The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION: Instant Relief from Stress & Anxiety

Jenna Miller

I wanted to make this week's guided meditation accessible to all, seeing as we all carry stress in our lives - whether from work, relationships, or the challenges of daily life. It’s completely normal to feel this way, but it’s also important to remember that too much stress can weigh heavily on our minds and bodies, affecting how we feel, think, and interact with the world.

This guided meditation is designed to provide instant relief from stress and anxiety, helping you find calm and balance in just a few minutes. Through mindful breathing and gentle relaxation techniques, you’ll learn to release tension and ease the mental load, allowing you to regain a sense of peace and clarity whenever life feels overwhelming. Perfect for any time you need a quick reset to restore your calm and inner balance.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation for instant relief from stress and anxiety. We all carry stress in our lives, whether from work, relationships or the challenges of daily life. It's completely normal to feel this way. Life, it's completely normal to feel this way. But it's also important to remember that too much stress can weigh heavily on our minds and our bodies, affecting how we feel, how we think and how we interact with the world. We interact with the world.

Speaker 1:

The good news is that we have the power to ease this load. By taking just a few moments to pause, breathe and tune in, we can release some of this tension and bring a sense of calm back into our lives. We can communicate directly with our nervous system through the practice of meditation, easing away from the fight or flight mode and settle into that rest and digest state. So let's begin by setting aside this time for yourself to unwind, relax and let go of what's weighing you down. Or, better yet, give you more emotional space to deal with whatever needs dealing with, but from a new place of quiet, calm and clarity. Start by finding a comfortable seated position, either on the floor in a chair, either on the floor in a chair or maybe even lying down, whatever feels most supportive for you.

Speaker 1:

Close your eyes and allow your body to soften. Feel the connection of your body with the surface beneath you. Feel that surface holding you and rooting you down into this present moment. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs, and then slowly exhale through the mouth, releasing any tension you're carrying. Let your shoulders drop. Let your shoulders drop, let your jaw relax and notice any tightness in the body starting to dissolve with each breath, even if it's just the tiniest amount.

Speaker 1:

Now gently bring your attention to your breath, without trying to change it. Simply observe its natural rhythm. Feel the cool air on your upper lip as it enters your nose and then the warmth as you exhale With every in-breath. Imagine you're inviting calm and peace into your body. Maybe this is just a feeling you can invite. Maybe you can visualise drawing in this calm and peace, which you can draw in these feelings from, with each inhale, with every out breath. Imagine the body releasing stress, tension or any worry that has been lingering in your mind calm and breathing out stress and worry. In with calm, out with stress. Let's take this a step deeper. As you inhale silently, say to yourself I am calm, gently say to yourself I am calm. And as you exhale, each inhale is an invitation to calmness and each exhale an opportunity to let go, to let go, to let go of these qualities the mind can possess, which holds us in these negative thought patterns where we are much more likely to hold on to stress and tension anxiety. Breathe in, I am calm, breathe out I release. Now, shifting our attention to the body, gently and slowly scan from the top of your head down to your toes, noticing any areas where stress might be held. Is there tension in the forehead, the neck, maybe the back? As you breathe in, direct your breath to these areas and as you breathe out, allowing the tension to melt away, working your way down the whole body, feel yourself becoming lighter and more at ease, as if, with each exhale, you're setting down the heavy weight of stress.

Speaker 1:

I'd now like you to imagine yourself standing beside a lake. The lake is calm, the surface is smooth. Reflecting the sky above this lake represents that peaceful part of you that is always present, no matter how stormy life may feel. Visualize yourself stepping closer to the lake and dipping your hand into the water, feeling the cool, soothing sensation and, as you do this. Imagine the water absorbing any lingering stress or anxiety or worry from your mind and your body. See it ripple away from you, dissipating in the lake's clear depths, leaving you feeling lighter and more grounded.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment now to repeat these affirmations in your mind I release what no longer serves me. I am safe in this moment. Calm and peace are within me. Allow these words to settle into your chest, knowing that you have the power to return to this peaceful state whenever you need to. As we come to the end of this meditation, bring your awareness gently back to your breath, gently deepening your inhales and exhales. For a moment now Start to wiggle and, when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to notice how you feel Perhaps lighter, calmer, possibly more at ease. Remember, no matter how stressful life may get, you can always return to your breath, you can always release tension and you can always find this peace within. Thank you.