The High Vibe Guide

39. Happiness Hack#1 - My Favourite Hack for Instant Happiness

Jenna Miller Season 1 Episode 39

We all have days where we feel low, stuck, or weighed down. I've been there too. Yesterday I had a very low day, and in today's episode I'm unveiling my ultimate happiness hack that works wonders even on the darkest days. It might sound too simplistic to be effective, but this practice has an incredible scientific basis and can bring a moment of tranquility regardless of where you are. 

Join me as I share my personal experiences and delve into the science behind why this works. I’ll guide you through the benefits of this easy practice, explaining how it can activate parts of the brain linked to relaxation and calmness. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think. Hi guys, welcome back to the High Vibe Guide. I am very happy you're here today. You've tuned in to a great episode, I think, one where I don't want to take up too much of your time, but I have something that I really need to share with you. In today's episode. I want to share with you one of my favourite happiness hacks, something I've found always helps, even if it's just a little, even on my lowest days.

Speaker 1:

And talking about low days, we all have those down days, right. Maybe it's due to something circumstantial, maybe it's lack of sleep or not fueling ourselves properly. Maybe it's hormonal, maybe you've got something going on in your life which is incredibly stressful or upsetting, or maybe it's just one of those days where you feel off for no real reason. Even when you're doing all the right things eating well, meditating, moving your body sometimes the cloud just won't lift, and you know what I think. That's okay. I think some days are meant to be like that. I had one just very recently, yesterday in fact. For me, these low days often come in waves and it's usually tied to hormonal shifts with me. The older I get, the more aware I become of how my monthly cycle really affects me and my mood. And unless I'm really looking after myself throughout the month, the luteal phase kind of hits me really hard. And this week, along with that imposter syndrome kicked in really hard. And because of this I'm actually planning this week's guided meditation to be for when that feeling creeps in, because I know we all deal with it. So look out for that on Friday.

Speaker 1:

But for today's episode I want to focus on one simple tip, one happiness hack that I turn to on those low days Not even on my low days, all my days and it's not magic, but it creates this small moment of perspective. It's a little clarity, maybe even a small window into some happiness. Now, I'm not saying it will completely erase your low mood, but what it can do is offer a little hope. It reminds me that it's okay to feel like this and that I won't feel like this forever. Sometimes we just have to ride the lows and hold on to the fact that this, too, shall pass One of my favourite sayings ever, because that is life Riding the lows, enjoying the highs and endeavouring to find the beauty and the gratitude in all those in-between moments, the mundane and everyday moments that make up life. So this tip I'm about to share isn't just for when you're feeling down. You can use it anytime, even when you're vibing really high and everything's going great. Use it to boost this mood or use it as a leveller. I guarantee that once you start doing it, you'll feel the benefits and catch yourself doing it all the time.

Speaker 1:

So, before I build up too much more suspense here, it is my favourite happiness hack is look at the sky. That's it. Just take a moment and look at the sky. Now I know what you're thinking. That's it, jenna. Seriously, look at the sky. But trust me, there's something so powerful about it. Now, I live out in the countryside, right in the heart of the Shropshire Hills, so I know that I am lucky to have these beautiful kind of expansive views right on my doorstep. But I have also tested this in more built-up areas, in towns, in cities, and it still works. Even on grey, cloudy days. It does not have to be blue skies and sunshine. So why does this work? Why is this my favourite happiness hack?

Speaker 1:

Let me break it down for you from a few different perspectives. The first perspective is the scientific one. Let's look at the science behind it because, as you know, I need a bit of oomph behind all my reasoning. I like the science. So, from a scientific standpoint, looking at the sky actually activate a part of the brain linked to relaxation and calmness. So when we look at open spaces, especially in nature, it can trigger a rest and digest response in our parasympathetic nervous system and this helps to reduce stress and anxiety. This is a phenomenon known as the biophilia effect, which is our innate tendency as human beings to connect with nature. So by just taking in the sky's vastness, it gives our brain the sense that there's more space, more freedom, and that can help us feel less confined by whatever stress we're carrying, and there's also benefits from a physical standpoint. So think about it. Looking up actually changes our posture.

Speaker 1:

When we're feeling down, what do we do? We tend to hunch over and we physically reflect that heaviness that we're feeling down. What do we do? We tend to hunch over and we physically reflect that heaviness that we're feeling. But when you tilt your head up and take in the sky, you're encouraged to open your chest, draw your shoulders down and back, lengthen your spine and taking a deep breath. Then naturally follows and that physical shift alone can help lift your mood. Our spine and our chest are so important when it comes to reflecting our emotions and our thoughts. So pay attention to this. Next time you're feeling down, we tend to make the chest feel smaller, we round the shoulders, there's a rounding in the spine. But when we feel happier or lighter, confident maybe, or even fulfilled, we stand up taller, our gaze is lifted and our chest is open. We naturally breathe deeper because we've given the chest more space to do so.

Speaker 1:

So I've got a picture in my mind right now. So picture someone maybe from a rom-com, a character from a rom-com who's in a really good mood. The stereotypical one that comes to mind for me is when it's the morning after a lucky night let's say that afterglow, shall we say. They're walking along looking up at the sky, maybe humming, whistling, noticing the birds singing, the chin's lifted, the chest is open, the spine is long. It's amazing how our thoughts and emotions can affect our body and our nervous system.

Speaker 1:

So looking at benefits from the emotional side of why it's good to look up at the sky is because, emotionally, looking at the sky gives us perspective. When I look at the sky, especially on tougher days, it reminds me how vast and limitless the world really is. When you really take a moment to look at the sky, you can feel its vastness, even on grey days where it's all cloud, you know the expanse that's beyond the clouds. It envelops the entire earth and the space beyond the sky is quite literally limitless. So whatever's going on inside, my head feels a little smaller, a little less heavy. I can step outside of my own problems, even if it's just for a moment, and see the bigger picture.

Speaker 1:

The sky is constant. It's always there and reminding us that life moves in cycles, just like the weather, just like the phases of the moon. There's a flow to everything, everything and nothing stays the same forever, including us and how we feel, including our low moods that we experience. And if you want to think about it more from a spiritual standpoint, spiritually, there's something deeply grounding about connecting to the sky, as oxymoronic as that may sound, but it's a reminder that we're part of something much bigger than ourselves. The sky holds space for everything for sunny days, for clouds, for storms and for calm, and so can we. When we look at the sky, we can embrace the ebb and flow of life, just like the weather, and find peace in knowing we're always in a cycle, always moving through different phases.

Speaker 1:

So, with that, how do we make it a habit? How do we start making this a part of our daily life? Habit? How do we start making this a part of our daily life? And it's really simple, really. Just step outside, take a deep breath and look up, whether it's for a few seconds during a busy day or on your morning. Walk whatever it is, make it a mindful moment, be present. Walk whatever it is, make it a mindful moment. Be present. Notice the clouds, the colour of the sky, the feeling it brings, really allow yourself to feel its expanse, its limitless nature.

Speaker 1:

I tend to do it in the car. I have my most reflective and mindful moments in the car, but you can even do it sat at your desk, amongst tower blocks or skyscrapers. You can even do this if you've just got a small window of sky within your view, even if you can't see this panoramic view of the sky, you can still feel its expanse and its limitless nature. So when you're feeling low, remind yourself that this too shall pass. Just like the clouds in the sky, emotions shift and they move on. And when you're feeling good, take that moment to pause, look up and savour the beauty of that present moment you find yourself in.

Speaker 1:

So there it is today, guys, today's happiness hack. I'm going to come up with many more of these, but look at the sky. It's simple but effective. I encourage you to try it and let me know how it feels, whether it brings you a sense of calm, a bit of clarity or even just a deep breath. Looking at the sky has the potential to offer us much more than you think. So until next time, take care of yourselves and remember everything moves in cycles. Keep looking up and find those little moments of light. Thanks, guys. Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on Instagram at thehighvibeguide. Get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the High Vibe Guide.