The High Vibe Guide
You can feel happier! You can feel more positive, and it's so much easier than you think.
Whether you're a seasoned venturer or just starting out on your journey to radiating a more positive energy, my episodes will provide a wealth of inspiration, tools and wisdom to guide you in creating a more vibrant and positive life. It is possible. I have lived and breathed this journey. Let me explain how you can do it too.
The High Vibe Guide
GUIDED MEDITATION: Illuminating Your Heart Centre
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This meditation gently guides you to connect with the radiant light within your heart centre. Through soothing visualisations and mindful breathing, you’ll uncover the warmth, clarity, and infinite potential that resides in this sacred space. Allow your inner light to shine brightly, bringing a sense of peace, love, and connection to yourself and the world around you.
Welcome and thank you for joining me in this week's guided meditation. Today we'll be focusing on connecting with the light within our heart center, the space of compassion, love and warmth that radiates from our true self. Allow yourself to relax, knowing that you're here to reconnect with this beautiful, gentle light within. Take a comfortable seated or lying down position, letting your body feel supported by the surface beneath you. Gently close your eyes and allow yourself to soften. Take a deep breath in and a slow, gentle breath out, and allow your breath to flow naturally, without force. Feel yourself arriving fully in this moment, letting everything outside of this time fade away.
Speaker 1:Now, bringing our attention to our chest, the heart center.
Speaker 1:If it feels comfortable, you can gently place one hand over your heart. Notice the warmth of your hand there, the gentle rise and fall of your chest with each breath and as you breathe here, imagine you are breathing directly into your heart space and you can now visualize a small, soft light at the center of your heart, a warm, glowing light, like the gentle flame of a candle. See it there, steady and calm, right within you. This light is the essence of who you are, your inner radiance. With each breath in, imagine this light growing just a little brighter with warmth and love as you continue to breathe. Visualize this light beginning to expand. With each inhale it grows a little larger, brighter, reaching out through your chest and then beyond, filling your entire torso. Let this warm glow spread to your shoulders, down your arms and into each fingertip. Allow it to flow down through your abdomen, your legs and all the way to your toes, up through your neck and into your head, until every cell in your body is touched by this radiant light.
Speaker 1:Feel the warmth, the comfort and the compassion that this light brings to every part of you.
Speaker 1:So, Now imagine that this light isn't just contained within you, filling the room. Then, moving even further out, feel how this light connects you to all beings, bringing a deep sense of unity, compassion and love, and simply allow yourself to bask in this glow, knowing that this light within you is a boundless source of love and strength. So, in these final moments, bring your attention back to your heart now, seeing the light resting there again, now even brighter, even warmer and more radiant than before. Know that this light within you is always there, ready to expand and warm your heart whenever you need it. Take a few deep breaths, allowing your awareness to gently return to this present moment, feeling fully present in your body and connected to this inner light. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, carrying this sense of warmth and love with you. Thank you so much for joining me and for allowing yourself, this time, to reconnect with your heart's inner light. Thank you.