The High Vibe Guide
You can feel happier! You can feel more positive, and it's so much easier than you think.
Whether you're a seasoned venturer or just starting out on your journey to radiating a more positive energy, my episodes will provide a wealth of inspiration, tools and wisdom to guide you in creating a more vibrant and positive life. It is possible. I have lived and breathed this journey. Let me explain how you can do it too.
The High Vibe Guide
50. Happy New Year: Rethinking January
Happy New Year, everyone!
Before I head off for my Winter Cotswolds retreat this weekend, I wanted to share how I’ve been fully embracing Wintering mode this month. In this episode, I’ll talk about what Wintering means to me, how it’s helped me align with the natural rhythm of the season, and why I believe it’s something we can all benefit from.
Let’s explore how slowing down, reflecting, and tuning inward can set the foundation for a more mindful and intentional year ahead. 🌱
Access your Winter Reset here: www.soulcircle.uk
Welcome to the High Vibe Guide, the podcast where I demystify the concept of raising our vibration. I'm Jenna, a yoga teacher, mum of three and passionate advocate for helping others to just feel happier. Let me explain to you how we can all live more contented and fulfilled lives, and how it's so much easier than you think.
Speaker 2:Hello everybody, welcome back to the High Vibe Guide and a very Happy New Year to all of you. I just wanted to come on here quickly today. I'll explain why. But I came on here and I just recorded my 15 minute whatever it was episode for you today my Happy New Year episode and my microphone wasn't plugged in properly, so it was just awful tinny quality with my laptop microphone. So here I am, dedicated redelivering it. There was obviously something wrong with the way I delivered it before and I was meant to do it again. So happy new year.
Speaker 2:And those of you who are my lovely, loyal podcast listeners, you'll realise I haven't rushed to come back to record the podcast this January and I am fighting that British kind of urge to apologise for that because I'm not sorry kind of urge to apologise for that because I'm not sorry. I'm really not sorry about it and that is because I have been fully embracing the mindset of going slower in January, physically not adding too much to my plate. You know, a lot of you may have already have heard the term wintering and that is what I've been fully embodying this year and it's been really great, it's been quite transformative. And I'm almost a little bit frustrated to the fact that I'm so late to the wintering train. People keep telling me it's been around for a long time and now it's kind of just popular and trending. So I'm a little bit upset that I'm really late and now I'm only really knowing about it, now that it's become a thing. But nonetheless I'm equally really happy that I've come across it. I was introduced to it last winter well, probably a little bit late, actually more like spring. So I've really tuned into it this winter, especially January, and I've loved it. It's been so freeing and for the first time I've really allowed myself to slow down completely in these darker months and the time that I would usually be working on the podcast here with you guys. I've been working on my winter reset. So, because I know that other people would be feeling like I am and how I did, I wanted to create this program that would help shift us away from Christmas all the kind of the high energy, the festivities and gently into the new year, without any expectation, without any pressure. So I've been working on that, which is now live, and I've also been putting together the finishing touches for my Cotswolds weekend retreat, which is happening this weekend. It's come around so quickly.
Speaker 2:The last one in kind of the beginning of summer last year was so amazing. That was my first one. I left too long of a gap. This is the second one. I wish I'd listened to my gut and gone for November, but nonetheless I'm so happy. The second one's coming round A little bit bigger, a few more people, different venue, but it's all going to be so incredible. I've got a great team around me. I'm very, very excited. So I wasn't going to come back on the podcast until February. Really I was going to leave January completely alone. But because I am going on retreat this Friday, I did just feel the urge to come and say Happy New Year and connect with you before I go away on Friday. When I thought about what I wanted to come on here and discuss with you guys, this concept of wintering just made the most sense. So I wanted to talk about what it means for me and how it might inspire you as well.
Speaker 2:For me and, I know, for so many of us, for so many years I fell into that new year, new you trap and I am calling it a trap because I think it's a huge marketing ploy. I would set myself these really tough resolutions, I'd hit the gym really hard, I'd be very restrictive with my nutrition and I'd push for these instant results. You know, and while that's feasible, it's only feasible for a very short space of time. It's very hard to keep that high energy, high motivation for more than a couple of weeks, really maybe a few weeks, maybe a month. And then, because what you set is so high and unrealistic, it just requires, I believe, too much discipline. A healthy level of discipline is always good, but when it's too much you'd end up just crashing afterwards. So when I felt that surge of energy and motivation decline, I would really start beating myself up. I would compare myself to others who seemed to have it all together. You know, I know that's a very human trait is comparison, especially when you're feeling insecure or worthless or fearful, and it's something that I used to do all the time, all the time, and it really is the thief of joy comparison. It really really is.
Speaker 2:But here is the truth that I have discovered about January. We are not meant to start the year in overdrive. If you look outside right now, if you're lucky enough to have a little bit of nature outside your window, you will see that nature is still, the trees are bare, the earth is resting, the mornings are dark, the nights are long, days are short. It's freezing outside, driving us inside, and if we were living as our ancestors did, what do you think this time of year would be telling us? We'd be leaning more into rest, to eating nourishing foods, to sleep a little longer.
Speaker 2:I really believe that the seasons themselves guide us in how we should be living, that the seasons themselves guide us in how we should be living and that winter really is all about slowing down. It's about reflecting and preparing, not rushing. We don't need all the pressure. And did you know that many ancient cultures actually aligned their lives with the seasons? It's just what human beings were meant to do. So they believed that winter was a time for contemplation and for inner work.
Speaker 2:It's a time to recalibrate, and I think this is the perfect word to describe what January should be all about Recalibration, because when we tune into this more natural rhythm, we give ourselves the space to nurture our energy and then let it build gradually. You know so, if you look at how you're feeling now compared to how you imagine you're going to feel in the summer, it might feel a million miles apart. Yeah, but if we start to tune in to this gradual shifting, this gradual building of energy, then all these little shifts we're going to be making between now and summer are going to feel so gentle. It's going to feel effortless. So it's not going to feel like a million miles apart how you're going to feel in summer compared to how you feel now. That's just common sense, isn't it? So if you're like me and you're feeling slightly more introverted right now, or if you're feeling more reflective right now, then that's okay. You are not behind and you're not doing it wrong.
Speaker 2:This is a time for those gentle shifts, for laying the groundwork for the months ahead. So maybe, instead of setting these really rigid resolutions, you might just simply want to reflect on how you want to feel this year. Or, for those of you that really do love goal setting, I completely hear you, completely respect that. So now is the time to dream. It's the time to plan, and you can dream big. You can plan big, but without the pressure, and also, as well as dreaming big, think about the small, realistic steps that you can take when the energy of spring arrives. So remember, like nature, we're meant to awaken slowly. I love that. Awaken slowly and do it with intention. If you think about spring, the plants and the flowers don't suddenly appear overnight, do they. You start to see the little shoots and the buds starting to form. It happens slowly when it's ready. That's the thing. It happens slowly and when it's ready.
Speaker 2:So this is what I've created the Winter Reset for, and if you would like a little guidance with this, I would love for you to check it out. For just £33.33, you'll receive a four-day journey through the elements, so earth, air, fire and water, in that order. Specifically, you'll find out why. And each day includes a very carefully created yoga flow, a guided meditation and journal prompts in tune with each of the elements for each day, and it's really going to help you shift your energy compassionately into the new year, Because I don't think that January is for slobbing around and kind of carrying on that Christmas behavior and energy, shall we say. You might still be eating the chocolate, you might still be finishing off the Christmas cake, you know, but we do need a little bit of a shift, don't we? And it's not all guns blaring. It's done gently, it's done slowly and with compassion, and that is what I want to help you with with this winter reset.
Speaker 2:Okay, so, £33.33 for four new yoga flows, four new guided meditations and four very carefully designed journal prompts to help you shift gently into the new year. And as a little taster, this Friday I'm going to be releasing my earth guided meditation from the winter reset here on the high vibe guide a little gift to you so you can get a bit of a an idea of what the winter reset is all about. And this meditation is going to be all about grounding yourself, reconnecting to your inner strength and just visualizing that steady rhythm of the earth. That's the first step of this four-day program, so please do go and check it out and let me know what you think. I'm going to put the link in the show notes, but it's wwwsoulcircleuk, so it's not couk, it's just soulcircleuk. And, as always, you have a seven day free trial to Soul Circle, the whole Soul Circle membership, my online studio, that you can try anytime and cancel anytime as well.
Speaker 2:So my message for you, everybody, today, is this Be gentle with yourself, tune in to the season. What do you think is telling you to do? Reflect, rest and take small steps towards that lovely, beautiful, more mindful, positive year ahead that I know you're all going to have, and remember everything you need to thrive and to achieve everything you want to this year you already have within you. You just need to give yourself the space and the freedom to discover it, clearing away all the clouds, that mental clutter, those beliefs that make us feel like we have to achieve them externally. This is what the Winter Reset is all about helping you to achieve the realization, the understanding that you have everything you need already within you. Let me help you just tap into them again.
Speaker 2:So thank you, guys. Head over the show notes to find the link to check out my winter reset or start your seven day free trial to soul circle. And, as always, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for being here and for letting me even attempt to help guide you on this journey. So until next time, stay warm, stay kind to and I will see you very soon. Thanks, guys.
Speaker 1:Thank you all so much for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, please share with your friends and family to continue spreading that positivity. You can find me on Instagram at thehighvibeguide. Get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Thank you all so much for listening and I'll see you back here next time at the High Vibe Guide.