, if it's in the water it's going to be logged and not working. But no, it happened to be like the waterproof version of it, of course. Right, like yeah, again, how does that? How do you get the one Fitbit model that's waterproof to?

Speaker 2:

like be anyway yeah so absolutely incredible.

Speaker 1:

So that's like the trivial things I remember you talking about. You used to manifest like winning prizes and like, yeah, pouches and stuff, didn't you? But you've also done it to a larger scale, haven't you?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah. So. So thousands of little um of dollars in those little like gift cards I can't tell you how many $500 gift cards I've won and raffles and I've won paddle boards and apple watches and those are just like the little things you know, um, and that was a big part of building my confidence. So I think for anyone that's interested in this work, it's good to start small. It's good to start building your confidence in the concept itself, and so for me, I think the Fitbit was kind of like a pivotal moment where I was like mentally like, oh, if that's possible, what else is possible? So that for me was kind of like a catalyst moment. Um, so look for your own. You know it doesn't have to it. What is your version of that? Is it? You know? Is there a competition coming up, or is there, um, a raffle coming up, or you know what I mean? Just like you can start getting playful with it and it doesn't have to be like a life or death.

Speaker 2:

You know, don't get stressed out about it because that's not going to help anything, but can you start playing with the concept and getting little wins here, here and there? And then, yeah, in my career I made a decision on the trajectory that I wanted to experience within my professional sales and so, being in sales, I have more ability to determine what my revenue is going to be from year to year. And it started off. I did sales selling Cutco knives years and years and years ago, and that was really my first taste of manifestation, without realizing what it was, because it was a change whenever I started shadowing this guy who was one of the best in our region. After I started shadowing him and seeing how he did things, things, I then started pretending to be him going into meetings, and that's when, all of a sudden, my sales took off and again it was that identity.

Speaker 2:

I started acting and I started being someone that had those kinds of sales. And all of a sudden it was literally within the next appointment I had after shadowing him. I was like we're just going to pretend we're Alan, we're going to go into this meeting with Alan's energy and we're just going to pretend as if we've also had, you know, a hundred thousand dollar year in selling knives. Yeah, and that was for me the first moment where it's like all of a sudden I went from. I think I had, like I was working for like two months in Cutco sales at that point maybe less, it's timelines kind of getting a little weary now but and I think my total sales by then was like $2,000. I'm 18 at this point, so you know for me.

Speaker 2:

I was like, well, that's still about what I would make if I were Rachel Singh, so this is fine. And then, yeah, after that meeting with him I had, that very first appointment was a $2,000 sale. Wow, and then the next appointment was a thousand dollar sale, and then the next appointment was also a thousand dollar sale and it's like that whole day made up more than my entire two months of sales before that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so I didn't know. I actually had never heard of the secret at that point so I didn't really know, like, what was going on. But I knew that by acting as this person, I was directly changing how other people were responding to me and how you know their, their willingness to buy. Honestly, it's like I think we all have had that salesperson that we feel is awkward and not confident and then you just feel this like sick kind of like, like it just doesn't, it feels slimy, everyone's uncomfortable in that situation.

Speaker 1:

I was that salesperson. I'm also, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was, I had that person exactly and then so when I decided to shift who I was being and be more like Alan, I was walking in like, hey, let's just have a conversation, let's find out what would work for you and you know if. If this isn't a product you want to purchase, that's fine. I just want to help you in making decisions. That you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

It's like you're approaching the situation very differently. The person that is being sold to feels very differently about it. They're all of a sudden not uncomfortable because they're not picking up on your uncomfortability. So it's like that's kind of what I was talking about with this identity piece is like who you are being is directly impacting your results, and that's what I experienced in my like 18 year old self. And then I think I saw this secret documentary, um, a couple years after that and was like that's what happened, like oh, that was why I all of a sudden went from two thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars in one month of sales and that's also like sorry to interrupt you, but that's almost like before you know they talk about in manifestation that you have to kind of soften your grip on what you're trying to manifest.

Speaker 1:

It's that you let go of the process, you let go of the control, as a lot of trust there, because if you're gripping onto it so tightly, all that comes through is your lack, isn't it, and what you don't have. And that's what it made me think of that when you said you almost must have relaxed because you had this borrowed self-confidence from Ellen and everyone just felt more comfortable.

Speaker 2:

You let go of the control, the process and just yeah yeah, that's why I love the concept of fake it till you.

Speaker 2:

Make it, because it's like you know some people have an issue with that expression. It's like you, but you're. I love what you said about borrowing someone else's confidence. You're just borrowing aspects of other people that you admire, and as long as they're good things right. As long as they're not like you know you're not trying to borrow someone's like jealousy or greediness or you know whatever it's like. Yeah, it's going to be something that you want for yourself, and why wouldn't the people around you also want you to experience that in some capacity? And then at some point, when it comes to an identity shift, at some point the things that we're borrowing just become true about ourselves, and that's when that's the beautiful thing about manifestation is like it's like there's layers to who you are being and it will evolve and transform over time and what.

Speaker 2:

I I've noticed you know you said something about when you start getting more, you start kind of bearing down on things and really holding on, and that's really resistance in a lot of ways. And I noticed that when resistance comes about, I used to think of it as a bad thing, like, oh, how do I get rid of resistance? I don't want resistance. I've sort of changed my philosophy on that over the past year maybe six months to a year. I no longer really see resistance as this bad thing, but as this opportunity for growth. And it's like, if you are holding onto something so tightly, there's a core wound there. There's something that you either don't feel safe with, you don't feel comfortable with, or that is indirect. It juxtaposes something you believe about yourself. It's like resistance is telling you something that, like you need to let go in order to continue moving forward. So now I look at it as like a gift. That's like, hey, there's something that's not in total alignment here.

Speaker 1:

Um, so anyway, it's like a little flag post in the sand or a little highlight isn't it there's something here you need to just soften the grip on. Yeah, I totally get that, totally get that.

Speaker 1:

Can I tell you what I think, I feel, I've manifested and yes my, my husband, callum, sounds similar to your husband in the fact that the stereotypical man he's very much. You know the mathematical mind he is like that's not manifestation, jenna. You've just you did that, so that happens. You know, your mindset changed it, so you did something different and then something different happened which, like you say, is basically what manifestation is. It can be both, yeah, yeah, but it's. It's when you, you, you listen to things like your fitbit story, like I remember, I remember telling him this and he was he literally said fuck off he was like exactly, yeah and I said no, it's true, if I knew that was gonna happen, I would have had a videography team there but he's, he's the man who will say that's just coincidence.

Speaker 1:

He, I still remember him saying that I was sitting in the kitchen, that's just coincidence. And I was like, well, maybe, maybe we stop taking the fun out of it go away.

Speaker 2:

Why can't coincidence be manifestation also? 100%, 100% you don't have to split these two things and say it's one or the other.

Speaker 1:

It can be both yeah, I think that's true as well, but for me, so since my my light bulb moment that I had last year, I've all been about manifesting a stronger mindset for myself. You know, less self-doubt, more belief in my own capabilities. Very much like you know, I've got three children. They're all still young and it was always relying on my husband to bring us, bring in the money, and I I didn't. I didn't realize that. I didn't like sitting with that feeling, because it's placing your feeling of security and happiness that you do obviously sometimes attached to money and financial security, you're placing it on someone else and I didn't realize I was doing that. You know, and I remember the pivotal moment I had was one limiting belief that I realized I had in myself was that I can't earn more money than my husband.

Speaker 1:

I didn't realize I had this and it was such a strong, powerful, like literally hit me square in between the eyes kind of moment, because I was like why the fuck can't I, why?

Speaker 1:

don't I just because I have kids I know it's very difficult women, you know, career and family, all that kind of stuff it doesn't mean it can't be done. So I was the beginning of manifestation journey. I started meditating consistently. Now I'm a yoga teacher. I don't practice what I preach all the time, especially when it comes to meditation. I was like I've got to actually start meditating myself now and I mean that's a whole other story. How powerful.

Speaker 2:

I find meditation.

Speaker 1:

I know you meditate as well, um, so I started a lot of visualization. That's the only way I feel I can meditate the most powerfully is through visualization. That's my technique anyway. So I do a lot of abundance manifestation like visualization, and all I found that I was visualizing was because we live in a house which is fairly old, there's a lot of work doing to it, and part of my visualization was imagining work being done to the house, like work being in, you know, renovations happening, because that just it, it fed into that feeling for me that we're in a position now financially where we can afford that. Yeah, part of my image.

Speaker 1:

You know it started really small at first. Like I, during lockdown just to keep myself sane, I started a candle making company. I made candles and sold them and I haven't done it too much recently because I'm concentrating on my new business. But I found a load of old stock so I sold it for like less than half the price you know, but they were just went like hotcakes and I used that money to get a decorator in to do some of the prep work on these awfully old walls that we have and I just sat there and I was like some, I've got someone in my house doing work.

Speaker 2:

I mean yes.

Speaker 1:

I've done that because I've sold some candles, I've made some money, but started off small like that. And then I I kept getting this phone call for an unknown number. And I don't answer the phone to unknown numbers. I think it's either a sales call, someone I know that haven't got the number saved. They'll leave me a voicemail or text me. You know Too many times I've answered the phone. I've been like oh, this is why I don't answer the phone to unknown numbers. So, but it just kept ringing, it kept ringing, kept ringing and one day I just answered it, really annoyed, just like I'm just gonna answer it to you the hell this person is answered it hello, who is this?

Speaker 1:

and it was basically a company, an energy company, because we have an old house, we run on oil, so really you know old school house and I don't even remember it must have been an ad that popped up on like Instagram or something. You know these old houses we live in a very rural location you can apply to for new energy systems if you're happy. Don't remember doing it. And it was this company. I said you qualify because my husband lost his job at the time when I applied for it. We had to claim benefits a very humbling experience, but we were in that dire position and because of that we qualified for a lot. We got new solar panels. This is the conversation was on the phone on a Wednesday. They were.

Speaker 1:

I had about 10 workmen in the house the following week fitting solar panels to our roof. They took our oil burner away and placed it with a brand new air source heat pump, which costs like cost like 20 000 pounds. We got new radiators. We got what else did? We get extractor fans, insulation in the, in the roof and the eave and everything. And I was just stood there and I was like, have. I have I manifested this and I mentioned it to my husband. You're like no, you didn't. You didn't manifest it, jenna like, but I think I have, and it was just lots of little things like that and because I'm really it's all about just feeling abundant, not just financially, because obviously abundance is not just money, but even little things, like we have the old oil tank I can see it now in the garden and it can cost a lot of money to come, for someone to come and take it away, because you can't just take it, you know, to the dump or anything yeah and I thought I'm just gonna throw it out on Facebook marketplace.

Speaker 1:

If someone wants to come and take it, they can. It probably is not gonna happen, but someone's literally coming around and taking it away for free. It's an old farmer. He will use it and put it to good use for something else and it saved us about another thousand pounds. Wow, and I'm just like the headspace I was in before I started learning about the power of the mind and manifestation and everything else.

Speaker 1:

I would just have resigned myself to the fact that, no, we'll just leave the oil tank there for now because we can't afford to get it taken away. So and I wouldn't have looked for opportunities like that. And it's funny how you said confirmation bias earlier, because I think that does tie into it, if you're not looking for opportunities and solutions.

Speaker 1:

You will not see them, they will not present themselves to you, and it's a huge part of manifestation, I think. But so that's a few things of what I've experienced recently, and that's $21,000 right there yeah exactly, and it's just there's so much of me that's like, well, no, it is all.

Speaker 1:

it's so scientific, it's all based, in fact, because I've just I'm re rewiring my brain, I'm looking for more positive things, I'm not just stuck in the negative thought patterns that I used to have, which is so limiting in so many ways. But then how do I tie this in to the magic of manifestation?

Speaker 1:

you, know, like the foot bit. Yeah, like I remember in the very beginning I did I think it was after listening to your foot bit story I thought, right, I'm gonna go manifest some real fucking shit now I'm gonna win this three million pound house and all this and obviously it didn't come to fruition.

Speaker 1:

But then you hear these people say if you don't get that thing, you're not in a space to be receiving it. And it's only with hindsight that I can say I didn't manifest these ridiculous prizes that I was trying to to win and manifest because, no, I wasn't in a place to probably receiving that, because when I was, it was this have you heard of the, the company, the charity amaze o-m-a-z-e yeah, they give out these huge houses every now and again.

Speaker 1:

So it was that I was convinced I was going to have this three million pound house. You know and. I didn't get it. But when I think back now to how I was, to what I was visualizing with it, it was just going to fix my financial problems, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'd sell the house and I'd then have all this money and I could pay back family and me and my family would be comfortable. And I think I I skipped a very important part for me, which is a huge part of what I feel now identifies me, is that I want to use my passion and my purpose to create this wealth and financial stability for my family, and I would have completely bypassed that. I guess for me, like, what would you say to people who are trying to manifest things like this prizes, competitions and they're not getting it?

Speaker 2:

yeah. So I would say it depends on the energy that you're coming from. A lot of times and you kind of mentioned this a little bit, as well as a lot of times when we are putting ourselves in a position where we're going after these competitions, we're coming from the place of scarcity.

Speaker 2:

I need this because it's going to fix my life. I need this because there's something lacking that I need this because it's going to fix my life. I need this because there's something lacking that I need this in order to fulfill, whereas the times that you actually are successful in those endeavors is when you're coming from a place of fulfillment. I don't need this. The reality is, though, and sort of the I would say the, the. What is the word? I'm looking for? The I guess catch 22 would probably be the best word I can think of is that when you do come from that place of fulfillment, oftentimes you're not even going after those competitions because, like you said, it's not in alignment with your passion and your purpose, and that's what's tied into your identity and that's what's going to get you to change your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. So, a lot of times it's like and I was, I used to be guilty of like going after the lottery and all of those things, and in hindsight, I was like I was going after those things because I didn't think I was worthy enough of creating that success for myself, and that was a core wound. So the resistance of not getting the lottery wasn't because manifestation doesn't work. It's because that wasn't in alignment with what my goals are for my life. My goals are for my life is to create abundance for myself and then show other people how to do it outside of the manifestation space, in like a normal industry, and so it's like winning the lottery wasn't going to help me at all to do that. That. That would put me in a position where, okay, I win the lottery, but to your point, I might then start explaining it away. It wasn't. You know, it doesn't feel in alignment with who I want to be, it doesn't feel authentic to me. So I would say that if you're trying to put yourself in a position where you're actively, you know it's one thing to enter these competitions for fun, to play, to try to experience what this magic could feel like. If you're coming from that place, go for it. If you're coming from a place of scarcity where you're like I need this to resolve something within my life that's not meeting my expectations, that's when it's not going to work out for you because that's not in alignment with you. And so I like to.

Speaker 2:

And you know, manifestation is kind of one of those things where, you know, I always think about the mental health aspect of this. And the one dangerous part about manifestation is that it is tied in directly to who you are being as a person. Not that anything's your fault, everything's okay with. However, your being is perfect. It doesn't matter if it's meeting your expectations or not. It's perfect, it's right.

Speaker 2:

And I think the downside of manifestation is that sometimes we can go down this rabbit hole of like, well, I'm not enough because I'm not manifesting these things that I want. And that's never true. It's never about you not being enough, but the fact that that's where your mind goes tells you that there's a wound there that needs to be addressed. So earlier you had that limiting belief around not being able to make as much as your husband. Well, someone's not manifesting a huge client that they want. Okay, maybe they start going it down into the path of like, well, I'm not worthy enough for this to have manifested.

Speaker 2:

For me. It's like, okay, well, that's your wound, yeah, you need to resolve that, and this is a learning opportunity for you. And so sometimes manifestation it's like and you know, you could say it's justifying manifestation or whatever. Either way, it doesn't really matter If you want to put a label on it and call it manifestation or not. Call it manifestation, call it just, you know, justification or confirmation bias or any of these things. Fine, put whatever names you want on it, but the lesson is the same. Look at that experience and say what did not manifesting that thing? What is it? What was my initial gut reaction to that? That's telling me that there's something right now in who I am currently being that isn't in alignment for that thing and who I'm currently.

Speaker 2:

this is that it's almost like and that's why I say like resistance is the point of transformation. You either get to choose to change because of that thing that happened, so that in the future you are better aligned toward those things, or you choose to say the same and you repeat the same results. And that's what a lot of people do.

Speaker 2:

They stay the same, they just say manifestation doesn't work and then they move on with their lives, which is fine. A lot of people that are growth oriented will say and I had this happen to me recently where I um you know full disclosure for everyone here I got really depressed because a huge client of mine went to a competitor. They were poached and it was crushing for me and all I could think about was like I have this podcast where I talk about this, like I should just be having all the success all the time. Who am I to even coach these people when clearly I can't do it for myself? And after having a pity party, I think it's always good that you acknowledge your emotions. You don't spiritually them right?

Speaker 2:

You just say yeah this sucks and I was talking to people like manifestations, dead to me. And then after a couple of days, after my emotions had you know sort of, I rode the roller coasters with them. I let myself experience those and when I started getting to a more emotionally and hormonally stable place, then I had the reflection and I was thinking back on that particular situation and I remember thoughts that I had along the way that were like little nuggets of how old habits that had served me have not been serving me lately and I've been resisting letting them go. And now, having that experience, I look back and I'm like, oh, I was still trying to hold on to those old habits that aren't serving me and that directly related to how this client got poached.

Speaker 2:

And had I listened to that side of me earlier on, I would have made changes, and then that would have led to a different set of circumstances. So I can't really say that it was this concept, when I knew all along that there was something that I just it was uncomfortable to change, and so I just wasn't doing it. And I talk about this stuff all the time. It's like it's so easy to see this in other people and to sometimes be blind to what's happening within your own reality, and so then I had to take that and say, okay, well, I could either continue to have a pity party and say that manifestation is not real and just disregard all the other, because that's the thing it's like we always put so much emphasis on the bad things that happen but, we never put enough on the good things that have happened.

Speaker 2:

And so then, what I? What I do for myself. I was like, okay, I'm going to coach myself here. What would I tell a client if they were in the same spot?

Speaker 2:

And then I wrote down all the things that, like, here's all the things I have I can confidently say were manifested, and here's all the things that didn't quite go my way. And the list of things all I had manifested was extremely, it was pages. And then the list of things that I hadn't was like pretty short. But it's like, why am I allowing this one circumstance to just derail my whole, my whole identity? And so then it was a moment where I was like, okay, this is it, and I'm eventually going to have to talk about this on the podcast, cause it was such a like an eyeopening moment for me. But it's like podcast because it was such a like an eye opening moment for me. But it's like, okay, there are still elements where I'm not, where I'm still having to go through these old core wounds and heal things in order to begin to believe in this whole concept or in order to feel like I am utilizing it in a good way.

Speaker 2:

So it's never saying anything bad about you if you're not manifesting something you want. There's a lesson there to be learned, and I know that could be like a people could say that.

Speaker 2:

oh well, that's awfully convenient for manifestation, if something doesn't go your way, it's not real, you know, but it's like, regardless, let's just take manifestation as a word off the table. Okay, let's just say you as a person had a hard moment in life. Do you just, you know, escape and say, well, that was it, I'm guess it, just this part of my life just isn't working. Or do you keep working on that and figure out, okay, well, what wasn't working about that thing? It's like, if the word manifestation's tying you up, don't use it, use something else. Just as a person going through life, what is the better solution right now for you?

Speaker 2:

So I think sometimes taking away the word manifestation can help others when they're thinking about, like, how do I create the self? You know this, this side of myself. But just always going back to like, is this serving the identity? Is this actually in alignment with who I'm wanting to be? If this even were to happen, would I feel really good about the results and proud? Would this be something that I'd want to go?

Speaker 2:

You know, shout from the rooftops and, and you know, go teach people about or something. Or is it something where it's like, you know, I might be a little ashamed, you know, like I think for me, if I had gone the route where, like I'd won the lottery the time that I was like I really need this, it might have been one of those things where, like it could have derailed the whole rest of my life trajectory. Maybe I wouldn't have then pursued sales, maybe. And then sales is obviously kind of how I found manifestation because of Bob Proctor and all of these um, there's a lot of sales coaches out there that really steeped in sales manifestation, that's kind of that, in tandem with, like the secrets, kind of like what led me down this path.

Speaker 2:

Um, so I think I hope I answered your question, hopefully not to move a long winded way. I know there's, like you know, things I wanted to mention about the yin and the yang, and you know it's what I think the beautiful thing about the yin is is that, you know, for a lot of us, we live in a yang society, we live in the doing, we live in the actions and the results. Society Manifestation is both it's yin and yang. But because our society is so yang heavy, I think that's why manifestation requires us to lead more into that yin, into more of that magic, that belief, that being.

Speaker 2:

And so I think, you know, while people want to say, well, it was your actions, it's like, okay, well, that's one side of the equation, but there's also this intangible side and I think that you could even look to. The way I like to think about it sometimes is quantum physics. You know, there's the, the duality of of electrons, protons. They can both be a particle or a wave. They have both qualities, dual qualities of these things, and it took us until the early 1900s to figure that out. We used to say that electrons were only particles and light coming at sunlight was only waves.

Speaker 2:

And then they found instances through photons, where light actually operated as a particle, and then they found instances of protons, electrons at a subatomic level, all of a sudden operating as waves. And that was counterintuitive to classic physics, which kind of turned the whole world on their our heads a little bit and it's like OK, so if you have these particles that make up the world or I shouldn't say particles, but you know these tiny subatomic little um things, you know electrons that are making up the world, and they can be both waves and particles.

Speaker 2:

Then why can't we be both yin and yang? You know, I know that's like a little bit of a stretch, but it's like. You know, at this subatomic level of this world, holding holding two opposites can be true. Why? Can't that be us as as beings having an experience here in our reality yeah so yeah, I totally

Speaker 1:

agree with you.

Speaker 1:

I did. I did one episode very early on about quantum physics and quantum mechanics. I mean my very, very basic understanding of it. I'm not a scientist, but but all it did was just prove to me that we don't know so much about how energy works. And, like you say, it was only not even 100 years ago that something was realized that turned the world of physics on its head. Yeah, and I was talking to my, my father-in-law, about this recently and he is even more you know the yang than my husband is. He's, he's Scottish, he's very old school and every now and again he likes to seem open-minded about things like that. So he'll go tell me about crystals, jenna, and I'm like you don't really want to know about crystals, um, but even he said it, he said you know there's, there's. Just, you can't deny that there's just so much that we don't understand about the world yet and how it works. So, yeah, I'd love for there to be some more.

Speaker 1:

I want to say magic, but it's not magic. We just, we just see it as magic because we can't conceive of it, you know. But that's where I always come back to. Is it like? Is it like this quantum field that I am tapping into and drawing these realities to me. Is it something that we don't understand yet that's at play, or is it us just realizing the power that we hold within us? And I do.

Speaker 1:

There's a huge part of me that believes that we, just we still, even the most the most self-assured, most self-confident, most capable person, we still don't know how much power we have over our own lives. Because, like you said, it's that link between thoughts, emotions, behaviors and reality. It all starts with how we think, and it's how we think can affect not only our emotions and our behaviors, but it can affect our physical makeup. We can give ourselves disease, you know real, real dark conditions. By the way our mind is working. It not only affects our physical reality around us, it affects, you know, how we feel and how our body operates, and I think all this information's there, you know. But we, just I think it's funny how human beings work.

Speaker 1:

We, we don't like to take these things. It's it's maybe it's too much ownership, maybe it's too much responsibility, where it's too scary, you know, because I think there's two types of people and I think I've definitely been both to know that it's completely up to you how your life can turn out can either be incredibly empowering or absolutely terrifying. And I'd say last year I was that person where I was like that that's terrifying, that's. I can't accept that, because when you are, when you're operating on that low vibrational frequency, you, you can't, I don't think you can take on that ownership. That's definitely where I was. It's too much, it's too scary, it's the fear of failure, it's like so, so much self doubt. I can't do that. So I've got to place it on exactly and I'm definitely at that place now where I do believe that I govern what happens in my reality.

Speaker 1:

And I think you said this before like there is that part I think you referred to it as kind of the macro world versus the micro world, like what we can and can't control, because I have read articles where people have said that even people living in certain parts of the world will manifest natural disasters. You know these really, you know the, really the poor parts of the world that suffer much more than we do, which make us realize how lucky we are as human beings. World that suffer much more than we do, which make us realize how lucky we are as human beings. For someone, I think to write in an article that those people have manifested, that I think is absolutely insane and I just think. But but then again there's part of me that's like what, if there is some kind of collective energy when you're born into a place like that? I mean, I don't believe it.

Speaker 1:

But there's, like you said, so much that we don't know yet about this, that this is, this is like when you think about the universe, isn't it? You kind of get past that level of comprehension. You just start getting it's too vast. I'm lost. Now I've confused myself, but I'm always at this internal like argument with myself is like when is it the kind of the more mystic, the kind of the spiritual part of manifestation at play, or is it just purely down to me? But I think, and I can, even if I ask you that question, I can kind of you've already kind of said it I can guarantee what you're going to say to me, like Jenna, is both, just just accept both why can't we?

Speaker 2:

both exactly, and I think that's the yang part of our mind, that's like the needing to know and it's like a huge part of manifestation, is the not knowing. Yeah, and you have to get comfortable in that, and I think that's the hardest part about it is getting comfortable with just being and just allowing these things to happen and feeling worthy of those things happening for you, being someone that becomes the type of person like you were. You know your transition from last year to this year was all of a sudden, that you were someone that was then open to opportunity. It's you know, and you could say that that wasn't manifestation or what have you. But at the end of the day, you changed who you were being.

Speaker 2:

You know there's this it's kind of like if you go into a store and you're a mom and you go into the store and you're going to see things that are for kids, and if you go into that same store and you're a business owner, you might see all the business stuff. You're going to see the pens and the notebooks and whatever. Same store, same items. Your perception is being drawn to different things based on who you are being. I am a mom, I'm a business owner, whatever that situation is. That's just what you're changing in life as well. So it's like you went from someone that wasn't open to opportunity to someone that was like, well, maybe it wasn't even like this dramatic like I am now someone that's going to go out and, you know, achieve the things that I want, come hell or high water.

Speaker 2:

It's like you just became slight 1% more open to the idea. Yeah, and all of a sudden you were like, well, what if I am someone that takes this call?

Speaker 2:

What if I am someone that, um, is, you know, open to the idea of visualization and what that could be like and even if it doesn't do anything for me immediately or ever, like what if I just do that thing? Like you became someone that was more open to just experimenting, and that was the change. That was the 1% that then compounded and led you to these other more significant changes. So I think that's the really cool thing about your story is like you just became someone that was just more open and accepting of opportunity, and that's the most beautiful thing about manifestation. It's like whether or not you believe in it, if it makes you someone that's slightly more opportunistic, that's enough to change everything for you anyway yeah, I didn't.

Speaker 1:

I just didn't realize before how closed off I was to opportunities and experiences around me and it's made me realize, like, like you say, like you can tell it to people around you and try and give lovely advice, but it's it's making yourself believe that it's so true, it's, and it's confirmation bias when I actually learned what confirmation bias was or what's the other there's another kind of similar way of describing it. What did it tip my tongue then? What?

Speaker 2:

is it? Yeah, it's. I always forget what it's called, but it's when you see something in your life and it keeps coming back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like when? Have you heard of the red car theory I've spoken about before, where another one is like, yeah, like when you're thinking about buying a new car and you suddenly see that car everywhere and I've done that. Oh, it's so weird, I'm seeing so many of those cars. Isn't that strange? You're like no, you're just, you're just looking for it because you know that's what you're focused on. So you can't accept that it will just happen with cars.

Speaker 2:

It will, it happens with everything in your life exactly you start becoming more aware of opportunities to have income coming toward you, and then you, your perception, starts picking up on those things you know, so and realizing you didn't need a prescription.

Speaker 2:

And you get glasses and you're like, oh my god, this is what the world looks like exactly, and that's why pessimists continue to find things to be pessimistic about and opportunists tend to find things to be opportunistic about yeah, it's just about why I started this podcast because I thought I mean I, you know I'm not a person who's experienced like any, like real, like significant bad trauma or real life-changing experiences.

Speaker 1:

You know where I've I've come through it and come the other side, you know. But I think I'm just a very ordinary person and I it made me realize so many people feel that way. They are stuck in these negative thought patterns. They are only focused on one thing and it all ties into your belief, what you believe about yourself and who you are, you're capable of. And it's that's why the high vibe guide was birthed, if you like, because I wanted people to realize there's nothing special about me. All I've done is I've changed my perception. Like you say, it's that one percent. You only have to start with that one percent. You haven't got to do anything overnight, and I have to thank you because you inspired me to start my own podcast.

Speaker 1:

You really did. You really did. Well, I'm so glad. Well, it's been. Just I don't want to stop Like I could just keep going. I could literally just ask you so many more questions about manifestation, but it's been magical, for want of a better word. It's amazing speaking to you, thank you so much, and everybody, please go and listen to modern manifestation. It's an incredible podcast. I mean, I listened back in the day when you used to post like weekly, but you're much. You don't do it quite so often now, do you your podcasts?

Speaker 2:

no, I I don, and I know we kind of talked about this off camera, off mic a little earlier. But my shift recently has gone more toward commercial brokerage, which is what I do.

Speaker 2:

I do office leasing for tenants and primarily the reason for that shift is because, you know, I just I knew that when I first got into manifestation, a lot of the people that were having success were coaching and talking about manifestation and I, you know, it came into my awareness that a lot of people were like, oh, manifestation is like this MLM. You know, you get rich by talking about manifestation and then you. You know, that's your evidence Right.

Speaker 1:

And so.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to take a step back, and this is something more recent, something I am sort of brand brand new to. The process of creating is sort of documenting how I'm creating success within my career in real estate, how it's helping me, how I'm showing up differently than I was before I embraced this idea of manifestation. So how do I both have the yang, which is what I've predominantly been doing? But then what are some ways I could bring some of this yin in and in meaningful ways that are changing or making up the difference between the revenue I'm generating versus the revenue my partners are generating, who are still doing the old methods? So I'm trying to document this and I use the word earlier playbook. I don't know what I'm going to call it, but I'm just trying to create, like, hey, here's a set of parameters I use in an industry that's not related to manifestation, to show how you can use these principles and be successful in a sales or really any sort of industry, whether you're a lawyer or a doctor or whatever. So that's kind of my goal and my focus right now is putting a lot of my energy into saying, okay, well, let's go prove the pudding, you know, let's go show it really proving to myself too, like how real these things are, how tangible they can be when they're put into practice.

Speaker 2:

And then my, my goal, my you know, putting this out there verbally, so it's really going to hold me to it is, um, is you know, at some point, once I've gotten to the goal that I've set for myself, has been coming back and teaching that and saying here's what I did. You could see that it wasn't because I was teaching about manifestation that got me to where I am, but because I did something different and then kind of brought those principles into it. Not that I think there's anything wrong with teaching manifestation in order to build a career. I think that's great that people are doing it. It's just helping expand our awareness. But I know that I want to target the people who were like me and people like me. I was searching for that and I couldn't find it. So that's what I'm trying to fill the gap for in this space right now well, from one spiritual skeptic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm totally on board with that. How?

Speaker 2:

do you like?

Speaker 1:

you're not even a skeptic anymore and I'm, like I still doubt how do you find it in your, your industry, your line of work? When you talk about manifestation, do you get like the eye rolls, do you?

Speaker 2:

get the. It depends on the coworker to be very honest. Yeah, they all know about my podcast and the things that I talk about and a lot of them are like, oh yeah, no, that's, I wouldn't have put a name to that. But yeah, that is something that we do in this industry. You know, like, how you're being before you go into a pitch or how you're being before you like one of my co-workers. He will not use the word energy.

Speaker 2:

He's very intent on not using that word, but you know we're making cold calls together and he's like I think you just need to stand up because, like your, your voice, he kept saying like your voice, not your energy, but your voice is not coming, and so it's like they all have their own ways of expressing what's going on. It's just kind of funny to me. It's almost validating to me to think like, okay, they're all doing the things, or at least in their own way, they're embracing a lot of this, these ideas. They're just calling it something different. They're just like your tone, your voice. They're not saying your energy or use whatever words make you more comfortable. So I would say that there aren't any of them that are like oh yeah, I'm going to get up and visualize in the morning. None of them are doing that, none of them are meditating.

Speaker 2:

None of them are embracing the more feminine yin qualities of manifestation other than you know, sort of like the, the just over the line, like the the tone and the voice and the how you're coming across and leadership stuff.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's the stuff that they're okay with. Um, you know, I think they they listen to. They might listen to like a Bob Proctor book, but that's like as far as they're gonna go, or like Napoleon Hill. You know, dale Carnegie that's kind of like their cut off, so yeah, it's so true, I think I really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hear what you're saying with that, because we're all doing it. We just call it different things. Yeah, I think that's really interesting. It's this. It's almost like it's this, this ancient universal practice. We just all call it different things.

Speaker 1:

I was doing a conversation with a friend of mine on the podcast recently and she's a shamanic witch that's what she calls herself and I was talking to her. I was like, so, people do it, they. Obviously. When you say things like witch and shamanism, people think spells and witchery and draft and all this, you know, but she's burning at the snake comes out, exactly. She even said no, it's again, it all comes from within. It's. It's a channel to the power of you within, you know, and it's. I just find that every time I hear that fascinating because it always comes back to the self and the way you think it literally does. It's the way your brain works, how you wire it. I just, yeah, fascinating and it's just amazing. The more and more people I speak to about different topics, it always comes back to that. Everyone's doing it.

Speaker 2:

We're just calling it different things, whether it's science, whether it's witchcraft, whether it's manifestation, whether it's whatever, yeah, exactly before I was into manifestation, there was like a point in my life when I was still in sales where I was like, oh, I keep seeing these clients and then later on realizing I had a missed opportunity, but I saw them way before I ever had the missed opportunity and I was like, oh, my gut, always my gut was trying to tell me that I should chase those things. Like as I progressed into the manifestation world I was like, oh, that right, there was like my sign.

Speaker 2:

You know we talk about like signs from the universe, like they were sort of feeding me on a plate some of these things I should be looking into and I just wasn't open to the opportunity of exploring this. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, again like yeah, awareness. And awareness. Yeah, I want to ask you one last question. It's why I tend to ask people to close off the conversation To anyone that's listening, because this is the High Vibe Guide. It's all about exploring different avenues of mindset, basically, and a way of doing that to increase more joy, more happiness, more fulfillment into your day-to-day. To anyone that's listening, who wants to just feel better day-to-day in whatever emotion or feeling that will manifest for themselves, what would be your advice? Just one thing to make someone feel more positive.

Speaker 2:

I would tie this into what we were talking about earlier with the identity and the fulfillment aspect is asking yourself every day what you need in order to feel fulfilled and that will look different every day and honoring that side of you and not questioning the answer that you receive. Maybe it's a day where, like, you need a little bit more rest, or maybe it's a day where you know what would make you feel fulfilled is if you take one step toward this business idea or toward a client that you want. Whatever it is just honestly asking yourself at the beginning of each day, like what is one thing I could accomplish today that would make me feel fulfilled, that would make me feel like I am in line with my purpose, that is making me feel the embodying, the identity of someone that is being that is worthy of the things that I want was just one thing, and it doesn't have to be a big thing. Like I said, it could literally just be like I'm going to get out of bed on time with my first alarm. Maybe that's your one thing. Don't make it this huge, insurmountable goal for yourself. You know something small, something tiny, and then maybe you repeat it again tomorrow or maybe you have a new one tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Just what is that? One thing that would just make you feel like you're stepping into your day as the person that has all the things that you want and you completely get to define that. Some mornings, for me, it's like I'm going to get up early and I'm going to go. We have a natural spring here. It's like 60 degrees and I'll just go jump in in the morning and like for me, that's the one thing I can do. This sets me up for the rest of the day. Other times it might be, you know, getting up and answering this email that I've been dreading, or you know it's like it could be anything, but what is one thing that's just going to make you feel fulfilled in some capacity?

Speaker 2:

Maybe it'll make you feel accomplished, Maybe it will make you feel like you've just taken one step toward your goal. So that would be my recommendation. Is fulfillment is, I think, what leads to happiness, and sometimes the hard things are what we need to do to be fulfilled, and sometimes it's okay to take more restful activities. But just asking yourself that question every day will make sure that you're constantly at least revisiting with your authentic self and making sure that you're still in alignment, and every day is a new opportunity to adjust or to do something differently, and maybe you find something works really well for you and you want to start continuing that every day. Um, so that would be my recommendation love it.

Speaker 1:

You know what that made me think of? It was, um, listening to steve bartlett, you know driver ceo, who I love, and he I think it was Instagram or on a podcast, I can't remember, but it was. He was talking about those small commitments you know like, and it made me think of it when you said, maybe it's just getting up on time on your alarm, you know, yeah, or it's, you know, going to the gym. When you say you're going to, or just I'm not gonna eat ice cream at 9 pm this evening, kind of thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

And he said, and I'd never thought about it this way before, because I'm, like every single other person, very guilty of not honoring the commitments I want to make to myself and he said, it's like, what you're doing when you're not honoring those promises you make to yourself is you're creating more distrust for yourself. Yeah, yeah. And he said imagine if that's a friend who keeps making these promises to you and they just, every day, keep not showing up and not coming through on them. How are you going to feel about that friend? It's like, well, why would you do that to yourself?

Speaker 1:

and I was like wow, wow, that's, that's strong, yeah, so, and then?

Speaker 2:

how much time do we spend?

Speaker 1:

aiming ourselves exactly. Yeah, so that's. I love that, just making small commitments and, like you say, it can be something that you genuinely need that day. It can be restful, but it might be something where you do need a kick up the ass a little bit. Just to say that's one small thing I can do tomorrow. So yeah. I think that's a really important thing to do. I love it.

Speaker 2:

Good advice hope it helps everyone.

Speaker 1:

Brie, thank you so much for being on the podcast today. It's been an absolute pleasure of course.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me, jenna thank you for having me, jenna, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on Instagram at thehighvibeguide. Get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the high five guide.