The High Vibe Guide
You can feel happier! You can feel more positive, and it's so much easier than you think.
Whether you're a seasoned venturer or just starting out on your journey to radiating a more positive energy, my episodes will provide a wealth of inspiration, tools and wisdom to guide you in creating a more vibrant and positive life. It is possible. I have lived and breathed this journey. Let me explain how you can do it too.
The High Vibe Guide
49. Merry Christmas! My Simple Tip to Get You Through the Holidays...
Today I’m letting you know I’ll be taking a short break over the holidays - but not without sharing my most important tip for keeping the peace this season. Whether you're surrounded by family, friends, or just the usual holiday chaos, this one simple practice will help you stay calm, centred, and open-hearted.
Tune in for a heartfelt reminder to protect your energy, soften your heart, and embrace the magic of Christmas with grace. Merry Christmas, and I’ll see you in the New Year! 🎄✨
I want to share Soul Circle with as many of you as possible, so I’m offering a 30% discount for your first 3 months! This will give you access to Soul Circle for just £10 per month. To grab this offer, just use the code SC25 at checkout. You can start your 7-day free trial anytime at www.soulcircle.uk.
Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think.
Speaker 2:Hello everybody, welcome back to the High Vibe Guide. I hope you're all doing well and soaking up the energy of the season. However you are celebrating Now. I'm aware I probably sound much echo-ier than normal. I'm sat in my kitchen rather than the living room today. Christmas mania has taken over and I'm just doing this however I can right now, so apologies if it feels slightly more echoey than normal.
Speaker 2:I'm here today just with a very short message, really just to let you know that I'm going to be taking a little break from now until after Christmas, probably into mid-Jan. But before I do go, I want to share something with you that will help you, hopefully, navigate the holiday season with a nice, calm heart and a peaceful mind, because I don't know about you.
Speaker 2:I feel I need this Because I don't know about you. I feel I need this. December is always hectic, there is always so much going on and we need a bit of zen. So as we approach Christmas, we're often surrounded by lots of people, and this can be lovely because it's family, friends, loved ones. So while that can be such a beautiful thing, it can also be a lot right, especially if you're like me, what I like to call an extroverted introvert. I love the connection, but I also need my own space to recharge, and that's okay. My own space to recharge, and that's okay, that is okay. So a little reminder for you over the next few weeks, I want you to stay open, and when I say open, I mean open in the heart and open in the mind. So keeping your heart soft and your mind receptive, because it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and the bustle and just to feel drained by the energy of others, even when those others, those people, are people we love very deeply. So it's really important to protect your energy during this time, and I know for me it's.
Speaker 2:Whenever I feel that stress or tension rising. You feel it inside, and I have managed to develop this space, if you like, where you feel that tension and stress rising inside. I can see it happening most of the time before I react, but, strangely enough, it's the people that I am most comfortable around, the people I spend most time with my family. That space is shorter because you just go into default mode much easier. Does anyone else find that? Yeah, I think so. So, whether it's family, whether it's friends or even strangers, remember to just keep relaxing inside, and you really just have to practice this in order to know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 2:So, when someone says something that normally really irritates you or normally starts an argument, just relax inside, soften and this can be difficult, because I know it can be seen as a sign of weakness in some situations.
Speaker 2:You know being passive maybe, but I have learnt recently that it's actually one of the greatest signs of growth, because this is protecting your peace, not reacting, and staying grounded.
Speaker 2:You are making the conscious choice to protect your peace and when you keep doing this, you find you have to soften less, because it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, because you've got your own inner light that cannot be affected by what someone else says or does so. Before we walk into a room, before you open the front door, before you even get out of your car, take a deep breath, relax your body, soften your heart and when you do feel triggered or upset, take a moment to tune in to that inner calm, that inner light, through softening, through the breath. Just take a moment and I promise this small shift will serve you so much during this holiday season season, and I know what it's like. As soon as you kind of leave the car, you've had your deep breath and you go into someone's house or through your front door, that instantly vanishes and you forget, you fall into the normal patterns that you do, so just write.
Speaker 2:Maybe it's writing something on your hand like even if it's just a random shape, like a doodle or a star or something, or random letter, just something that only you will know what it's there for, and it could just be construed as something random, like a reminder for you to get something from the shop, maybe to someone else if they see it and ask. So just keep something a little and take that moment to soften before you enter into any situation this season. Okay, so I'm going to be back in January, back with the High Vibe Guide, back with Soul Circle, but with a slightly new offering. I'm designing now my Winter Reset, and it's a four-day program designed to help us gently shift the energy from Christmas into the new year. Because I don't know about you, but I'm personally really tired of seeing the January challenges everywhere because it just feels like more pressure. I think we're already so busy at this time of year and January we just expect far too much of ourselves. The last thing we need in January is more pressure. So I wanted to create something that rejuvenates us. It's still going to be energizing, but it's without the pressure and it's without all that stress. So in mid-Jan you'll be able to join me for your winter reset. See, it's not called a challenge. It's not a January challenge, which you get free through your Soul Circle membership, or you can purchase it as a standalone product. I'm still working out the price on this one, guys, but I am going to make it affordable for everybody. So the program's going to include four new yoga flows and four new guided meditations, and I'm basing each one of these on the four elements so earth, air, fire and water and each one is very carefully designed to stimulate that sense of renewal and rejuvenation that we need going into 2025, but while still remaining in wintering mode. So all the good stuff to get you out of the kind of after Christmas funk, but without the pressure. Something just lovely to look forward to from mid-Jan, just to get you into the new energy of the new year. And I'm very excited to share this with you. And because I want to share SoulCircle with as many of you as possible, I'm going to offer a 30% discount for your first three months. So this gives you access to all of SoulCircle, all of me, for just £10 per month. So to grab this offer. Just use the code SC25 at checkout. I'll put that in the show notes for you as well, and you can head over to wwwsoulcircleuk and start your seven day free trial anytime Now.
Speaker 2:Soul Circle started out as just my online yoga studio, where I put lots of yoga flows on there guided meditations, posture breakdowns, breathing techniques but it's evolving. I find more and more as I think about it. It's not just meant to be a yoga studio and it's going to evolve into something even bigger in 2025. I want it to be more than just a yoga studio. I want it to embody everything that I offer, from yoga to mindset, to spiritual practices. So stay tuned for the new year, but for now, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and remember stay open, stay soft and keep gratitude at the centre of everything All those little things that trigger us normally, that annoy us, that start the arguments. Take a step back, guys. Find gratitude again, Keep it at the center of everything, and it will serve you so much over the next few weeks. If you do, you'll step into 2025 with a much higher vibration and you'll feel it in everything. So I will see you in the new year.
Speaker 2:Take care stay high vibing and keep looking for the good stuff. Thanks, guys.
Speaker 1:Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on Instagram at thehighvibeguide. Get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the High Vibe Guide.