The High Vibe Guide

GUIDED MEDITATION for Emotional Stability

Subscriber Episode Jenna Miller

Subscriber-only episode

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This guided meditation for emotional stability is designed to help you find a sense of calm and inner balance, even in the midst of life’s challenges. Through grounding techniques, mindful breathing, and visualisation, you’ll reconnect with your centre, release emotional tension, and cultivate resilience. 

Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or simply want to strengthen your emotional foundation, this meditation will help you find steadiness and peace within.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your guided meditation for emotional stability. In this practice today, we'll focus on finding a sense of calm, balance and inner grounding, no matter what emotions may be present in your life right now, whether you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious or unsteady. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious or unsteady, this meditation will help you reconnect with your centre and restore emotional equilibrium. So let's start by finding a comfortable seat, or lying down if you prefer. Allow your body to relax and your breath to slow down. Close your eyes gently and, as you settle into this space, know that you're here to find balance both in your mind and in your heart. Let's begin by taking three deep breaths together Inhale deeply through the nose, letting yourhing in again. Exhale slowly through Last time. Breathe in deeply and exhale release. Feel these deep breaths allowing you to sink deeper into relaxation. Relaxation. Now. Shift your awareness to the feeling of your body resting against the ground or the chair beneath you. Feel the support beneath you, the solid connection between your body and the earth. Now imagine roots growing from the base of your spine or your feet, reaching down into the earth, grounding you With each breath. Feel yourself becoming more anchored, more supported by the solid, steady earth beneath you as you breathe in, say to yourself I am grounded. As you breathe out, say I am safe. Breathing in, I am grounded. Breathing out, I am safe. Repeat this silently to yourself, sinking it with your breath, each inhale, grounding you, each exhale, creating space for emotional stability.

Speaker 1:

Now, gently, bring your awareness to any emotions you may be feeling right now and notice them without judgement. They could be feelings of stress, frustration, sadness or maybe even joy. Whatever is present, let it be here with you. There's no need to push anything away or hold on tightly to it, just observe. Imagine your emotions are like waves in the ocean. Some waves may be big, crashing loudly, while others are small, gently rippling on the surface. Let these waves represent your emotions. Notice how they come and go. They rise, they fall, but they never last forever. Just as the waves in the oceans pass, so do emotions. They flow through you without defining who you are.

Speaker 1:

Remind yourself, I am not my emotions, I am the steady presence beneath them. Say to yourself I am balanced, I am centered, I am in control. And to further anchor this sense of stability, bring one hand to your heart and the other hand to your belly. Feel the warmth of your hands and the gentle rise and fall of your breath. This connection between mind, body and breath is your anchor. No matter what life throws at you, you can always return to this place of steadiness, to this breath, to this moment.

Speaker 1:

Repeat these few affirmations silently to yourself now I am stable in my emotions. These few affirmations silently to yourself now I am stable in my emotions. I am calm in the face of any storm, I am in control of my reactions. Stay here for a few breaths, letting each of those affirmations sink into your heart and into your mind. Now imagine yourself standing tall on solid ground, rooted and unshakable. No matter what comes your way, be it stress, be it anxiety or emotional waves, you remain strong and grounded. See yourself moving through your day with a deep sense of peace and control sense of peace and control knowing that you can handle anything that arises with grace and steadiness.

Speaker 1:

As we near the end of this meditation, take a moment now to acknowledge the work you've done in this session. Today, we're cultivating some emotional stability, we're grounding ourselves and we're reaffirming our inner strength. Our inner strength. Before you open your eyes, bring your awareness back to your body, resting on the ground beneath you, Take a deep breath in feeling the sense of balance and calm that you've created and, as you breathe out gently, return to the present moment, carrying this stability with you when you're ready. Thank you for joining me. Remember, emotional stability is something you can cultivate each day by returning to your breath, your body and this present moment. Whenever life feels overwhelming, you can always come back to this place of calm within you. Thank you.