The High Vibe Guide
You can feel happier! You can feel more positive, and it's so much easier than you think.
Whether you're a seasoned venturer or just starting out on your journey to radiating a more positive energy, my episodes will provide a wealth of inspiration, tools and wisdom to guide you in creating a more vibrant and positive life. It is possible. I have lived and breathed this journey. Let me explain how you can do it too.
The High Vibe Guide
GUIDED MEDITATION: Learning to Trust & Surrender
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In this guided meditation, we’ll explore the art of trusting and surrendering to the present moment. Through mindful breathing and grounding techniques, you’ll be guided to release the need for control, inviting in a sense of calm and spaciousness. This meditation is a gentle reminder that you’re supported right here and now, allowing you to let go of resistance and fully embrace the unknown with ease and trust.
Welcome to this week's guided meditation where we're going to explore what it feels like to fully let go, to release the need to control and to welcome a sense of trust and surrender into our lives. So for these next few moments, give yourself permission to simply be Releasing any plans, expectations or worries and allowing yourself to rest fully in the present. Let's begin. Start by finding yourself a comfortable seated or lying position. Allow your body to settle into the surface beneath you. Let your eyes gently close and take a few deep breaths, taking your time, following your own rhythm, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Feel the breath entering your body and feel it leaving With each breath out. Notice if you can let go just a little bit more, letting the body soften and the mind settle. Now bring your attention to your breath, just observe it. Notice where you feel the breath the most in the body, perhaps in the chest, the belly or the nostrils, wherever it's most noticeable. Let your attention and as you breathe you might notice subtle sensations, the rise and fall, the gentle rhythm. There's no need to force anything here. Simply let the breath guide you moment by moment. Bring your attention now to the points of contact between your body and the ground or surface that you're on. Feel the support beneath you. Let this sensation remind you that you're being held right now, grounded and supported in this moment. Notice how this stability allows you to relax even further, to release any need to hold on. Feel that it's safe to let go of control as you continue breathing.
Speaker 1:Consider that each breath coming in is like a new moment. We don't know exactly what each breath will feel like or how the next moment will unfold, but we trust that it will come, just as it always has. As you inhale, invite in trust and as you exhale, allow yourself to release tension, resistance or any lingering need to control With each breath, see if you can deepen this feeling of trust, allowing yourself to surrender a little more with each exhale, releasing anything you don't need to hold on to right now. And if thoughts arise, that's okay. Simply notice them, acknowledging each thought without attachment. Imagine they're like clouds drifting through the sky. They're one moment gone the next, their one moment gone the next. Rather than engaging with them, gently guide your attention back towards the breath, back to this moment of surrender.
Speaker 1:Each time you return to the breath, you strengthen your ability to let go. Begin to notice the spaciousness within as you breathe. Imagine that space expanding, allowing room for the unknown Trust that, whatever arises, you have the strength and wisdom to move through it. Feel the calm that comes with surrender, the peace that arises when you release resistance. Take a few moments here to simply rest in this spaciousness, in this state of trust and ease and, when you feel ready, bring your awareness back to the body, feeling your hands, feet and the points of contact with the surface beneath you. Take a few deep, grounding breaths, noticing how you feel, holding breaths, noticing how you feel and as you carry this experience into your day, remember that, trusting yourself and this moment is always available to you. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes. Thank you, thank you.