The High Vibe Guide
You can feel happier! You can feel more positive, and it's so much easier than you think.
Whether you're a seasoned venturer or just starting out on your journey to radiating a more positive energy, my episodes will provide a wealth of inspiration, tools and wisdom to guide you in creating a more vibrant and positive life. It is possible. I have lived and breathed this journey. Let me explain how you can do it too.
The High Vibe Guide
GUIDED MEDITATION: Stop Thinking, Start Being
In this guided meditation, 'Stop Thinking, Start Being', we’ll gently move away from the constant flow of thoughts and settle into the peaceful space of pure awareness. By focusing on presence rather than thinking, you’ll be guided to experience the stillness within, allowing your mind to relax and your true self to emerge. Let go of mental chatter and drop into a state of simply 'being'.
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Welcome to today's guided meditation. In this session we'll explore a space beyond the usual mind chatter, where we can let go of thoughts and gently ease into a state of pure presence. So let's start by finding your most comfortable position, whether that's seated or lying down, and just take a moment to settle into yourself, close the eyes softly and bring your attention to your breath. There is absolutely nothing you need to change or control of your breathing as it flows in and out. With each exhale. Feel your body becoming a little softer, a little more relaxed, allowing any tightness in your shoulders, jaw or belly to release. Feel gravity holding you, gently, supporting you, and just let go Now. Bring your attention fully to this moment. Notice the sensations of the body when the body is in contact with the chair, the floor, the bed beneath you, the slight coolness of the air against your skin. The slight coolness of the air against your skin, the gentle sound of your breath. Allow yourself to be completely here, gently aware of what's happening in your body and your surroundings, without feeling any need to change, to judge or to label. Just feel as we sit together here in stillness. Notice any thoughts that arise. You might notice your mind starting to comment, to narrate, bring up plans, memories or judgments. That's okay. We're not here today to resist or push them away. Instead, observe them like clouds drifting across a vast sky. Imagine each thought as a small passing cloud. Let it float by without holding onto it. Let it float by without holding onto it. Realize that there's no need to get caught up in what the thoughts are saying. Just notice and gently let them go, one by one.
Speaker 1:Now, beginning to shift our focus from thinking to simply being as thoughts appear, imagine stepping back from them and watching them with curiosity, just as if you were witnessing them from a distance. There's a place within you, a calm and silent observer that simply notices. It's steady, always present and doesn't get caught up in the mind's chatter. Rest here in this place of pure awareness. Allow your mind to settle here into a space where thoughts come and go, but don't define you from stories, labels or agendas.
Speaker 1:Now that we're in this place of presence, begin to notice the stillness around and within you. This stillness is always here, beneath the peace that comes with simply being. Feel how natural it is, how freeing. There's nothing you need to do or think about to experience this peace. Sense the aliveness that's here the awareness of simply existing to do or achieve. Stay here for as long as you'd like and, when you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the body. Feel your hands, your feet and the sensations of the breath. Take a few deeper breaths, bringing fresh energy into the body. Notice how you feel with this quiet and calm awareness still within you. Take a moment to honour this space you've created, within a space you can return to at any time. The peace and presence of being are always here, just beneath the thoughts, waiting for you whenever you need it. May you carry this sense of being with you throughout your day. Thank you for joining me. When you're ready, gently open your eyes. Thank you.