The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

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If you’ve clicked onto this episode today, it’s likely because you’re feeling the weight of imposter syndrome. Maybe you’re questioning your abilities, doubting whether you deserve to be where you are, or feeling like at any moment, someone’s going to discover that you don’t really belong. Today I am here to remind you: those feelings, as real as they may seem, do not reflect the truth of who you are. They are just stories, born out of fear and self-doubt.

This guided meditation is designed to help you embrace your true self with confidence and clarity. By calming the mind and reconnecting with your inner worth, you’ll be guided to release self-doubt, silence negative thoughts, and honour your unique journey. Through mindfulness and self-compassion, you will learn to trust in your abilities and step into your authentic power, letting go of any need for comparison. This meditation encourages you to embrace who you truly are and move forward with a renewed sense of self-belief and purpose.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation. If you've clicked onto this episode today, it's likely because you're feeling the weight of imposter syndrome. Maybe you're questioning your abilities, doubting whether you deserve to be where you are, or feeling like at any moment, someone's going to discover that you are, or feeling like at any moment someone's going to discover that you don't really belong. Today I am here to remind you. Those feelings, as real as they may seem, do not reflect the truth of who you are. They are just stories born out of fear and self-doubt, and I'm inviting you now to let go of those stories. This meditation will help you reconnect with your true self, your inner strength, your worthiness, and allow you to release the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. So let's begin. Start by finding a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. Gently close your eyes and allow your body to soften. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely, and now slowly exhale through your mouth, allowing even just a small release in any tension you're holding in the body. Let your shoulders relax, unclench your jaw and feel your body begin to settle. Take a moment now to scan your body from head to toe, gently, noticing any areas of tightness or discomfort. Breathe into those areas and, as you exhale, imagine the tension melting away. Feel the weight of your body supported by the surface beneath you. You are safe, you are grounded, you are exactly where you need to be Now. Bring your awareness to your breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing, without trying to change or control it. Simply observe the breath as it flows in and out of your body. Continue to breathe gently, allowing yourself to settle even deeper into this moment. As you breathe, repeat silently to yourself I am enough, I am worthy, I belong. And when the mind wanders, or, if you feel resistance from those stories told by your imposter syndrome, keep coming back to these words I am enough, I am worthy, I belong because, trust me, these words are true. I am enough, I am worthy, I belong.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine yourself standing in an open, spacious place, perhaps a field or a forest, clearing. The sun is shining down on you, warming your skin. You feel a gentle breeze on your face and the air is fresh and clear. Notice the clear expanse of the sky, feel its limitless nature. In this space, you are free from judgement. There is no pressure, no comparison, no expectations, just you in your most authentic form. You are enough, you are worthy, you belong.

Speaker 1:

As you stand here, notice a glowing light begin to form in the centre of your chest, right around your heart. Represents your true self, your inner strength, your wisdom, your unique gifts Growing brighter with each breath you take. With every inhale, feel this light expand, radiating outward with every exhale, allowing any feelings of self-doubt or insecurity to dissolve into the earth beneath you. The earth knows how to transform this negative energy. You are not an imposter. You are exactly who you need to be.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine a mirror in front of you, tall and full length. In this mirror, you can see a reflection of your true self strong, capable and deserving. Take a moment to truly look at this version of you. See yourself and see the strength in your eyes, the confidence in your posture and the kindness in your heart. You are enough, just as you are.

Speaker 1:

As you continue to look into the mirror, take a step towards, take a step towards it and step into your reflection. Feel your energy align with the person. You see you are stepping fully into your power and allow yourself to receive this truth I am enough, I am worthy, I belong, I am capable, I am deserving of all that I have achieved and all that is yet to come. Now, as you continue to breathe, let the truth of these following affirmations settle into your subconscious I release the need for perfection and I embrace my imperfections as part of my journey. I am worthy of success and I have earned my place, and I trust in my abilities. I release the tendency to compare my journey to others, knowing that my path is unique to me. I am allowed to grow, to make mistakes and to continue learning. That is what makes me stronger.

Speaker 1:

I am enough moments to let these affirmations sink in, feeling them resonate within you and slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Notice the surface beneath you, the sensation of the air around you and the rhythm of your breath. Wiggle your fingers and toes gently, allowing your body to awaken and, when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to sit with this new sense of clarity and confidence. Remember that imposter syndrome is simply a voice of fear and it does not define you. You are capable, you are worthy and you belong. Carry this truth with you as you go about your day and whenever those doubts creep in, take a moment to reconnect with your inner strength. Take a moment to reconnect with your inner strength. You are more than enough, just as you are, thank you.