The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION: Rekindle Childhood Happiness

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

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What if reconnecting with your inner child could reignite a sense of wonder and joy in your daily life? This week, I invite you on a transformative meditation journey designed to help you rediscover the playful energy that once defined your childhood. So get ready to ground yourself in the present moment, release tension, and allow a sense of curiosity to flourish. Through vivid visualisation, we'll step through a symbolic door into a beloved childhood space, brimming with the sights, sounds, and smells that evoke memories of pure happiness and freedom. By observing our younger selves and embracing the joyful activities that once filled our days, we can infuse our adult lives with renewed energy and a fresh perspective.

This session is a gentle yet powerful reminder that reconnecting with our inner child isn't just about nostalgia - it's about bringing a sense of playfulness and vibrancy to our everyday lives. Whether you're looking to add more joy to your routine or simply want to experience a guided meditation that leaves you feeling rejuvenated, this episode promises to be a delightful journey back to the simple joys that make life extraordinary.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this week's guided meditation where we'll journey back to reconnect with the joy and wonder of childhood. As we grow into adulthood the sense of wonder and awe that once filled our hearts as children often fades. Often fades the simple things that used to captivate us, like a sunset or a flower, or the sound of the rain they can start to feel ordinary and mundane. However, reconnecting with our inner child allows us to reignite that sense of curiosity and joy. By tapping into this childlike wonder, we can find beauty in everyday moments and experience life with fresh eyes, bringing more playfulness and lightness to our adult lives. Reconnecting with this joy helps us to feel more present, more open and more alive. So take a moment now to find a comfortable seat or lie down, close your eyes and begin bringing your awareness to the natural rhythm of your breath flow easily and naturally, without force, simply noticing the gentle rise and fall of your chest. With each inhale, feel yourself becoming more relaxed and, with each exhale, and with each exhale, letting go of any stress or tension in the body. As you continue breathing, feel your body begin to soften, notice how your shoulders relax, your face releases any tension and your entire body feels heavy and at ease. Ground yourself in the present moment by feeling the weight of your body against the surface beneath you. Let yourself fully arrive here, free from any distractions or worries. Now imagine that with each breath, you are inhaling a sense of lightness and playfulness, contentment and calm. Allow yourself to feel curious, open and ready for an adventure into the innocence and joy of childhood. Now I want you to visualize a door in front of you. This door leads to a time when you were a child full of all that joy, the wonder and the curiosity. The door you see now represents the gateway to reconnecting with your inner child, that part of you that finds joy in the simple things that is free to explore and free to express. Imagine yourself reaching for the handle and gently opening the door.

Speaker 1:

As you step through, you find yourself in a place that feels safe and familiar, a place from your childhood where you felt carefree and happy. What does this place look like to you? It could be a playground, your childhood home, or maybe somewhere outside in nature. Look around and notice the colours, the smells and the sounds of this place. Feel the air on your skin. Feel how everything seems alive and full of possibility. Take a few moments to explore this space, letting the sights and sounds fill you with happiness, joy and wonder.

Speaker 1:

Now see yourself as a young child appearing before you. Look at this version of yourself the bright eyes, the playful smile, the excitement and endless possibilities. Take this moment to observe them. How do they move? Look at the expression on their face. Notice how you can feel radiating fromlike version of yourself, embodying the energy, the joy and the curiosity that they carry.

Speaker 1:

Feel yourself returning to a time when life was simple and fun, where every moment held the potential for discovery and play. Let the innocence and the wonder wash over you. What activities brought you joy as a child? Was it running in nature, playing with friends or creating something with your imagination? As you embrace these memories, feel the joy and the freedom that comes with it. Allow yourself to embrace these feelings, fully Knowing that this sense of wonder and happiness still exists within you, always accessible when you need it.

Speaker 1:

As you bask in the energy of your inner child, repeat these affirmations silently to yourself or out loud. I embrace the joy and wonder of my inner child. I allow myself to play, to laugh and to be free. I carry the spirit of childhood joy with me always. Now take a moment to thank your inner child for reconnecting with you today, express gratitude for the joy, the wonder and the playfulness that they've shared with you. And, as we come to the end of our meditation, now slowly allow the imagery of your childhood to fade. Visualise yourself walking back through the door, but carrying with you the lightness and the happiness you've with Knowing that this joy and wonder are always within you, ready to be accessed whenever you need it. Beginning to bring your awareness back to the present moment, notice the surface beneath you, the sounds around you and the natural rhythm of your breath. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, bringing the joy of your inner child with you as you move forward into the rest of your day. You.