The High Vibe Guide
You can feel happier! You can feel more positive, and it's so much easier than you think.
Whether you're a seasoned venturer or just starting out on your journey to radiating a more positive energy, my episodes will provide a wealth of inspiration, tools and wisdom to guide you in creating a more vibrant and positive life. It is possible. I have lived and breathed this journey. Let me explain how you can do it too.
The High Vibe Guide
42. A Reminder of The High Vibe Guide's Purpose: A Message From Me to You
In this short and powerful episode, I’m bringing you back to the core purpose of The High Vibe Guide. It’s a reminder for anyone who, like I once did, feels stuck, unhappy, or lost in the belief that happiness is out of their control. I want you to know that you have so much more power than you realise.
This podcast is here to illuminate your path to greater happiness, contentment, and strength. Feeling fulfilled and joyful is not only possible - it’s easier than you think. Let’s journey back to what The High Vibe Guide is all about: empowering you to create the life you deserve.
Learn how to meditate with me weekly: https://thehighvibeguide.buzzsprout.com/
Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think. Hi guys, welcome back to the High Vibe Guide. I am Jenna, your host, and today I want to take a moment to remind you of the core purpose behind the Hive Vibe Guide the original concept, the message that I wanted to spread. So to someone that might be tuning in for the first time today, so to someone that might be tuning in for the first time today or it's been a long time since you listened to my very first introductory episode. Listen up, because this one's for you Now. Before I began this podcast, I was living in this mental state where I subconsciously believed that happiness was purely circumstantial. I found myself constantly saying things like I'll be happy when this happens or it'll all be all right when that happens. It was as if I was at the mercy of the world and everything in it, believing my emotions were solely dependent on the actions of others and external experiences. I had completely forgotten how much power I actually held over my own life and my own happiness, and even while teaching yoga, I lost sight of what the practice of yoga is really all about, and that's learning how to harness the mind. That's what yoga is all about Learning to harness the mind is all about learning to harness the mind. I'd forgotten the importance of self-study, self-awareness, reflecting on my thoughts and my emotions, creating that awareness of my mind and what state it's in, and then creating space for emotional regulation and resilience, more happiness. Ultimately. Then came my light bulb moment. Nearly 12-ish months ago, I realised I had given all of my power away and to no one in particular. I had just lost ownership of it completely, and I could either choose to feel terrified by this realisation, surrender to my fears and limiting beliefs, a path where I chose to believe in myself, my potential and my ability to shape my mind and my life. Do you guys remember that radio station analogy that I shared in my very first episode? If you imagine that every single possibility of how your life could look right now exists in these different frequencies, the higher radio stations, the higher frequencies represent the more positive experiences, while the lower radio stations embody the negativity and the crappy realities embody the negativity and the crappy realities. Hello you, it's Jenna, and I just want to take a quick moment to tell you about something I'm really passionate and excited about my new amazing creation, soulcircle.
Speaker 1:If you've been looking for a way to bring more balance, more peace and movement into your life, SoulCircle is the online yoga studio and community designed just for you. Whether you're brand new to yoga or you've been practicing for years, soulcircle offers a space to grow at your own pace. To grow at your own pace. We've got an on-demand library full of yoga classes, guided meditations, breathing techniques and more. You'll even find the extension of this podcast, the High Vibe Guide, the Yoga Edition, where you can learn all about how we can incorporate the teachings of yoga philosophy without us all living like monks, plus a supportive community of yogis from all over. It's like having your own personal yoga teacher and wellness studio right in your pocket, available whenever you need it.
Speaker 1:Are you ready to take the next step? Head over to wwwsoulcircleuk and start your free trial today, and you don't have to believe in the spiritual here or the woo-woo, or the concept of universal consciousness for this to make sense. All I want to do on the high vibe guide is demystify this for you, demystifying the metaphysical, the woo-woo, the really intangible the out there, because I believe it honestly doesn't matter what your beliefs are. Truth is one, paths are many, no matter what beliefs we possess. In this regard, we're all aiming to get to the same place. But what we often forget, and what I realised I had forgotten, is that we can turn that inner dial and tune in to the frequencies that we want, and there is a very specific method. So how do we do this? How do we turn that dial? We do this with our minds, with our thoughts, the thoughts that we think every day, every hour, every minute, because our thoughts govern our emotions, the way that we feel, and the way that we feel then influences the beliefs that we have about ourselves and the world around us, and what we believe governs our behaviours and, ultimately, the way our life looks, the reality around us. It's a very powerful chain reaction. So if you go back to the very beginning, if you start thinking differently, you will start feeling differently, feel differently and your beliefs will change about yourself and about others and about the world. Change your beliefs and your behaviours will change, start behaving differently and your experience of life transforms around you. Your immediate surroundings will shift and your life will change. Life will change.
Speaker 1:I cannot express how many new things I've been doing over this past year small things, big things, actions. I'm taking beliefs, I'm forming emotions, I'm feeling, all due to a change in thinking and how. All this has led to things I never would have dreamed I could achieve. And this change stems from a very simple concept Awareness of my thoughts. I realised how many of them were negative, subconsciously sabotaging my happiness, and all on false evidence that was rooted in fear and limiting beliefs I possessed about myself. So I began actively inserting more positive thoughts into my mind. And did this feel strange at first? Yes, did it stop me? No, I was not about to go back.
Speaker 1:And as I did this, I started to feel differently. I started reacting differently to people and to situations. I gained more space to process my emotions. Before I reacted impulsively. That's something I talk about a lot, that processing time where you feel initially it's out of your control. When you react impulsively, that space grows and my relationships ultimately transformed and I started forming new beliefs about myself who I was, what I could do, what I was capable of. So, by changing my thoughts, I shifted my perspectives and my beliefs, not just about myself, but about other people and the world around me. Not just about myself, but about other people and the world around me. So, whether you believe in the power of the universe, synchronicities, manifestation or simply just the power of the mind, one thing is certain you have the ability to change your reality, and if you want to continue creating more happiness for yourself, then stay with me.
Speaker 1:I am on this constant journey of transformation and growth, discovering new ways to harness our own power every single day, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being on this journey with me. Thank you for listening it still blows my mind how many of you tune in and from all these amazing, different places around the world. It's been an honour and a pleasure to share my experiences with you, and I love hearing how this journey is helping you too. And this journey isn't always easy. Some days are so high and transformative and eye-opening and awakening, and other days are filled with doubt and fear and insecurities, and this is normal. This is the human experience, and you start to learn what I've noticed, what voice to listen to. Sometimes we get confused between when fear talks to us and when it's our own real intuition Remember that expansive versus kind of contracting feeling and this is a constant battle. It's ongoing for me Learning which voice to listen to. But when you increase this level of self-awareness, you start to know which voice is genuine, and this is something that I hope I can help you guys with by sharing my own personal experiences, sharing what works for me, what might work for you.
Speaker 1:I honestly just want to keep reaching as many people as I can with the message that you can feel happier, you can transform your life. You really can. So if you enjoyed this episode or you liked this kind of shorter kind of reminder of what the high vibe guide is all about, please share it with anyone you think might benefit too, and go back and listen to my first episode if you haven't already. It really sums up what I want to do with this podcast and how I want to keep continuing to spread this message. So thank you, thank you, thank you Until next time. Keep tuning in to those higher vibrations and remember you hold the power to shape your reality. Thanks, guys. Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on Instagram at thehighvibeguide. Get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the High Vibe Guide.